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Interview with Michael Strider conducted on 4-23-02

Here it is. To help introduce those fans that are below average marks, here is an interview with GCW newcomer Michael Strider. So sit back and enjoy..who knows, maybe you'll learn something. And the next time you witness a Michael Strider match in GCW, you can stand up and cheer because you will know just how great of a wrestler Michael Strider really is.

crippler: First off, for GCW fans that are either too stupid or too lazy to go to your website to learn anything about you, I will start off with some basic getting to know you questions. How long have you been wrestling and what got you into it?
Strider: I started training in late 1997 and had my first match in early 1998. I had always been a wrestling fan. Me and my brothers had a backyard fed (sort of) growing up and I guess I never out grew it. I had always wanted to train to be a wrestler but wasn't sure where to go. A friend of mine heard a commercial on the radio for this Indy show that was going on in St. Joe so I called and talked to the promoter and started training the next week.

>crippler: Do you currently or have you held any titles?
Strider: I don't have any titles now. I have held the CSW heavyweight title three times. I was the first CSW hardcore champ. I was a two time CSW tag champ (with Psycho Sandman).

>crippler: You describe yourself as 'technically hardcore'. Define what this means and explain how this applies to you.
Strider: It describes my style and, better yet, my influiences. I love to work and watch both styles. So I thought it was an appropriate description that would stick in peoples heads. I mean,you don't normally associate hardcore and technical wrestling with the same person. Plus I thought it was kind of a cool catch phrase (because ya gotta have a catch phrase).

>crippler: What is the Strider Nation?
Strider: It's what my fans refer to themselves as. Kind of like a fan club.

>crippler: For our male fans, who is this Treasure and where did you dig her up?
Strider: She is a product of the CSW training center. She started off wanting to take bumps but lost interest so is now just a valet. She's still very green but I think she has a bright future.

>crippler: On March 12th you defeated GCW legend Pete Madden in a hardcore bout. Can you describe this match as well as give your opinion on the Human Wrecking Ball Pete Madden?
Strider: It was one crazy match. First off, there were eight guys who drove from Nebraska just to see Pete and people where calling for the chairsault when he first came out. There was 1500 thumbtacks, a 2x4 wrapped in barbedwire, fire, chairs, a ladder, and handcuffs. God, it sounds like I'm describing a Kristi Myst video. I thought the state guys was going to shut us down because I was bleeding A HELL OF ALOT. After the show I found out that he was going to, but Steve Ward (CSW owner) talked him out of it. It was a great match that got alot of people on our side of the state talking.
I think Pete is the greatest. Steve Girthy is a friend of mine and he used to bring me MRW videos and I was always a HUGE Madden mark. Who am I kidding, I still am. I think Pete is everything that's good about this business. He works very hard and has a great understanding of what the business is about. He cares about the fans and the boys. St. Louis is very lucky to have seen so many Madden matches.

>crippler: If you can defeat former GCW champ (champ at the time) Pete Madden, how long until you become the new GCW champion? Do you know anything about current champ Jack Adonis?
Strider: You would have to ask the GCW bookers as to when I get a shot. There are people who deserve a shot before me but I think me and Jack could work a great program together.

>crippler: What do you consider to be your best wrestling match thus far?
Strider: There are a couple. 1.In November I wrestled Schmack Daddy Warrior (a Kansas City Legend) in his retirement match. It was a total All Japan style match that went fourty minutes. I have never been more tired after a match as that one.
2. I wrestled Psycho Sandman in a Barbedwire thumbtack match. The match had great crowd heat
3. No D.Q. match against #1 Brett Young (CSW wrestler)one of the few matches that I was cheered.
4. The match with Pete.
5. A match with Big Daddy Fullz in Maryville where we almost killed each other.

>crippler: What are some goals you've set for yourself in the wrestling business and what goals have you already acheived?
Strider: I want to go to Japan and work. I want to be able to make my living at wrestling.

>crippler: Who are some of your wrestling influences and have they at all helped shaped your wrestling style and offensive arsenal?
Strider: Mick Foley- Biggest influence. Loved his style and work ethic.
Terry Funk- Wild man.
Chris Benoit- Mastered every style. (Note from crippler: This guy knows what he is talking about)
Ric Flair- The best all around wrestler EVER.
Kenta Kobashi- Stiff.
The Great Muta- Great psychology, great worker.

>crippler: You have a match coming up with Big Bad Ben. Give a little insight to your preparation for this monumental bout as well as your feelings for Ben?
Strider: My preparation is the same as always. Train, train, train. I spend two hours a night in the gym, and about three hours twice a week in the ring. Ben has a great mind for the business and works harder than any promoter I have ever meet.

>crippler: So far in GCW the fans have been less than kind to you and have not paid you the respect you deserve. I heard one even call you a JERK. Do you think it is because of their unfamiliarity of you? Do you think its because they are complete idiots who don't see true wrestling talent when it slaps then in the face? I've seen your matches, and so far team eGo is most impressed. So what the hell is wrong with some of these people? Do you even care about those untalented fans anyway?
Strider: I think it's because they are idoits. Or as I like to call them "Braindead Mindslaves".

>crippler: And lastly, I'd like to leave you with an open forum for any last comments to GCW, the fans of GCW, or to anyone you wish. Thanks for conducting this interview with the REAL number one GCW fan page. Us with eGo give you props.
Strider: I am very happy to be working for GCW. I always wanted to work the St. Louis scene. Like me or not, the one thing that you will always get from a Strider match is the best effort I can give. I take this shit very seriously and will always work hard to make sure that The Nation and the rest of you marks get your moneys worth.

For more information on Michael Strider, visit Look for him to appear in upcoming GCW shows.