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Player: Evie

Name: Stripe

Soulname: Xel

Age: 35 turns

Gender: female

Family: Wildstreak/mother, Moonscar/father, Strongpaw/brother

Lovemates: None

Lifemates: None

Recognized: No

Hair Color: Bright red-orange

Hair Style: Straight and falling to her shoulders she pins it up so it fans at the back of her head, two small braids fall behind her left ear

Eyes: aquamarine

Clothing: dark red and green in color scheme, she wears very little, opting for a bikini type top and a light fringy loincloth

Physical Build: slightly petite, yet stronger then she looks so don't underestimate her

Position in Holt: Hunter

Skills: hunting, mischief, treewalking and swinging on vines, excellent swimmer

Magics: sending

Personality: Hard to handle since she was very young, it's is wondered if Stripe had inherited any reason from her father or any charm from her mother. She is short tempered and explosive at times and enjoys teasing her fellow tribesmates. The only person she truly respects is her mother the chieftess, as is the only one she listens to. Her father and her tend to but heads often and there is a deep sibling rivalry between Stripe and Strongpaw. The most recent being that she resents that Strongpaw was named Hunt leader. Sometimes though Stripe can be very friendly and sweet when she wants to be, unfortunately that very rare. Several of the elves joke that the girl needs a good male to take her over his knee one day and spank her bottom red.

Likes: freedom, being in charge, feeling important, swimming

Dislikes: her brother getting priviledges that she didn't, someone trying to scold her, being called a kit

Fears: to stubborn and spoiled to know fear yet

Brief History: Born from the third recognition between Moonscar and Wildlight, Stripe was always a difficult kit for the pair. She was constantly able to get herself into some sort of trouble and was being bailed out by her parents or brother. Many of the tribe thought that her parents didn't discipline her enough though High Ones believe that they tried. It wasn't until her father finally relented and began to teach her to hunt that she became slightly less of a troublemaker and much more managable.