Nightmare on Elm Street

The thing I always admired about Freddy is his creativity, and his ability to mess with his victim's heads before he killed them. Once they're asleep, they are in Freddy's hands, and he could kill them at any time, but instead he waits, and toys with them first. He takes pride in his work. In this movie, he kills Tina and Rod, and then goes after Nancy. However Nancy refuses to fall asleep, so a frustrated Freddy goes after he boyfriend Glen, and literaly turns him into a puddle of blood. I like how Wes Craven turns characters who at first seem to be scondary characters into the heroines. For example, at first, we are lead to think Tina is going to be the main character, bu then she gets killed off. leaving Nancy a the new lead. He did this in Scream too. I think the thing about these movies that make these movies so scary is you can't escape Freddy. You can avoid Jason at Crystal Lake. You don't have to confront Michael Myers if you stay out of Haddonfield. You have to sleep. You have to dream. 4.5 out of 5.


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