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More Of My Historical Costumes.

On this page I have even more photos of my historical costumes.

Pastich Of A Lucas Cranach Painting.

I love the paintings of the german painter Lucas Cranach sr.
Especially all the paintings he did of women.
It's not so much the portraits themselves, but the clothes in them.
I decided to make myself a gown just like those in his paintings.

The gown is made of sage-green wool with applications
of a silver-brcade of not quite that authentic material.
But it still looks good, wouldn't you say?

Along with the gown I made a pearl-embroidered bonnet,
to cover my head.
I am wearing it on this photo,
even though it's not visible.

A Nice Drink In the Botanical Garden.

The three ladies in the back of this photo, including my in the middle of them, all wears my creations.
The lady to the right is wearing my blue Eleonora of Toledo-gown, the one to the left my simple, but yet beautiful Italian renaissance gown.

The Italian gown has a bodice made of black chineese silk and has aigletts on the ribbons that come all the way from New York.

I am wearing my German gown.

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