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Celtic Paganism Page
Moon Ravyn's Links
Moon Ravyn's Celtic Paganism Info
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Astral Projection
Celtic Tree Calender
Book of Shadows
The Burning Times
Candle Information
Charge of The Goddess
Charge of The God
Circle Casting
Witchraft Terms
Celtic Deities
Herb Information
Magic Circle
Magickal Alphabets
Pagan Clip Art
Pentagram Info
Spirit Pictures
Symbols of Witchcraft
Tools of Witchcraft
Wheel of The Year
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Welcome To Moon Ravyn's Celtic Paganism Page

I hope you enjoy your stay!!!

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"The Church, throughout much of its history,
has demonstrated a disregard for human
freedom, dignity and self-determination.
It has attempted to control,
contain and confine spirituality."
The Dark Side of Christian History, by Helen Ellerbe


The first stirrings of Mother Earth is soon upon us. Prepare for the festival of the Triple Goddess Brigit, whose breath gave life to the dead. It is a time for cleansing and purification, preparing for growth and renewal
Blessed Be,
Moon Ravyn

Current Moon Phase

Click on the link above to find the best Celtic graphics on the web!!!
The graphics alone are worth the trip !!!

Faolan's Celtic Page
This site belongs to my inspiration, my teacher, my best friend, and my love.

The Internet Sacred Texts Archive
No matter what tradition you study, this place should help out.

Spirit Online
More good stuff with a nicely designed page.

Pagan_and_Wiccan_Information_Center.jpg (2704 bytes)
Lots of interesting stuff here.

Witch / Pagan Resources
Very informative site with lots to see.

Ask A Witch.Com
Need an answer and don't know where to find an answer? Now you do!

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E-mail Me with any of your ideas. Also please feel free to send me your spells, rituals, etc. I will post them with your name and a link to your site.
Blessed Be, Moon Ravyn

© 2002 Copyright by Moon Ravyn