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                KINGS OF PONTUS

01. Orontobades [Rhodobates], satrap of Cius [on the Propontis] (d401BC)

02. Mithridates I, Prince of Cius (d363)

03. Ariobarzanes, Prince of Cius, Governor of Phrygia (d337)

04. Mithridates II, Prince of Cius 337-302, bro of Ariobarzanes [I], King 362-337, submitted to Alexander "The Great"

05. Mithridates III/I "Ktistes", Prince of Cius 302, King of Pontus 296-266

06. Ariobarzanes [II], King of Pontus 266-255/250

07. Mithridates II, King of Pontus 255/250-220

note: some combine Mithridates II & Mithridates III into one person, Mithridates II, with his regnal years c. 250-190/185

08. Mithridates III, King 220-190/185

= Laodice, dau of Antiochus II "Theos", King of Syria


(a) Pharnaces I

(b) Mithridates IV [or III] Philopator Philadelphus

(c) Laodice (dau), wife of Antiochus III "The Great", King of Syria

09. Pharnaces I, King of Pontus 190/185-169, bro of Mithridates IV [or III] Philopator Philadelphus, King 169-156

= Nysas, dau of Antiochus, a Syrian prince


10. Mithridates V Euergetes, King of Pontus 156-121

= Laodice, dau of Antiochus IV Epiphanes, King of Syria, regent 121-115


(a) Mithridates VI Eupator Dionysius "The Great"

(b) Laodice "Major" (dau), wife of Ariarathes VI, King of Cappadocia (d110)

(c) Laodice "Minor" (dau), one of her brother's wives


11. Mithridates VI Eupator Dionysius "The Great", King of Pontus 121-63BC

[note: order of wives unsure]

=1 Komosarye, dau of Parisades V, King of Bosphore


=2 Stratonice, dau of Ariarathes V "Philopator", King of Cappadocia

=3 Antiochis, dau of Attalus II "Philadelphus", King of Pergamus

=4 Aspasia, dau of Pylamenes II, King of Paphlagonia

=5 Cleopatra, dau of Alexander [VII] of Athamanie


=6 Hypsicratea, Queen of Colchis [Georgia], descendant of Amazon Queen Hippolyta

=7 Monime, dau of Bakru II, King of Osrhoene

=8 Berenice, dau of Ptolemy, King of Commagene

=9 Ditizele, dau of Nicomedes II, King of Bithynia

=10+ others, inclu his sister, Laodice "Minor"

=x Adobogiona [mistress], sis of Brogitarus, King of Galatia, wife of Menodotus [Menedemus] of Pergamus

issue: 12 sons & 9 daus, include:

issue of 1:

(a) Mithridates, prince (d83)

(b) Machares, King of Bosphore 81-65

(c) Pharnaces [II], King of Bosphore 63-47, father of Dynamis, Queen of Bosphore 8BC-AD7, mother of Aspurgus, King of Bosphore AD 10-37, ancestor of the Aspurgids

issue of 2:

(d) Archelaus

(e) Xiphares [V]

(f) Stratonice (dau), wife of Deiotarus, King of Galatia 63/59-40/39

issue of 3:

(g) Arcathias (d86)

(h) Artaphernes

(i) Aribarzanes

(j) Artemisia (dau)

(k) Athenais (dau)

(l) Anagoria (dau)

issue of 4:

(m) Taxilles

(n) Oxathres

(o) Darius

issue of 5:

(p) Cleopatra (dau), [1st] wife of Tigranes II "The Great", King of Armenia 95-55BC, mother of 3 daus, namely,

(1) dau, wife of Chairemon of Nysa;

(2) dau, wife of Parnabaz II of Iberia [Georgia]; &

(3) dau, wife of Mithradates III of Parthia

issue of 6:

(q) Nysas (dau)

issue of 7:

(r) Mithridatis (dau)

issue of 8:

(s) Neoptolemos

(t) Berenice (dau)

issue of 9:

(u) Eupatra (dau)

issue by mis:

(v) Mithridates "of Pergamus" [illegitimate son]


12. Pharnaces II, King of Pontus 63-47, son of Mithridates VI "The Great"


(a) Darius, King of Pontus

(b) Dynamis, queen of Bosphore

13. Deiotarus "of Galatia", King of Pontus 47-39, husband of Stratonice, dau of Mithridates VI "The Great"

14. Darius, King of Pontus 39-37


(a) Mithridates VII, King of Pontus

15. Polemo[n] I, King of Pontus 37-8BC, 1st husband of Pythodoris, Queen of Pontus, dau of Pythodorus of Tralles [by wife, Antonia, dau of Mark Anthony & Tryphaena, a Seleucide princess], son of [another] Pythodorus, son of Chairemon of Nysa & [name], daughter of Tigranes II "The Great" of Armenia & wife, Cleopatra, dau of Mithridates VI "The Great" of Pontus & his 5th wife

(15B) Mithridates VII, King of Pontus


(a) Mithridates VIII, King of Pontus

16. Pythodoris, Queen of Pontus 8BC-AD23

dau of Pythodorus of Tralles [by wife, Antonia, dau of Mark Anthony & Tryphaena, a Seleucide princess], son of [another] Pythodorus, son of Chairemon of Nysa & [name], daughter of Tigranes II "The Great" of Armenia & wife, Cleopatra, dau of Mithridates VI "The Great" of Pontus & his 5th wife

=1 Polemo[n] [I], King of Pontus 37-8BC [his 2nd =]

=2 Archelaus I, King of Cappadocia 36BC-AD17

issue of 1st =

(a) M. Antonius Polemo, K of Cilicie 15-25 (d37?)

(b) Zeno[n]-Artaxias III/IV, King of Cilicie 25-34, father of a dau, Antonia

(c) Antonia Tryphaena (dau), wife of Cotys VIII [IV], King of Thrace AD 13-19, the parents of a son, Polemo[n] II, King of Pontus, &, a dau, Gepaepyris, Queen of Bosphore, the ancestress of later kings of Bosphore


issue of 2nd =

(d) Archelaus II, King of Cappadocia

(e) Glaphyra (dau), wife of Alexander, son of Herod "The Great", King of Judea

(16B) Mithridates VIII, King of Pontus, expelled

17. Polemo[n] II, King of Pontus 23-63, last one

son of Cotys VIII [IV] of Thrace & wife Antonia Tryphaena, dau of Polemo[n] I, King of Pontus, & wife Pythodoris, Queen of Pontus 8BC-AD23


=1 Berenice of Judea

=2 Mamaea of Emesa

issue: 2 sons


David Hughes, 2006,


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