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Our Roster
FE's History/Clan Battles
FE's Clan Servers
FE's Public Forum

Posted 10/17/01
    Well. tonight we Faced a Well known clan :) SD, we went in short b/c of some roster shortage and no prac cause server has been down... but we all had the time of our life.. best game we all have played in a long time. some of usee needed that, Thax SD Score was 190-0, SD over FE VGG

Posted 10/16/01
    Well tonight (Monday) We played |GAS| on cz2. GG GAS, Rnd1 was 322 (FE) to 64 (GAS). On the Second round GAS gave up and gave us a forfit :) VGG guys...
    Also other impotant News... Theres gona be alot of roster changes coming up soon if some members don't start listening and showing up for matchs and Pracs. Alot of members donate there time and Money for this clan and its not gona be ruined by a few members. kthx.
Posted 10/12/01
    Well, We have a Practice Tonight @ 9 EST. Match Monday vs. [GAS] on cz2.bsp. SDi this Wednesday at 9 EST vs. The San Dawgs |SD|. TFL vs. [WoV] Once again, We Cannot Practice for TFL because the god damn SDi tourney gets in the way. *%#^2 GG and GL This Week Guys, Were going to need it.

Frag You later,
Posted 10/12/01
VGG H-18
    There has been some roster changes... Now Recruiting Offensive Meds and Defensive Soldier/Engies. We lost in TFL Action tonight against H-18, who was appaprently more prepared than we were.. bleh! NP GG GUYS! WAS A GOOD EXPERIENCE

Frag You later,
Posted 10/09/01
Major Practice/Match Week!!!!!
    Well Now, We have Practices Tonight, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Tuesday of next week, all at 9 EST. This Week, TFL3A vs. [H-18] Next Week; STA vs. !LEET! SDi Tourney vs. SD themselves. TFL vs. the Unknown Team, because we haven't finished Our first TFL match yet, not till Thursday. OGL Will probably be mixed up in there somwhere. Maps To Practice are: Tempest_r2, cz2, and the famous Well.bsp. Our Mainly Concerned about our match vs. SD! Lets practice and play hard 8vs8 style. Hope we have fun, its going to be a busy week. On a Side Note: Not All practices Are Mandatory!
     We Faced POM| the other day VGG POM| it was a very close and intense game rnd1 was 30-10 and rnd2 was 60-10. 90-20 over all on map Monkey_I. Good Luck in STA POM|

Frag You later,
Posted 10/07/01
SDi, TFL3A, Scrimmages:
    Well Tonight when I got on ICQ, I received a message from SnakeEyez, informing us that we have been invited to join the Wednesday night Tourney, SDi. I was very pleased to accept after reading the rules. Should be a great way to get to know everyone, and improve our skills as a team a little more! I can't wait, see you there!
     TFL3A We've Been schedule to play [H-18] Hangar-18. Hope it will be a fun match.
     Also, We have a possible scrimmage vs. Zt. next week, not sure when.. its just an undecided chore for both teams. In STA News, We have a Match Tommorrow @ 9:30 EST against PoM|. Can't Wait To begin playing!
Frag You later,
Posted 10/07/01
We Title:
    TFL Here we Come:
    Last Night, During the OGL Match vs. Dbde, I must say they are the worst Sportsmanship players I have ever met.. lets hope we don't run into more idiots. BTW, They left, we won by Forfeit.
    ANYWAYS!!! On To Better News, We signed up for TFL tonight. Gemini put us in Division 3A.... I later e-mailed him back requesting to place in Division 2A as you all rquested. I hope it goes through!
Posted 10/06/01
We got the server!!
    Well today we got a new server from exist-online. Its decent.. but the past few days when I finished moving I've been having to use a damn 56k. Bleh its a shitty ping for me.. but anyways. In other News: Practice tonight @ 8 EST, and Match Tommorrow @ 9 EST. hope to see you there! And also Welcome Seti from Zt and Minty from SR To The Clan. Glad to have ya guys...
Posted 10/01/01
Busy Week; Match/Practices!
    Well this week and next were very busy. We have an Ogl Match this Friday @ 9 EST vs. Rage Of Order. Maps Are: 2fort, Torch2. STA Match vs. PoM| this coming Monday @ 9:30 EST. Map-> Monkey_| PRACTICES; Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday all at 8 EST. If you wish to play guys, PM me in IRC. I'll put you on the Match Roster. Also Please Welcome Twenty2, and Melting-Point to the clan. !!! Server coming by Friday !!!
Posted 10/01/01
    Well guys, Welcome Quack` to the clan. We've joined STA and we'll have a match with Dbde in OGL sometime this weekend. so idle in IRC for more info in a few days.
Posted 9/28/01
    Well guys, Rat man is back...hes got 56k up and runing and DSL next week i think. hrm not much else going on. so l8er
Take care,
Posted 9/28/01
OGL News:
    Well Today we've joined the OGL open TFC ladder in hopes gaining some match and practice experience, against we hope, some worthwile clans. Lock3r will be running 9vs9 OGL while rat's gone. As Well, Please Welcome our Newest Member: gen Don't ask me why he Spells his name with a lower case "g" but he's a nice guy and a good demoman from what we've seen. GL To FE while I'm away, I'll keep in touch.
Take care,
Posted 9/27/01
    Well guys the new site layout is up hope you like it, Thax Izzo for the graphics, we make a good team. Have almost all of the roster up and running few more ppl and there sigs :)
    Other News...Rats moving and his last day on for a week or 2 :\ will be friday. Good luck w/ everything Rat. Also Vodka is comeing to the US! heh have fun Vodka
Posted 9/25/01
Rat's Moving AGAIN...
    Well news NEws NEws.. I am Going away on Saturday for about a week or two. Moving once again! Vodka/Pubert will be running the show. All the same old stuff. Welcome our Newest RECRUIT: Izzo also from FEAR. Who isn't? Anyways.. we've been having fun, being up to the same old antics.. Look around the site, maybe you'll find the magic cookie!
Posted 9/25/01
STA 5v5
    Hey guys w00d has decided to start up STA 5v5 so we need 7 ppl to step forward and start the clan with a great record. Good luck to the Members who take a stand and join w00d in STA 5v5...
    WARNING... Rats a man wh0r3 he loves men i swear, be preparded to hide...
Posted 9/24/01
    Its mostly done...I wana add links on the Roster to everyones Info and a sig if the member wants it. I Also need everyones ICQ except the ones listed in the roster.
    Other News... H2K has been giving a bad name, read about it at The Catacombs
Thax Izzo for the great logo :)

Posted 9/19/01
FE Members,
    First News thingy. Welcome everyone to the clan.
We have 9 members: Ratman, w00d, Vodka, nO_KnoT, Incognito, Lock3r, KinSlayer, iL|eST, Pubert Get To Know each other. Have a good time. OGL/PFL or STA soon.

Upcoming Matches:
STA - BYE Week
TFL vs. [WoV]     - Thur
Overall Match Record:
STA: 2-0
TFL: 0-1
SDi: 0-1
Total: 2-2
Recent Matches:
SD Over [FE]
[FE] Over |GAS|
[FE] Over POM|
H-18 Over [FE]