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Freindships Of The Heart.

Unseen Friend
by Iceman

Although you are a friend of mine and letters we exchange, I wouldn't know you on the street, and doesn't that seem strange?

You hold a place within my life, unusual and unique; We share ideals and special dreams, and still, we do not speak.

I picture what I think you are, perhaps you picture me. An intriguing game for both of us for someone we can't see.

So for this friendship we possess, we owe this mail a debt, Perhaps the charm lies in the fact that we have never met

This is my first friend on the net ... He taught me the do's and dont's.. Jake has always been there for me when I needed a shoulder to cry on or just a good laugh.

This Is my "Sis" Omg I am going to go see her in April I cant wait.. Rum and I are terrors in a chat room.. we rpg together and she has become one of my best friends..

This is my Sweet heart ...Omg he has the ego the size of Lake Erie and we fight something feirce , but he has stolen my heart and I am so glad for it too! Here is my hun, Bob.

This is My Rpg friendSeth. aka Crow Seth has a good kind and loving heart.. even though his pyro skills need to be toned down..

This is my Irl Best friend Kathleen. We have been through so much together. I love her like my own sister if I had one .. I dont know what I would do with out her.

This is "Skiddles" omg this dude is soo damn funny.. He is a great friend!!

This is Slade . Slade is in the amt guard.. he also went to Ireland to see his Girlfriend, Amanda.. He is a good friend as well.

This is Beth.. she is a wicked sweet heart. And a great friend.. Beth has a tendancy to remind me of the important things.. and not even know she is doing it. Got to love her.