With tongue and teeth,

I taste the sweat of

Your contents.

Glistening ambrosia thighs

Bearing into dew soaked skin.

Lean in low,

My breath against your collar bone,

Pink parts eating you alive…

Grip your hair in tenuous palms

When nothing else is real,

In that moment when it burns,

And nerves begin to languish

Deliverance crawling from depths

Of feral beings…

Blind impulse dripping sugar sweet

From petal smooth curves and hips,

Fetishism driving carnal need,

To scream and claw,

And riot…

Drowning masculinity,

In heavy scented sex and domination.

Moans indulge our parted lips,

While my tongue plays tag with yours,

Leaving obscenities to devour whispers,

In percussive hungering wails,

And my clit falls prey to revolution…