Ghoulies III: Goulies go to College

Before I start, see that geeky guy with glasses in the back? That's Matthew Lillard. As much as I hate to admit it, I kinda liked this movie. At least it was better than the first two. It had a better story, better effects, and more character than the first two combined. A professor summons the ghoulies to take vengence upon his students for all of the pranks they pulled on him. So they rise from hell (or is it a septic tank?) an raise havok on the campus. I did have a few problems with it. The kids acted like they were in high school rather than in college. And the fact that they could take made them seem les deadly, but made it a lot more bareable to watch. The death toll was also very small compared to the amount of diposable characters they had. I give this one a 3 out of 5.


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