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July 23
I know I haven't updated in a long time but i promise that updates will be a lot more frequent soon and I may even redesign the site. Anyways today's chick is Shakira. I've alwyas kinda had a thing for this girl since the ass shaking thing in her first video.
Which pic is the hottest?

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Previous Polls
July 6
Today a really beautiful chick even though she looks like she has had a boob job.
July 1
Sorry about the lack of updates recently. However, I am back today with a very hot chick named Cameron Richardson.
June 27
Today a very hot wrestling chick named Stacy Keibler.
June 25
Today Amber Marie.
June 24
Today's Babe of the Day is Lisa Faulkner. Now I need some opinions from the viewers of this page. First I need something else beside Babe of the Day to call this feature. Also I need suggestions for any future babes. E-mail with your opinions at
June 23
I'm back today with another Babe of the Day. From now on you will be able to find past babes in the girls section of this site. Anyway today's babe is Amy Weber.
June 21
I've decided to add a page that includes everybody's class rank on the site. This page can be found here and if you would like to report your class rank to me please post it at the Message Board.
Actually I will be adding another new feature today called Babe of the Day. I must admit that I did steal the idea and the pictures from another website but I really don't care all that much. Anyways todays Babe of the Day is Willa Ford.
May 5
Today I am letting all of you know that The Guy Site has have over 400 visitors since we started. I would like to thank everybody and tell you to keep coming back soon. The site will grow a lot when I get some more time on my hands.
May 1
I just decided to post a update today to let all of you know that I am working on some really big updates to the site. I also wanted to remind you to post on the message board and vote in the poll. Also if you have any ideas for a new pole e-mail them here.
April 23
One update today. The update today is that The Guy Site has its first game review. It is by Kevin and is on a game that I have actually never played but you should check it out anyways. You can do so here. Remember if you have a game or movie review that you would like posted just send it here.
April 18
There isn't really any updates today. If you have anything that you would like posted then please send it to the e-mail address at the bottom of the page or here. Any feed back regarding the site is also welcome.
April 16
Welcome to The Guy Site. Many updates today. Check out the new Message Board, Chat Room, and Polls. Currently the second editions of both Johnathan's and Nikki's columns are posted. You can find Johnathan's here and Nikki's here.

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