


Faery Gallery

Chaos Gallery

Whimsy Gallery



I've been making art as long as I can remember. Of course it all started with Chaos. The earliest faerie drawings that I have date back to when I was about 7 when I wrote, illustrated, and starred in a book called "the Revenge of the Faeries"

I consider myself somewhat of a jack of all trades, and my education and experiences have always been scattered all over the board...from theater, to literature, to astronomy, to philosophy, to music, and just about everything else. Art comes first, I think it always will, largely because it's the one thing that I never have much of a choice about.

I create my vividly colored faerie drawings by starting with a base of marker and putting colored pencil on over it. eventually the faeries take on a life of their own, with personalities and opinions that I am frequently powerless to control.

I believe that above all else, it is my purpose in life to spread Joy, Beauty, and Belief in Magic (and Faeries). Spilling the rainbow is my attempt to fulfill this purpose. I share credit for the name with Sprig, my monochromatic artist friend who looks at my pieces and tells me I've spilled the rainbow, and Ted, with whom I was writing a story wherein the main character spills her rainbow colored coffee on the bus in a black and white world.

For more information please email me at spillingtherainbow@hotmail.com
All Images Copyright © 2000-2004 Deena Salzman/Spilling the Rainbow