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oh look what i found: The first name of Jay creates an intense personal nature. Your feelings and emotional desires are strong and consequently you are an individual, determined, strong-willed person. Your creative nature and ambition drive you to pursue success to the extent that you jeopardize your personal well-being. There is a tendency for you to dominate others. You are too certain of yourself, and you are not open to the views of others or responsive to their desires or needs. Also, this name does not incorporate qualities that enable you to be diplomatic and to compromise. In all your work and activities you are inclined to be rather unsystematic and disorderly. These characteristics spoil stability, progress, and accumulation, even though you may put forth intense effort. Tension and frustration exact a heavy toll on your peace of mind and nervous system. You are often preoccupied with the desires and demands of the moment. Temper and indulgence could become serious problems in your life. Your health could suffer through disorders affecting the nervous system. Tension centring in the head could affect the eyes, ears, sinuses, and teeth. **********hehe, neat huh?

so, my live journal isn't working, i thought i would stash some stuff here. this is what i figure.... college is for learning, not making friends, why make friends when you could know a lot of things.... tonight is saturday night the 25th of august... tonight i managed to be all alone in a large group of people, whom to me, all looked the same. they all wore their hair the same way, the frost, the little bit of curl in the front (you know, friends). They all drank the same, spoke the same, and about the same non-scence libido driven, hey look i'm drunk, screw me talk. They all let their sex drives dictate their lives. I know what I would be thinking right now: first; where is the new paragraph that should be right here. Second; this sounds to me like the ravings of some loser guy who is just jealous because he isn't getting any. In rebuttle to that I offer nothing, but i do say that if I wanted to be layed for the same non-scence reasons, hey i'm drunk and horny let's f$$$, *burp. I could, but I am a jealous loser, so don't let my defensiveness force you into any other direction. Above all tonight i just don't know. I just don't know.....drifting..... and even farther..... drifting..... will i come back this time.