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The IQ Test Main Page


Key Terms


Welcome to Chris Riedel's IQ Test 

AP Psychology Website Project!

    This website has been created as an information center for those interested in information about the world famous IQ test.  The information is focused around my history page, with pages explaining key terms and concepts presented there.  For more information, you can go to my links page for other sites about the IQ test and intelligence testing in general, or to find an online IQ test to give you a better idea of what an IQ test is.  The resources I used to compile the information here are listed in my annotated bibliography.

    I am a Senior at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, a Governor's School in Fairfax County, Virginia.  This website is a class project for my Advanced Placement (AP) Psychology class, taught by Mrs. Hannah.  For more information about TJ, or Mrs. Hannah's class, you can either click on the hyperlinks here or go to my links page.

Above is the world-famous bell curve displaying the Stanford-Binet IQ scores distribution.  For an explanation of how it works, along with other key concepts, go to my concepts page.


Created by Chris Riedel, January 2002

Designed for Mrs. Hannah's AP Psychology Class, third period, at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology