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The MCW Hall of Fame Page

*Note: Each member of The HOF was selected based on there hard work in Rping in this fed over the years. Each person in here has done there best to help etch there name in the minds of each person that comes into MCW/WWS. These men will forever be remembered because of hard work, dedication and time to this fed and they made it a goal to be in The HOF and to be the best. Do you have that desire? When people come to this site 2-3 years from now will they see your name here and say, wow that guy rocked or will you just be another roster name. You decide that fate, your hard work decides your worthy!

[History of Hall of Fame: The MCW Hall of Fame was created at the 1999 Award Show by Mike Johnson as a way to thank the men who created this fed and made it what it is. No other fed that is around celebrates it's legends and builds on them more then MCW. It is true that this fed would not be what it is without the likes of the men represented in this Hall of Fame. The Hall is located in St. Paul, Minnesota the same location as the headquarters of MCW, and Mike Johnson's homestate. So please check out the 7 men (Rusty, Demented Dave, Demon, John Patrick, Killer, Nitemare, Cloneus) who are the first men to be inducteed into the HOF. These are the men that have paved the way for this fed and they are the ones that should be honored for bring hardcore to MCW, enjoy!] -Mike Johnson MCW President/Owner

A list of men who are in the Hall of Fame....

. 1. Nitemare

2. John Patrick

3. Cloneus

4. Dark Demon

5. Demented Dave

6. Rusty

7. Killer

8. Trevor

9. Big Bad Phil

10. Griffin Youngblood

11. Brick Pittman

12. (Special entry) Kerry Carver and Midwest Mafia members Steven Sturdell, Johnny Blade and Meatgrinder

13. Crusher

14. James Jones


1.) The first man to enter the fed and take over the spotlight was none other then Nitemare. It didn't take Nitemare but a week to establish himself as the fed's first ever World Champion. Nitemare brought a brand of new Hardcore to the fed, and could be martyred as one of the founding fathers of this fed. It was also long after the leave of Dave, Rusty, Trevor and Phil that Nitemare took over as the only veteran with Demon to still be a part of this fed. He also has numerous TV, and Hardcore Title under his belt.

"The Franchise" John Patrick

2.) When HWF (now MCW) started in 1997 a young John Patrick was the first one to come to the fed from IHWF. He brought style, class and technical wrestling to the fed. He is one of the men responsible for adding the element of Technical Wrestling to a very extreme Hardcore Wrestling fed. The one thing about John Patrick though, was that he loved his money and wheither it was trying to run and promote his own wrestling fed, he was always a supporter of WWS Wrestling and The Lost Boys. The friendship that culminated between Johnson and Patrick over the years will go down as one of the most odd and also contraversial friendships this fed has seen. It wasn't and unusual sight to see these two men stab each other in the back, and still hold onto that Lost Boy Brotherhood. John will also with the others go down as a founding father of WWS/MCW Wrestling.


3.) In the winter of 97 HWF recieved a Texas Badass prospect in the name of Cloneus to the fed. He brought confidence, attitude and a mark as one of the fed's most dangerous men. Even though it took him to the end of his career to capture the World Title, Cloneus is still know for his long standing fued with Mike Johnson's Lost Boys. To this day Johnson and Cloneus don't see eye to eye.

"Dark Demon"

4.) In the Fall of 1997 HWF/EPW got a new superstar in the form of Dark Demon. Demon brought to the fed a new breed of insanity, oddness, and Hardcore high risk style. Demon paved the way for Daredevil Hardcore wrestling in MCW, and weapons of odd purportion. When he first into the fed it had no idea just what it was about to be hit with. To this day he still is one of the most intense wrestlers around hardcore style.

"Demented" Dave Hirschen

5.) Shortly after HWF was opened the fed was graced by the presence of a future Superstar named Demented Dave who followed by his brother and future Hall of Famer Twizted Trevor he took the fed by storm. Dave introduced a whole new attituded in stable warfare setting up the COA. COA became one of the most lethal stables around for a few years lead by the Hershins, Dave and Trevor. Dave made his sacrifes to the fed capturing every singles title and 3 World Championship in his 2 year career. It's really no big secret that Dave will go down in MCW History as the most recognized name in the game today among the veterans, and even some of the new guys. When your this good and that recognised as a champion you tend to draw that attention to yourself.


6. ) It was around the same time that Dave came to the fed that we saw the emergence of a new legend about to make his mark in the fed. Rusty was one of the most Hardcore wrestlers HWF had the privilege of being associated with. He brought to the fed the concept of evil hardcore wrestling and he was just that in and out of the ring. Lets not forget the fact that he won 2 World Titles and a handful of Hardcore Titles setting himself up in the Hall of Fame as one of the most dangerous men to ever grace the ring.

"Killer" A.K.A. Josh Shafer

7.) It was near the start of our 2nd season when we were introduced to a whole new level of Hardcore, confidence and style. Killer entered the fed at a ripe time when Dave, Nitemare, Demon, and Rusty were kings of the streets. Killer came in with a vengence and dominated his competition with a style of Hardcore, and technical moves blended in with a dangerous "Killer" attitude. Killer would go on to capture the World Title 2 times, and in the process set in stone a new attitude for the new generation to follow in as he became the first person in HWF to ever kill a person in a match (Queen Alien-Flaming barrel match). To this day we don't know if that was and accident or intentional, that is the legacy Killer carries with him to this day in HWF/MCW.

"Trevor Hirschen"

8.) The newest inductee to the Hall of Fame in 1999 was Trevor Hirshen the brother of Demented Dave. Trevor came into this fed about 6 months after his brother with Big Bad Phil. Both men soon showed there dominace in the tag ranks later in there careers. Trevor has been inducted because of his will to improve Hardcore in this fed, and his desires to be the best at what he was. When we think of Trevor we are remembered for his World Title match with his brother Dave.

"Big Bad Phil"

9.) The other man inducteed into the MCW HOF is Big Bad Phil! Phil came into WWS in '99 and instantly he was a man to be feared. Even though he did only capture a few titles it was his dedication to COA and his friends that made him a force to be reconned with. Let us not forget that Phil was also a man of true Hardcore nature and status. He was the man famous for creating The Pumpkin Carver Matchup, and let's just say it consist of blooding your opponent. His cryptic and macabre nature lands him a spot in MCW HOF with his stable mates!

"Griffin Youngblood"

10. The 10th man elected into the HOF on January 11th, 2002 was Griffin Youngblood. Griffin came into this fed in 1999 as a tag team with Jack Johnson and even though they did see a lot gold in there first run this is where he took off! Griffin came back after leaving and dominated the fed with a whole new attitude. In a year's span he took the Hardcore Title, International Title and World Title 2 twice! It was then that we knew we had someone special in our midst. To top that off he did have some of the biggest fed fueds for those World Titles with the likes of Da Maniac, Dark Demon, Enigma and Kilroy McCarthy. So when you think of Griffin know that he was and still can be a fighting Champion that showed class, style and grace in that ring that would of made any Minnesotian proud. For that we induct Griffin Youngblood into MCW's Hall of Fame for his contributions to keeping a common grace and style for the fans and for himself as a professional World Champion. We can also not forget that in his last World Title reign he defended the title without taking a break for a month straight, and passed the gauntlet that was Mike Johnson's MCW Hardcore Grinder! Titles that Griffen has held are 2 World Titles, 2 Hardcore Titles, 2 International Titles, 3 TV Titles, 2 Tag Team Titles with Jack Johnson, and King of Extreme 2000

"Colonial Brick Pittman"

11. The 11th man chosen for the Hall of Fame was Brick Pittman. Brick became one of the first members of this fed when it opened in 1997 as HWF and then went to WWS! Brick was chosen souly on his long time committment to this fed and his hardcore inestablishing himself as the toughest man to every step into MCW. Many that have stepped into the ring with Brick know this crazy Marine won't hesitate to take you out. His most famous matches are Junkyard Brawls and his win at Summer PPV in 1998 in the shopping mall brawl! He came ever so close to being World Champion after capturing King of Hardcore awards! Many ask why put Brick into The Hall when he didn't win The World Title? Brick goes to prove the point that it doesn't just take winner World Title to get into The HOF, it takes leadership and skills that make you great in that ring that makes people stand up and salute. Brick is inducteed for the soul reason that he goes down as one of the kings of extreme and fore fathers in the creation and heart that this fed was built on. When others left the fed and sought better pastures Brick saw this as his fed, and he dominated. The Titles that Brick held were 3 Time Hardcore Champions, multi-time TV Champion, Tag Team Champion, US Champion and 1998 King of Extreme Winner at PPV! Who knows maybe one day he will return to reclaim what should of been his long ago...the infamous World Title that is missing, and that still haunts his career to this day.

"The Carver" Kerry Carver (stablemates: Steven Sturdell, Johnny Blade, Meatgrinder)

12. The 12th man entered into the HOF on special occasion it goes down like this. There wasn't any other kind of a leader out there then Kerry Carver. A successful singles wrestler Carver captured a couple TV Titles, but is remembered for his excellence in the ring on the ring mat. As of special entry, Kerry Carver (The character) was killed in a car accident recently on a way to an MCW Event. Kerry worked behind the MCW scene as a Road Agent and a great creative mind to the shows. He will be very missed, and our best to his family. RIP Carver, burn it down up there we'll be home soon to be with you. Also on a late vote by the board of directors in MCW and Mike Johnson, The Midwest Mafia members Steven Sturdell, Johnny Blade and Meatgrinder have been inducted into The MCW HOF! The stable dominated most of the mid-90's and were a dominating Tag Team that held control of The World Tag Team Titles and various singles titles.

(Kerry Carver)


13. In the winter of 2005 MCW Inducted long time legend and master technical wrestler Crusher into The MCW HOF with James Jones. Crushers careers spans the life of almost 10 years of loyalty and Rping with MCW. He has held all the titles in MCW, and hence being one of the only triple crown winners in the fed. He has held The MCW World Title 3 times, The US Title, TV Title on numerous occasions, and many more titles to his long resume. Crusher still resides in MCW today showing off his impressive technical and submission skills as he continues to cement his legacy in MCW forever.

"James Jones"

14. James Jones has been a wrestler since April 2000. He has been part of the MCW Roster since August 2000. If any man deserves to be inducted into The MCW HOF it is James Jones, or as some of you may know him Da Maniac! No other character has dominated this fed more then James Jones. His presence in the ring makes him one of the greatest superstars to ever come into this fed. A holder of The World Title on multiple occassions and other singles titles later to be posted on this site, James Jones struck fear into his opponent in the ring. A master of technical and hardcore wrestling, his matches are listed among some of the greatest of all time. We also can't forget that James Jones (Da Maniac) possess one of the most dangerous and dominating finishers of all time, The Hypnosis Slam! Every superstar past and present has been on the recieving end of this devistating move from high above to in the ring. We in MCW whole-heartedly induct him into The MCW HOF and hope that he will one day return to MCW for one more run for his millions of fans.