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                        BRITISH MONARCHS

List A. BRONZE AGE BRITISH KINGS [the Sacral-Kings]

4500/3000BC (A) AMPHER[ES], so called by the Greek classic, Plato, identified as ALBION in medieval romance, identified by the Romans as AQUARIUS, the son of the sea-god NEPTUNE & the island-goddess BRITANNIA, first king in the British Isles, Late Stone Age/Early Bronze Age King of Britain, & founder of The British Bronze Age Royal House

------------------ unknown number of kings ---------------------------------------------------------

c. 2650BC (X) ZELLE, an early Bronze Age British king remembered in legend as the king buried beneath Silbury Hill, the largest man-made mortuary-mound in Europe

c. 2500BC (X) YPOMEN[ES], the Bronze Age British king who traditionally built STONEHENGE, whose grave was found in "Bush-Barrow".

c. 2400BC (X) MAELOR "GAWR", a giant-king of Britain said to have reigned before the time of BRUTUS [List B.], whose castle was at Castell Maelor, called "Y Dinas Pendinas", by the river Ystwyth, near Aberystwyth. He is remembered in legend for founding more settlements in Britain, Ireland, and France. Mythology says that he had three sons: CORNIP, BWBBWG, & CRYGYN, who reigned in turn as kings of Britain after him.

c. 2300BC (X) OPHROM[OS], a legendary pre-Brutus British giant-king remembered in British Mythology

c. 2200BC (X) LLYFFAN "GAWR", a legendary pre-Brutus British giant-king who left his name at "Ynys bagh Llyffan gawr", the old name for the isle of Dinas in Milford Haven which is now a peninsula.

2000/1100BC (Z) OGRFAN "GAWR" of British Mythology; the Welsh OGYLE, the Irish OGHMAE, the Gallic OGMIOS, who left his name at "Pen O[g]yle", in Morgannwg, the last Bronze Age "King of Britain", was defeated in battle fighting the invading Albanese, under BRUTUS [List B.]. His sons, called Gog and Magog in myth, the heirs of the British Bronze Age Royal House, were made to act as BRUTUS' porters.



[the pre-Roman British kings]

2000/1100BC 01. BRUT[US], variants include BRITTO, PRYDAIN, PRYTOS, identified as BRITAN "MAEL" of Irish Myth; the first ‘Iron Age’ King of Britain, & founder of The British Iron Age Royal House; made London his capital-city; begot three sons by his wife, Ignoge, daughter of Pandrasus, the King of Greece, and, his wife, Kranaechme, the middle daughter of King Cranaus of Athens, among whom the island was divided as their inheritance

2000/1000BC 2A. LOEGRE (LLOEGR), son, first king of Loegria [England], misidentified by Geoffrey of Monmouth with LOCRINE (below)

2000/1000BC 2B. KAMBRE (CYMRYW), bro, first king of Cambria [Wales], GM’s CAMBER

2000/1000BC 2C. ALAFON (ALAFYW), bro, first king of Albania [Scotland], GM’s ALBANACHT

----------------- #s 3-53: 50 kings -----------------------------------------------------------------------

c 475/450BC 54. LER, parentage unsure, numbered 54th in succession from BRUTUS (above) counting backwards from Queen CORDELIA (below), who was reckoned 76th in succession

c 425/400BC 55. MYNOGAN (MANOGANNUS)(MANAWYDAN), identified with "Manannan ap Lir", called descendant [not son] of Eneid, identified with AENEAS, which means that he was a Brutiad prince

c 400-375BC 56A. BELINUS "THE GREAT", the Welsh BELI "MAWR", sole king after expelling his brother (below), campaigned on the European continent, occupied Rome 387BC

c 400-XXXBC 56B. BRENNUS, the Welsh BRAN, bro, co-king, expelled & later became King of Burgundy in right of his wife, the sole heiress of its royal house

c 375-350BC 57. LLUDD I, his brother was Llefelys, who became King of France [the sons of Beli "Mawr", above]

c 350/325BC 58. GWRYTH (GARWST), son, his brother was Galamh [Milidh], who married an Egyptian princess, identified with a daughter of Pharaoh Nectanebo II (360-343BC), who is sometimes confused with the Irish Milesius, whose story doubtless includes elements of his, as well as those of another British prince MIL[E], MILIDH, MILLO (below)

c 330/325BC X. [PERCEFORE], so-called in medieval romance, whose real name is unknown, was the supposed Greek Governor of Britain under the worldwide empire of Alexander "The Great" of Macedon-Greece

c 325/300BC X. [BETHIDES], son, governor/emperor, was governor of Britain during the wars of the "Diadochi" [successors to Alexander’s empire], sparked by the murders of Olympia (316), Alexander’s mother, his widow Queen Roxane, and their son, Alexander [IV] "Aegus" (311), a minor, his father’s successor, and "The West" was his share in the division of the empire

c 325/300BC 59. PYR (PERYDD) (PIR), son of # 58 (above), his name appears to be a "Celticized" Greek name

c 300/275BC 60. CAPOIR, son, from him onwards the regnal-list & royal genealogy are based on medieval manuscripts, whereas the preceding generations are based on genealogical data in British Mythology

c 275-225BC 61. DIGUEILLUS, son, became a vassal-king of the Gallic emperor AKICHORIX at the time of the "3rd" Gallic Conquest of Britain, circa 250BC


c 225/200BC 62A. HELI, son

c 225/200BC 62B. MILE, bro

c 225/200BC 62C. KIAN, bro


c 200/175BC 63A. LLUDD II, son of # 62A

c 200/175BC 63B. NEMED II, bro


c 200/175BC 64A. LUGH I, identified with Lleu "Llaw Gyffes", son of # 62C KIAN

c 200/175BC 64B. NWYVRE, bro

c 200/175BC 64C. DYLAN, bro


c 175/150BC 65A. IVOR (EVORCUS; EBORCUS) (IOVIR), son of # 63A, LLUDD II; moved capital to York upon his expulsion by the Cymric king, HUU "GADARN", after which the Albanese Kingdom of Loegria was confined to Northern England; while the Cymric Kings reigned over Southern England; and the Cornish kings [from about 500BC] reigned over South-West Britain. IVOR’s successors reigned over Northern England and were the ancestors of AEDD "MAWR" (below).


c 175/150BC 65B. HUU "THE MIGHTY" [HW "GADARN"], son of Cas "The Exile", a British prince in exile, whose parentage is debatable; called “first” King of the Cymri [Kymry]; occupied London after expelling EBORCUS (above);

= Eitue, daughter of # 64A LUGH I


c 150-103BC 66. LUG[H] II (LUGIOS; LUGORIX; LUGOVES) "THE SHINING ONE", identified with GM’s LOCRINE and possibly also with LUGH "LAMFHOTA" of Irish myth


note: associates his sons with him in his reign from 116BC [reckoned by LEAR’s dates, which coincides with LUGORIX’s foreign conquests], who were:

(a) HELI (HEILYN; HELIAS) [twin], also called Beli and/or variants of the name; possibly identified with DOLOBELLUS (below)

(b) MILE (MILIDH; MILLUS) [twin], possibly identified with the Irish MILESIUS

(c) MODH (MIDAS), half-bro

(d) BLAD (BLUTO), bro

(e) LLYR (LYRUS), bro, identified with the Welsh “Llyr [m]ap Lugh”


103-102BC 67. GWEN, GM’s GWENDOLEN, ex-wife, queen, regent, numbered in the regnal-lists, retired, d c 88BC


? 95-92 BC 69. BLAD I (BLUTO), bro

c 92-62 BC 70. LLYR I (LYRUS)(LEIR; LEAR), bro, identified with Shakespeare’s KING LEAR, retired, reign reckoned at 60 years (116-56BC)

62-59 BC 71A. [name], GM’s MAGLWN, co-king, King of Loegria, husband of LEAR’s eldest daughter, Gonerila

62-59 BC 71B. [name], GM’s HENWYN, co-king, King of Cornwall, husband of LEAR’s middle daughter, Rigontia

59-58 BC 72. DIVICO (DIVITIACUS; DIVICIACUS), King of Gaul, husband of LEAR’s youngest daughter, CORDELIA, misidentified by GM with the daughter of the 5th cent. AD British king Llyr III "Llediaith". DIVICO was associate-king of Britain under his father-in-law, KING LEAR

59-56 BC (70) LLYR I (above), restored

56 BC (76) CORDELIA (below), queen, 1st time, deposed by her nephews

56 BC 73A. [name], GM’s MARGAN, co-king, King of Loegria, son of LEAR’s daughter Gonerila

56 BC 73B. [name], GM’s CUNDAG, co-king, King of Cornwall, son of LEAR’s daughter, Rigontia, sole-king after slaying his cousin (above) in a civil war

56-55 BC 74. HELI (above), called BELLINUS in "HB", poss. id. with DOLOBELLUS, who fought JULIUS CAESAR on his first invasion in 55BC

55 BC 75A. LLUDD III (LYDUS), id. with GM’s "Lud, son of Heli", co-king; re-fortified London & repaired its walls; murdered by his brother NEMED III

55 BC 75B.CASWALLAWN (CASSIVELLAUNUS) (CASSIBELANUS) (CASSIBELA[U]NUS), GM’s CADWALLON, bro, co-king, sole-king after the deaths of his brothers

55 BC 75C.NEMED III (NINUS) (NINID; NEMET) (NYNNIO; NYNIAW), GM’s NENNIUS, bro, co-king, mortally wounded in battle fighting JULIUS CAESAR

55/54 BC 76. CORDELIA (KREIDDYLAD) [identified with AVENABLA in medieval romance], queen, 2nd time, restored by JULIUS CAESAR, with whom she had a brief affair


note: QUEEN CORDELIA was reckoned the 76th British Monarch in succession from BRUTUS (above), for there was said to have been seventy-six monarchs of Britain in the years before JULIUS CAESAR came


55-49 BC X. JULIUS CAESAR [the Welsh IWL CAISAR] [the Irish UKESSAR], conqueror, overlord & king; sole consul & dictator 49BC, with titles: "imperator", "pontifex maximus" [high-priest]; assassinated in a conspiracy of senators on the day the Roman Senate was to declare him "rex" ["king"], 15 March 44BC



54 BC (75B) CASWALLAWN (above), 2nd time, d48BC


52-49 BC 79. EVROG (EFROG) (EBRACUS) (EFRAWC; EFRAWG; EVORIC), deposed, died (executed) in exile in Rome in 46BC after featured in a "triumph" along with other conquered kings

49-46 BC (81) TENVANTIUS (THEOMANTIUS)(TENEVAN;TENEFAN), prince-regent, resigned, often misidentified with TASCIOVANUS (below)


44-43 BC 81. TENVANTIUS (above), reigned this time as king, whereas, before reigned as prince-regent during his brother’s absence

43 BC 82. [name], usurper, killed fighting AEDD "MAWR", his successor

43-34 BC 83. AEDD "MAWR" ["THE GREAT"], King of Loegria from 56BC, Brehin [High-King], or, “King of Britain” from 43BC; conquered the Cymric Kingdom of Southern England in 43BC


note: sub-kings of the Cymric kingdom

c 25-? BC (a) ADDEDOMAROS, not AEDD "MAWR" (below), co-king

c 25-? BC (b) ANDOCOVEROS, name abbreviated to "ANDOCO" on coins, co-king

c 25-? BC (c) AESUBELINUS (AESCUBELIUS), co-king


34-26 BC 84. CAER, widow, queen, regent, identified with CESAIR or KESAIR [III], whose name is the feminine form of Caesar’s name, deposed, d 5BC

note: she is designated "III" because there are two other figures in British Mythology who have been given that same name

34/26-4BC 85. BRUT[US] II (PRYDAIN) "DARIANLAS"/"TARYANLAS" ["ysgwyt ir"; "viride scutum"], whose epithet is translated variously as "Gold-Shield" or "Green-Shield" or "Blue-Shield", for his shield given to him by the Roman Emperor Octavius Caesar Augustus

note: on his demise Loegria [Northern England] was divided into thirds among his three sons, who were:

------------------- the northern line ----------------------------------------------------------------------


4-2BC (1A) ANNYN "TRO", son of # 85 above

2BC-AD38 (2A) SELYS "AEN", son

38-72 (3A) AREGWEDD "VOEDDAWG", id. with CARMANDUA, queen, daughter, willed kingdom to Rome



4BC-AD37 (1B) EVELAC [EVALH] "COR", son of # 85 above

AD37-43 (2B) UIPPE [VIPPO], id. with VEPOCOMMES, son

43-47 (3B) VOLISIOS, son


48-49 (5B) CARTIVELLO, uncle, bro of # 3B VOLISIOS

49-50 (6B) TIGIRSENO, bro

50-55 (7B) VENUTIUS [ENUIT], son of # 4B (above), deposed by the Roman Governor, who annexed his kingdom to the empire; in exile 55-68; returned and became resistance-leader 68-71, killed fighting the Romans



4BC-AD4 (1C) LEIL "ICI", son of #85 above


?47-55 (3C) BLAD II, son

XX 55 (4C) LLYR II, son, boy-king, not to be confused with [earlier] LLYR I or with [later] LLYR III, etc.

55-60 (5C) BUDDIG (BODVEC; BYWDEC), older half-sister, id. with BOADICEA, queen (below), deposed by the Romans who annexed the kingdom; she fought back and almost drove the Romans from Britain but decisively defeated in a battle by the Roman Governor, escaped back to her castle, committed suicide [took poison]

-------------------- the southern line -------------------------------------------------------------

XX- 4 BC 86. DIRAS, usurper, either the first five letters of his name were "DIRAS…", and the last letters are lost, or the last five letters of his name were "...DIRAS", and the first letters are lost; revolted on Brutus II’s death; won independence from the "northern kingdom"


4BC-AD5 87A. DUMNO, id. with DUBNOVELLUS, expelled AD 5, lived in exile in Rome, the father of Beli [husband of Anne] and Bran "The Fisher-King"

4BC-AD5 87B. BELLANUS, expelled AD 5

4BC-AD5 87C. TIMAN, id. with TINCOMMIUS (TIMANCIUS), King of Berkshire, expelled AD 5

4BC-?XX 87D. TUDWAL, id. with TUDUUALLUS, King of Cornwall

4BC-?XX 87E. VOSENUS, King of Kent


AD 5-9 88. TASCIOVANUS, often misidentified with TENVANTIUS (above)

AD 9-39 89. CUNOBELINUS (CINBELIN), id. with Shakespeare’s CYMBELINE, called "Rex Britannorum" by a Roman writer


note: sub- or under-kings were:

(a) VODENUS, King of Kent

(b) EPPILLUS, King of Berkshire

(c) SERAPHE, King of Cornwall


39-40 90. ADMINIUS (AMMINIUS), deposed & fled, murdered by RE CALIGULA, who married his widow, Queen Carmandua, or she was his mistress

40 91. VERICA (BERICOS; BERICUS), usurper, 1st time

40-43 92A. GUIDERIUS (GUEITHAET) (GWEIRYDD; GWEYRDD) (GWYDDYR), killed in battle fighting the great Roman Invasion of AD 43

40-43 92B. BRITTAHEL, co-king

40-43 92C.CARATACUS (GM’s CRIDOUS) (CERDIC I); called CARACTACUS by Roman writers; variants of the name include: CARATAUC, CARADAUC, CRIDIOCUS, CARADOC, CEREDIG, KEREDIC, etc.; sole-king after deaths of two older brothers; deposed; resistance-leader 43-50/51; epic hero; called "the great patriot-king"; featured in a "triumph" in Rome; made a great impression and his life was spared by the emperor, who gave his family a villa in Rome as their residence during their exile. He died in exile in Rome AD 54

43 X. CLAUDIUS, Roman Emperor, conqueror

43-47 (91) VERICA (above), restored as client-king, 2nd time

47-48 93. COGIDUBINUS (COGIDUS) (COGIDUBNUS; COGIDUMNUS), client-king, 1st time, abdicated, and retired to Rome, for CARATACUS [# 92C] was still recognized as king by the British people

48-54 interregnum

54-59/60 94. PRASUTAGUS (PRYSYTWG), client-king, elected by the Roman Senate and crowned by the Roman Emperor on the death of the British ex-king, CARATACUS

59/60 95. BOADICEA (BOUDICCA) (BUDDIG; BODVOC; BWYDEC), queen & regent; deposed; attempted to drive the Romans out of Britain; defeated in battle in a terrible slaughter; returned to the palace and committed suicide AD 61 to avoid the humiliation of being featured naked in a cage in a "triumph" through the streets of Rome

60-62 interregnum

62-76 96. ARVIRAGUS (ARFYRAG), youngest son of # 89 (above), rebelled 69 & 76

70-71 (93) COGIDUBINUS, 2nd time

69-85 X. GUIDGEN (GWYDDIEN), son of # 92C (above), anti-king & resistance-leader, established a rival court at Caerleon, killed 85, had descendants [the senior line]

76-87 (93) COGIDUBINUS, 3rd time

87-95 97. MARIUS

95-154 98. COILUS I ["OLD KING COLE"], reign reckoned at 60 years

[note: OLD KING COLE I is not to be confused with later kings COLE II (305) & COLE III "GODEBOG" (418)]

X. CORVUS (CORB[ED]), royal-heir [senior-line]; anti-king 148-184; established a rival court at Dumbarton, Strathclyde, ancestor of its line of kings [to AD 889]

154-155 99. ASELLIUS, usurper, rebel Roman prelate

155-180/1 100. LUCIUS (LLEUVER) "THE SAINT", became a Christian in AD 176

180/1-286 the 100-year interregnum

X. SULGEN (SULIEN), anti-king 207-210

X. BASSUS, anti-king 211


List C. ROMAN GOVERNORS OF BRITAIN, i.e., "BRITANNIA", a Roman province

43-47 01. Aulus Plautius, first one

47-52 02. Ostorius Scapula

52-57 03. Didius Gallus

57-59 04. Quintus Veranius Nepo

59-61 05. Suetonius Paulinus

61-63 06. Petronius Turpilianus

63-69 07. Trebellius Maximus

69-71 08. Vettius Bolanus

71-74 09. Petillius Cerialis

74-78 10. Sex. Jul. Frontinus

78-84 11. Gn. Jul. Agricola

84-85 12. Tiberius Claudius

85-93 13. Sallustius Lucullus

93-95 14. [name]

95-98 15. Publius Metilius Nepos

98-101 16. Avidius Quietus

101-103 17. Lucius Neratius Marcellus

103-109 18. Pomponius Mammiliaus

109-111 19. [name]

111-114 20. Appius Bradua, 1st time (below)

114-117 21. [name]

118-122 22. Pompeius Falco

122-125 23. Platorius Nepos

125-126 24. Nonius Proculus

126-129 (20) Appius Bradua, 2nd time (above)

129-133 25. Sex. Jul. Severus

133-138 26. Mummius Sisenna

138-139 27. Ti. Cl. Quartinus

139-142 28. Lollius Urbicus

142-144 29. M.U. Januarius

144-145 30. Cornelius Priscanus

145-154 31. Papirius Aelianus

154 32. Tuscillus

154-155 interim

155-158 33. Gn. Julius Verus

159-160 34. [...]anus Longinus

160-161 35. Marcus Statius Priscus

161-166 36. Sex. Cal. Agricola

166-167 37. Caerellius Priscus

167-170 38. Ulpius Marcellus, Sr., 1st time (below)

170-175 39. Antistius Adventus, 1st time (below)

175 40. Aufidius Victorinus

175-178 41. M. Antius Calpurnianus, 1st time (below)

178-180 (39) Antistius Adventus, 2nd time (above)

180/181 42. [name]

181-182 43. Caius Julius

183-184 (38) Ulpius Marcellus, Sr., 2nd time (above)

184-185 44. [name]

185-191 45. Pertinax

192-197 46. Clodius Albinus

197-202 47. Virius Lupus

202-203 (41) M. Antius Calpurnianus, 2nd time (above)

203-205 48. Valerius Pudens

205-210 49. Alfenus Senecio

210-211 interim



211-223 50A. Junius Faustinus

223-224 51A. Pollienus Auspex



211-215 50B. Julius Marcus

215-218 51B. Antonius Gordian[us]

218-219 52. Modius Julius

219-221 53. Ti. Cl. Paulinus

221-223 54. M. Valerian

223-224 55. Cl. Xenophon



224-226 56. Maximus

226-227 57. Cl. Apellinus, 1st time (below)

227-228 58. Calvisius Rufus

228-229 59. Crescens Fulvianus

230-235 (57) Cl. Apellinus, 2nd time (above)

235-237 60. Tuccianus

237 X. Quartinus, Gallic governor

237-238 61. Maecilius Fuscus

238-241 62. Egnatius Lucilianus

241-242 63. Nonius Philippus

242-245 64. Aemilianus

245-248 65. Faustinus Postumianus

248-251 66. Triarius Rufinus

251-253 67. Martiannius Pulcher

253-255 68. Desticius Juba

255-258 69. [name]

258-263 interim

----------------- the Gallic emperors ----------------------------------------------------------------

258-267 X. POSTUMUS, M. Cassianius Latinus

267 (Feb-Apr) X. AELIANUS, Ulpius Cornelius (LAELIANUS; LOLLIANUS)

267 (Apr-Jun) X. MARIUS, Marcus Aurelius

267-268 X. VICTOR[INUS] [I], M. Piavonius

268-273 X. VICTORIA, empress

in association with

268-273 X. TETRICUS, Sr., C. Pius Esuvius, Governor of Gaul


268-273 X. TETRICUS, Jr., associate-ruler


263-268 X. Octavius Sabinus

268-274 interim

274-275 70. Constantius "Chlorus", 1st time (below)

275-276 71. Proculus

276-277 72. [name]

277-278 73. [name]

278-284 74. [name]

284-286 75. Quintus Bassianus


286-296 interim, see next list

296 (70) Constantius "Chlorus", 2nd time (above/below)

296-301 77. Valerius Constantine Dardanus, his bro

301-305 78. Aurelius Arpagius

305-306 (70) Constantius "Chlorus", 3rd time (above)

307-313 79. [...]rocles Perpetius

313-319 80. [name]

319-323 81. Papius Pacatianus

323-328 82. [name]

333-337 83. Trahern, viceroy

343-348 84. [name]

348-353 85. Flavius Sanctus

353-354 86. Martinus

354-355 87. Theodosius, 1st time (below)

355-358 88. Eucherius, 1st time (below)

358 (87) Theodosius, 2nd time (above/below)

358-361 89. Alypius

361-363 90. Lupicinus

363-367 91. Lucius Septimus

367-368 92. Civilis

368-369 (87) Theodosius, 3rd time (above)

369-370 93. Nannien

370-372 (88) Eucherius, 2nd time (above)

372-375 94. Honorius

375-383 95. Magnus Maximus

383-384 96. Desiderius

384-385 97. [name]

385-386 interim

386-389 98. [name]

389 99. Chrysantius, 1st time

389-392 interim

392-394 100. Paternus, native governor

394-395 (99) Chrysantius, 2nd time

395-396 interim

396 101. Victorinus

396-397 interim

397-401 102. Stilicho

401-406 103. Marcus Actius

406-418 interim

418 104. Aurelianus, sometimes confused with successor

418-434 interim

434-441 105. Ambrosius, 1st time (below), sometimes confused with predecessor

441-457 interim

457-473 (105) Ambrosius, 2nd time (above), last one



286-293 01. CARAUSIUS (CARAWN "WLEDIC"), BE 289, RE 289, re-founded the British Monarchy after the "great 100-year interregnum"

293-296 02. ALLECTUS (ELAETH "WLEDIC"), BE, usurper

296 03. GENSERIS, BK



305-328 06. HELENA "THE SAINT", queen, associated in the reigns of her husband & son

305-306 07. CONSTANTIUS "CHLORUS", governor, BK, RE

306-337 08. CONSTANTINE I "THE GREAT", BK 306, RE 312/324-337, absentee 312

328-333 09. OCTAVIUS I (EUDAF "HEN"; EUDDAV "THE OLD"; E. "SENAX"), BK, 1st time, usurper

333-337 X. TRAHERN, duke & viceroy

337-353 (9) OCTAVIUS I, BK, 2nd time (above/below)

353-356 10. CARAUSIUS II, rival king

356-382 (9) OCTAVIUS I, BK, 3rd time (above)

382-383 11. MAXIMUS (MACSEN "WLEDIC"), governor 375; British King 382, resigned; Roman Emperor 383-388


383-389 13. DIONOT[US] I, BK

389 14. EUGENIUS (EUGEN; OWAIN), BE, deposed, RE 392-394

389 15. CLOTEN[US], BK

389-392 16. OCTAVIUS II (EUDAF II), BK, usurper

392-394 17. DIONOT[US] II, BE

395-396 18. [H]ELEN [II] "LUYDDOG" ["OF THE HOST"], empress/queen

396-406 interregnum, or nominal reign of GORBODUC sometimes dated from 396; including ST. GUITHELINUS, Arch-Bishop, British Primate, served several monarchs as prime minister, from Queen/Empress Helen [II] "Of The Host" (above) to Queen/Empress Marcia (below)

406 19. MARCUS ACTIUS, governor 401, BE 406


406-409 21. CONSTANTINE II "THE BLESSED", BK 406, III-RE 407-411, abdicated, executed 411 by RE HONORIUS

407-409 22. SEVERA, empress-regent, deposed

----------- interregnum: rule of the "civitates" [regional-rulers, called city-dukes]: 409-411; in 410 declared the British state a senatorial-republic; the assembly was disbanded in 411 by its chaplain

411-412 X. FASTIDIUS, radical-bishop, Arch-Bishop, rebel-primate, demagogue 411-412; formerly chaplain of the British senate

412-417 23. CONSTANS "MYNACH" ["THE MONK"] or "LINOUS", BE

417-418 24. VITALINUS, BE (below)

418 X. AURELIANUS, governor, often confused with AMBROSIUS (below)

418 25. MARCIA, empress/queen




418 2A. PORREX, son, sole king after expelling his brother

418 2B. FERREX, bro, co-king, mur

418 03. JUDON, mother, queen, ex in a mutiny by the army


418 4A. PINCER (PINNER) of Loegria, rival-king

418 4B. RUDUAC (NIDAWC) of Cambria, rival-king

418 4C. STATER (YSTADYR) of Albania, rival-king



418-420 5B. CAELIUS (COILUS) [III] "VOTEPACUS" (COLE "GODEBOG") of Gododdin [Lothian]

418-424 5C. QUINTILLIUS (CINHIL) of Strathclyde

418-423 5D. ANTONIUS "DONATUS" (ANTHUN) of Galloway-Cumbria

418-425 5E. EUGENIUS (OWAIN "FINDDU") of Gwent


421 06. RIVALLO (RIWAL), a.k.a. POMPEIUS REGALIS, son of # 5A (above)

421-424 07. GURGUST "BARBTRUC", a.k.a. GORST "FARFDRWCH" of the "Cole Godebog Pedigree", son of # 5B (above)

424 08. SEISYLT (SISILLIUS) (SYSLT), boy-king, reigned 8 months, died young

424-425 09. MARCIA, queen [formerly empress, # 25 List "D"](above), mother

425-437 10. VORTIGERN [formerly VITALINUS, BE, # 24 List "D"], BK, 1st time (above/below)

434/437-441 X. AMBROSIUS, governor (above/below), see # 105 List "C"

441-453 (10) VORTIGERN, BK, 2nd time (above/below)


456-457 (10) VORTIGERN, BK, 3rd time (above)

457-464/473 12. AMBROSIUS (EMBREIS "GULETIC") (AMRIS "PENDREIC") (AMBROSE), governor 434/437 [last one], British King 457-473, Roman Emperor 472-3 (Dec-Feb)

464 X. EUTHER[IUS] "PEN DRACO", regent

464-467 13. PASCENT, rival-king, expelled 467, returned & killed 473

467 (12) AMBROSIUS, again

467 X. ST. BRAN "FENDIGAID" ["THE BLESSED"], regional-king

467-468 14. CASWALLAWN II, rival king, 1st time

468-469 (12) AMBROSIUS, again

469 X. VITALINUS, claimant, ex [beheaded]

469-470 (12) AMBROSIUS, again

470 (15) EUTHER[IUS] "PEN DRACO", regent

470-471 (14) CASWALLAWN II, rival king, 2nd time

471-473 (15) EUTHER[IUS] "PEN DRACO", regent

473 (12) AMBROSIUS, again

473 X. ARTESIA, wife/widow, regent


475-476 (14) CASWALLAWN II, rival-king, 3rd time

476-479 (15) EUTHERIUS, again

479 16. AMLAWD "WLEDIC" [ANBLAUD "THE GREAT"], fell in battle fighting invading horde of Teutonic barbarians under AELLA [# 15]

----------- interregnum

479 X. VOTEMACHUS, Arch-Bishop, British Primate, acting-ruler

477/479-493 17. AELLA "THE SAXON" or "THE TYRANT", conqueror

485 X. GWELLEDER of Cornwall, anti-king, elected patriot-king by the Britons in opposition to the Anglo-Saxon Bretwalda Aella, who conquered Britain and became Britain's first Barbarian-King. The Britons under their self-styled king Gwelleder were defeated and killed in a famous battle fighting the barbarians under Aella, who put down the resistance of the British nationals with terrible slaughter.

----------- interregnum

493 X. THEODORIC & MARCELLUS, military-governors

494 X. DUBRITICUS (DUBRIC; DYF[...]) "THE SAINT", Arch-Bishop, British Primate, acting regent during interregnum

495 X. ARTHUR [15-year old squire], crowned king but rejected by the nobles (below)

495-501 18. NATLOD "WLEDIC", a.k.a. NATHAN[US] "LAUDATUS"; appears as NATANLEOD in ASC; elected king by the nobles, killed in civil war versus another claimant to the British throne, his successor

501-504 19. CERDIC [III] (KEREDIC) of Hampshire [Wessex], rival-king (below) [see # 7 List "F"]



504/507-538 01. ARTHUR (b 25 Dec 479; d 16 Feb 538), founded U.K. Year 519

537-538 X. MO[R]DRED (MEDRAUT; MEDRAWD), usurper (Oct-Feb)






538-540 07. KEREDIC, a.k.a. CERDIC [III] of Hampshire [Wessex], deposed, d540/1, see # 17 List "E"

540-547 interregnum

540-541 X. GORMUND, the Byzantine Governor of North Africa (534-543), conqueror; commissioned by Belisarius, army-commander [general] of the Roman/Byzantine Empire

541 X. BEOWULF [a.k.a. ELFHERE] "THE GERMAN SNAKE", barbarian-king


541-547 the triumvirate [co-rule of three dukes]: a republic

(a) MALGO of Gwynedd, ex-king (above), called "DRAGON OF THE ISLE"

(b) RIWAL of Dumnonia, d558

(c) BUDIC of Armorica, d556


547-552 08. HUAL [HOEL I], boy-king, under regency of his mother, Queen LUNETTE [or LENORE] the boy-king & his mother, the queen-regent, were both murdered in a conspiracy of the seven Saxon dukes

552-560 interregnum

552-560 X. GODRICH of Cornwall, Prince-Regent in the absence of a national-king

X. CADROD (CATRAUT) of Calchvynydd, claimant, d556, representative of Arthur’s House

X. CYNRIC (CUNORIX) of Hampshire [Wessex], claimant, d560, representative of Cerdic’s House

560-565 09. HAVELOK "THE DANE", barbarian-king, not usually numbered in the regnal-lists, however, remembered in tradition, legend, and folklore

565 X. CYNDEYRN "WLEDIC", rival-king

565-568 interregnum

568-591 10. COELIN (CEAWLIN) of Wessex, revives the national-monarchy in 568; deposed in 591 by CREODA of Mercia

X. CON[D]IDAN (CYNHEIDDON) (CYNDYDDAM), rival-king 571-577

X. CYNFERCH, rival-king 581-593

591-593 11. CREODA (CREUDDYN) of Mercia, usurper

----------- the consulate: a republic --------------------------------------------

593-598 X. BROCHWEL (BROCHMAIL), "Consul of Britain"

in association with :

(a) CADFAN of Gwynedd, co-duke (below)

(b) MARGADUD[D] of Demetia, co-duke; retired 596; d603

(c) BLEDUD [BLEDERIC] of Cornwall, co-duke, killed 598


598-613 12. CADFAN (CADVAN) (CATAMANUS) (above), elected king in a national-assembly

613 (14) CADWALLON [III], 1st time (below)

613 X. CYNFEDDW, rival-king, mur 614

613-616 13A. ETHELBERT "SANCTUS" of Kent, barbarian-king, co-ruler

613-616 13B. ETHELFRIT "THE FIERCE" of Bernicia, barbarian-king, co-ruler

616-625 14. CADWALLON (CATGOLLUAN) [III], 2nd time (above/below)

625-633 15. IUDOIN (EDWIN) of Deira, usurper

633-634 (14) CADWALLON [III], 3rd time (above)

634-637 16. IUDRIS (IDRIS) "GAWR" of Meirioneth [Meirionydd]

637-654 17. CADAFAEL (CATGABAIL) "CADGOMMED" of Gwynedd


657-664 19. CADWALADR II "FENDIGAID" ["THE BLESSED"], deposed or quit the country following the "3rd" Battle of Badon Hill in 664, died in exile 682

664-674 20. WULFHERE [WULFRED] of Mercia, conqueror

X. YVOR (d692) & YNI (d728), resistance-leaders

674-685 21. EGFRIT of Northumbria, barbarian-king

685-704 22. ETHRED (ETHELRED) of Mercia, barbarian-king, abdicated & became a monk, d716

690 23. ALAN, anti-king

690-692 24. HOEL [II] "DEC", anti-king

692 25. YVOR, anti-king

704-712 26. GERAINT "FEDDW" of Devon, called “King of Britain”

712 27. IDWAL (IUTGUAUL) "IWRCH" ["ROEBUCK"] of Gwynedd

712-717 28. CADWGON (CATGOCUAN) "TRYDELIG" of Demetia

717 29. GWYLLOG (CYNLLAW) of Powys

720 30. IUDHAIL (ITHEL) of Morgannwg/Glywysing, d745, Head of The League of Welsh Princes/British kings 720

721 31. HOEL [III]/VI of Cornwall, Head of The League 721

722 32. RHODRI "MOLWYNOG" of Gwynedd, d754, Head of The League 722

723-726 33. YNI, a.k.a. INE of Wessex, formerly resistance-leader (above), reigned over both Britons and Saxons alike, codified the laws making everyone equal under his law-code; abdicated; d728 during pilgrimage to Rome

726-729 34. EVRAWG [who appears as PHILIP[PON] in medieval romance], the Arthurian heir, elected or acknowledged in a national-assembly at Caerleon

729-735 35. GALAES [who appears as MELIADICE or BLENZIBLE in medieval romance], queen, daughter, succeeded father, murdered along with her son, Cwilym, the crown-prince, after which barbarian-kings sat on the British throne



477/479-493 01. AELLA of Sussex, called "THE SAXON" or "THE TYRANT"

----------- interregnum: Age of Arthur

568-593 02. CEAWLIN of Wessex [COELIN of Hampshire]

593-616 3A. ETHELBERT "SANCTUS" of Kent, co-ruler

593-616 3B. ETHELFRIT "THE FIERCE" of Bernicia, co-ruler

616-623 04. REDWALD of East Anglia

624-633 05. EDWIN of Deira [the Welsh IUDOIN]

634-642 06. OSWALD of Northumbria [Bernicia & Deira] [the Welsh OSWALLT "LLAFNWYN"]

642-654 07. PENDA "STRENUUS" or "THE STRONG" of Mercia

654-657 08. OSWIU [OSWY] of Bernicia/Northumbria [the Welsh OSWYDD "AELWYN" = "FAIR-BROW"], d661

657-674 09. WULFHERE [GM's WULFRED] of Mercia, crowned "King of Britain" 664

674-679 10. EGFERT (EGFRITH) of Northumbria, d685

679-704 11. ETHELRED of Mercia [the Welsh ETHRED; EDRYD], abdicated, d716


704-709 12A. CENRED of Mercia

709-716 X. CEOLRED of Mercia, claimant

716 X. CEOLWALD of Mercia, claimant


704 X. ALDFRITH of Northumbria, claimant

704-705 12B. EADWULF of Northumbria

705-716 X. OSRED of Northumbria, claimant


704-726 12C. INE [YNE] of Wessex, abd, d728


735-752 13. ETHELBALD of Mercia [the Welsh ETHBAL], crowned King of Britain 736, deposed, d757

752-757 interregnum: anarchy

757 X. BERNRED of Mercia, claimant

758-796 14. OFFA of Mercia, crowned King of Britain 786

796 X. EGFRITH [II] of Mercia, boy-king, mur

796-821 15. CENWULF (CENULF) of Mercia

821 X. KENELM (CENELM) "THE SAINT" of Mercia, boy-king, mur

821-823 16. CEOLWULF of Mercia

823-825 17. BERNULF of Mercia

825-839 18. EGBERT of Wessex, crowned King of Britain 829, the grandfather of Alfred "The Great", the 1st King of England, see "List I"




796-802 01. OGIER "THE DANE", a.k.a. HOLGER "DANSKE", "rex Normannorum totius Britanniae et Hiberniae" = "King of all Normans ["North-Men"], or Vikings, in Britain and Ireland"

---------- interregnum: the Anglo-Saxon Era

867-871/873 02. IVAR "THE BONELESS", son of Ragnar "The Raven", surname: "Lodbrok", a viking-leader; who often is confused with his ancestor, Ragnar "Lodbrok", overlord of Scandinavia

873 03. SIGFRID

871/873-877 04. HALFDAN, King of England, issued coins

877-883 05. GODFRED I (GUTHFRITH), d894


874-892 7A. GUTHRUM (GUTHORM), d890/2



894-895 08. SIGFRID II, 1st time

895-896 09. HASTEIN (HASTINGS)

896-898 (08) SIGFRID II, 2nd time, under English vassalage

896-899 10. HARDEKNUT (CNUT), co-ruler, under English vassalage, resigned English "DaneLaw" to son, GORM, whereupon, took an army to Denmark, and conquered the country; King of Denmark 899-902

899-902 11. GORM, under English vassalage, resigned English "DaneLaw" to "cousins"; went to Denmark on news of father’s death and succeeded him there, and became King Gorm III "The Great" ["Grandaevus"] or "The Old" ["Hen"] of Denmark, d936

902-910 12A.INGVAR,co-king
902-910 12B. HALFDAN II, co-king

902-910 12C. EOWILS, co-king

910-911 interregnum

911-914 13. RAGNALD I, 1st time

914-919 interregnum

919-921 (13) RAGNALD I, 2nd time

921-927 14. SIHTRIC (SIGTRYGG) "GALE" or "CAOCH"

927 (17) OLAF "CUARAN", 1st time (below)

927 15. GODFRED II (GUTHFRITH), expelled, d934

927-939 interregnum

939-941 16. OLAF I [ANLAF]

941-943 17. OLAF II "CUARAN"/"KVARAN" or "BROGUES", 2nd time (above/below)

943-944 18. RAGNALD II, dep & kld

944-947 (17) OLAF "CUARAN", 3rd time (above)

947-948 19. OERIC "BLOOD-AXE", 1st time

949-952 (17) OLAF "CUARAN", again, d981

952-954 (19) OERIC "BLOOD-AXE", 2nd time

note: in 954 the English "DaneLaw" , that is, the "Viking-Kingdom", was annexed to England, thus, uniting the whole country



872-873 01. IVAR "THE BONELESS"

873-876 02. SIGFRID I

876-877 03. HALFDAN I

877-883 nominal Bernician rule

883-894/5 04. GODFRED I [GUTHFRITH], d895

894/5-898 05. SIGFRID II, d900

896-899 06. KNUT [HARDEKNUT], later King of Denmark 899-902

899-902 07. GORM, later King of Denmark 902-936

899-902 under overlordship of ETHELWALD of Wessex

902-910 8A INGVAR, co-king

902-910 8B HALFDAN II, co-king

902-910 8C EOWILS, co-king

910-911 interim

911-914 09. RAGNALD I, 1st time

914-919 interim

919-921 (09) RAGNALD I, 2nd time

921-927 10. SIHTRIC (SIGTRYGG) "CAOCH" or "GALE"

927 (13) OLAF "CUARAN", proclaimed king but did not reign (below)

927 11. GODFRED II (GUTHFRITH), d934

927-939 under direct English rule

939-941 12. OLAF I , a.k.a. ANLAF GUTHFRITHSON

941-943 13. OLAF II "CUARAN"/"KVARAN" or "BROGUES", 1st time (above/below)

943-944 14. RAGNALD II

XXX 944 (13) OLAF II "CUARAN", 2nd time

944-947 under direct English rule

947-948 15. OERIC "BLOOD-AXE", 1st time

949-952 (13) OLAF II "CUARAN", 3rd time

952-954 (15) OERIC "BLOOD-AXE", 2nd time



832-845 X. TURGEIS [THORKEL], Viking-King of Ireland

845-851 interim

851 X. OLAF "THE WHITE" , a.k.a. ANLAF "HVITI", a sea-king

851-853 interim

853-856 01. OLAF I (AMLAIBH; AULAFFE), 1st time

856-863 02. IVAR I

863-867 03. AUISLE (AUDGISL) (OISLI)

867-871 (01) OLAF I, 2nd time, d872

871-873 04. IVAR II "BONELESS"

873-875 05. EYSTEIN (OISTIN)

875-877 06. HALFDAN I

877-881 07. BAIRD (BARITH)

881-883 08. OTIR

883-888 09. SIGFRID I

888 10. OLAF II "THE YOUNG" (d894)

888-893 11. SIHTRIC I (SIGTRYGG), 1st time

893 civil war among claimants

893-894 12. SIGFRID II (d900)

894-896 (11) SIHRTIC II, 2nd time

896 13. ,OLAF III

896-902 14. IVAR III (d904)


902-917 interim

917-921 16. SIHTRIC II "CAOCH" or "GALE" (d927)


926 18. HALFDAN II


928 20. [name]

928-934 21. GODFRED II

934-939 22. OLAF IV, d941

939-941 23. OLAF V "CUARAN" or "BROGUES", 1st time

941-944 24. BLACAR (BLACAIRE), 1st time

944-947 (23) OLAF V "CUARAN", 2nd time

947-948 (24) BLACAR, 2nd time


953-980 (23) OLAF V "CUARAN", 3rd time, d981

980-989 26. GLUNJARAN

989 27. HYMAN, usurper

989-994 28. SIHTRIC III "SILK-BEARD", 1st time

994-995 29. IVAR IV, d1000

995-1029 (28) SIHRTIC III "SILK-BEARD", 2nd time, d1035/42

1029-1035 30. OLAF VI

1035-1038 31. MARGADR, 1st time

1038 32. IMERGI [ECHMARCACH], 1st time

1038-1042 33. SIHTRIC IV, d1065

1042-1046 34. IVAR V, d1054

1046 (32) IMERGI, 2nd time

1046-1052 (31) MARGADR, 2nd time

1052 (32) IMERGI, 3rd time


1052-1070 X. MURCHAD of Leinster

1070-1072 X. DOMNALL of Leinster


1052-1066 35. OLAF [VII], titular king

1066-1072 36. GODFRED [IV] "CROVAN", titular king


1072-1074 37. GUDROD, d1075


1074 X. TOIRRDELBACH of Munster

1074-1086 X. MUIRCHERTACH of Munster


1089-1091 interim

1091-1094 38. GODFRED V/IV "MERANACH", d1095

1094-1118 interim

1118-1124 39. THORFINN

1124-1136 interim

1136-1146 40. RAGNALD

1146-1148 41. OTTAR

1148-1160 42. BRODAR

1160-1162 43. ASTELL (ASCULPH), 1st time

1162-1166 interim

1166-1170 (43) ASTELL, 2nd time


1170-1539 an English lordship


1539-1801 incorporated into the "English" Kingdom of Ireland


1801-1922 incorporated into the "British" Kingdom of Ireland


1922 annexed by Kingdom of Ireland


1949 annexed by the Irish Republic



853-863 01. SIHTRIC (SIGTRYGG)

863-882 02. GORM

XXX-891 03. [name]

891-893 04. PATRICK

893 05. [name]

914 06. [name]

914-918 07. RAGNALD I, d921

918-921 08. [name]

921-926 09. GODFRED, d934

926-941 10. OLAF I

941 11. [name]

969 12. [name]

969-1000 13. IVAR

1000-1014 14. [name] "MAC RAGNALD"

1014-1022 15. SIHTRIC [II], d1035

1022-1031 16. RAGNALD II

1031-1034 17. OLAF II

1034-1037 18. CUIONMHAIN "UA RABANN"

1037 19. RAGNALD III


date annexed by Dublin



855-875 01. IVAR I (IOMHAR)

875-880 02. BARITH (BAIRD)

880-888 03. SIGFRID

888-896 04. SIHTRIC

896 05. OLAF

896-922 06. HAROLD I

922 07. AILCHE

930 08. TOMAR

930-977 09. IVAR II

977-978 10. HAROLD II

978 annexed by Dublin




886-899 01. ALFRED "THE GREAT", threw off the Viking Yoke and liberated the country from its foreign occupiers; established a new kingdom, thus [also] reckoned "first" King of England

899 X. ETHELWALD, rival king 899-902

899-924 02. EDWARD [I] "THE ELDER"

924 X. ELFWERD, usually not numbered in the regnal-lists



946-955 05. EDRED

955-959 06. EDWIG (EDWY) "ALL-FAIR"


975-978 08. EDWARD [II] "THE MARTYR"

978-1013 09. ETHELRED "THE UNREADY", 1st time

1013-1014 10. SVEN "THE DANE" or "FORK-BEARD", conqueror

1014-1016 (09) ETHELRED "THE UNREADY", 2nd time

1016 11. EDMUND II "IRONSIDE" (reigned 7 months), mur

1016-1035 12. CNUT (CANUTE) "THE GREAT"

1035-1037 X. EMMA, queen-regent

1037-1040 13. HAROLD I "HAREFOOT", usurper, co-regent 1035

1040-1042 14. HARDEKNUT [II], titular king 1035

1042-1066 15. EDWARD [III] "THE CONFESSOR" [canonized 1161]

1066 16. HAROLD II, usurper

1066 17. EDGAR II "AETHELING", abdicated

1066 for continuation see British Monarchs, List "J"




the "adopted" son of EDWARD "THE CONFESSOR" [List "I"] (above)

1087-1100 02. WILLIAM II "RUFUS"

X. EDMUND, rival king 1094-1097

1100-1135 03. HENRY I "BEAUCLERC"

1135-1141 04. STEPHEN, usurper, 1st time

1141 05. MATILDA "THE EMPRESS", Queen/"Lady of England" (seven months), deposed, d1167

1141-1154 (04) STEPHEN, usurper, 2nd time

1154-1189 06. HENRY II "CURTMANTLE", added Ireland

1189-1199 07. RICHARD I "LION-HEART"

1199-1216 08. JOHN "LACKLAND", forfeited his French fiefs to France, & gave his English kingdom to "THE HOLY SEE"

1216-1272 09. HENRY III

1272-1307 10. EDWARD I "LONG-SHANKS" and/or "THE HAMMER"

1307-1327 11. EDWARD II, deposed & murdered

1327-1377 12. EDWARD III, claimant to the French throne

1377-1399 13. RICHARD II, deposed, murdered 1400

1399-1413 14. HENRY IV, usurper

1413-1422 15. HENRY V, conquered France

1422-1461 16. HENRY VI, 1st time, deposed

1461-1470 17. EDWARD IV, 1st time, deposed

1470-1471 (16) HENRY VI, 2nd time, deposed & murdered

1471-1483 (17) EDWARD IV, 2nd time

1483 18. EDWARD V, boy-king (three months), deposed & murdered


1485-1509 20. HENRY VII, added Wales

1509-1547 21. HENRY VIII

1547-1553 22. EDWARD VI

1553 23. JANE, Lady Jane Grey, Queen (nine days: 10-19 July), deposed, executed 1554, called "The Nine-Days Queen"

1553-1558 24A. MARY I, called "BLOODY MARY", co-sovereign

1553-1558 24B. PHILIP [Hapsburg] of Spain, co-sovereign

1558-1603 25. ELIZABETH I , called "THE VIRGIN QUEEN"

1603-1625 26. JAMES I [VI of Scotland], added Scotland

1625-1649 27. CHARLES I "THE MARTYR", executed by republican-radicals led by Oliver Cromwell

1649-1660 interregnum: republic


1685-1689 29. JAMES II, deposed by a national convention convened by WILLIAM OF ORANGE and dominated by "the Immortal Seven", d1701

1688-1689 interregnum: anarchy

1689-1694 30A. MARY II, co-sovereign

1689-1702 30B. WILLIAM III [of Orange], co-sovereign, alone after 1694

1702-1714 31. ANNE

1714-1727 32. GEORGE I LOUIS

1727-1760 33. GEORGE II AUGUSTUS

1760-1820 34. GEORGE III, the king who lost America



1837-1901 37. VICTORIA "GLORIANA"

1901-1910 38. EDWARD VII "PEACE-MAKER"

1910-1936 39. GEORGE V

1936 40. EDWARD VIII (eleven months), abdicated, d1972

1936-1952 41. GEORGE VI ALBERT

1952- 42. ELIZABETH II, reigning British sovereign



872-878 01. RHODRI "MAWR" ["THE GREAT"], reckoned "first" King of Wales

878-916 02. ANARAWD

916-950 03. HYWEL I "DDA" ["THE GOOD"]

950-979 04. IAGO I

979-985 05. HYWEL II "THE BAD"

985-986 06. CADWALLON

986-999 07. MAREDUDD

999-1005 08. CYNAN

1005-1018 09. AEDDAN, usurper

1018-1023 10. LLYWELYN I

1023-1033 11. RIDERCH, usurper

1033-1039 12. IAGO II

1039-1063 13. GRUFFYDD I

1063-1075 14.BLEDDYN

1075-1081 15.TRAHERN,usurper

1081-1093 16.RHYS

1093-1094 interregnum

1094-1137 17.GRUFFYDD II

1137-1170 18. OWAIN "THE GREAT", dropped title "king" in 1157 & took title "prince" in deference to King HENRY II of England’s overlordship

1170-1194 19. DAFYDD I

1194-1240 20. LLYWELYN II "THE GREAT"

1240-1246 21. DAFYDD II

1246-1282 22. LLYWELYN III "THE LAST"



1284-1307 01. Edward "of Caernarvon" [future King Edward II of England], invested 1301

1343-1346 02. Edward "of Woodstock", "The Black Prince" [eldest son of King Edward III of England]

1376-1377 03. Richard "of Bordeaux" [future King Richard II of England]

1399-1413 04. Henry "of Monmouth" [future King Henry V of England]

1454-1471 05. Edward "of Westminster" [only son of King Henry VI of England]

1471-1483 06. Edward "of Westminster" [future King Edward V of England]

1483-1484 07. Edward "of Middleham" [only son of King Richard III of England]

1489-1502 08. Arthur Tudor [eldest son of King Henry VII of England]

1504-1509 09. Henry Tudor [future King Henry VIII of England]

1610-1612 10. Henry Frederick Stuart [eldest son of King James I of Britain]

1616-1625 11. Charles Stuart [future King Charles I of Britain]

1638-1649 12. Charles Stuart [future King Charles II of Britain]

1688-1701 13. James Francis Edward [only surviving son of King James II of Britain]

1714-1727 14. George Augustus [future King George II of Britain]

1729-1751 15. Frederick Louis [eldest son of King George II of Britain]

1751-1760 16. George William Frederick [future King George III of Britain]

1762-1820 17. George [future King George IV of Britain]

1841-1901 18. Edward [future King Edward VII of Britain]

1901-1910 19. George [future King George V of Britain]

1910-1936 20. Edward [future King Edward VIII of Britain]

1958- 21. Charles [eldest son of Queen Elizabeth II], invested 1969



848-859 01. KENNETH I "MacALPIN", reckoned "first" King of Scotland

859-863 02. DONALD I

863-877 03. CONSTANTINE I

877-878 04. AEDH "WHITE-FOOT"

878-889 5A. GIRIC

878-889 5B. EOCHU

889-900 06. DONALD II

900-943 07. CONSTANTINE II, abd, d952

943-954 08. MALCOLM I

954-962 09. INDULF, abd, d same year

962-967 10. DUFF

967-971 11. COLIN

971-995 12. KENNETH II

----------- X. OLAF, rival-king 971-977


997-1005 14A. KENNETH III

997-1005 14B. GIRIC [II], associate-king with father

1005-1034 15. MALCOLM II

1034-1040 16. DUNCAN I

1040-1057 17. MACBETH

1057-1058 18. LULACH "THE SIMPLE"

1058-1093 19. MALCOLM III "CANMORE"

[note: in some lists is reckoned 22nd in succession from Kenneth MacAlpin, & 58th from Fergus "Mor"]

1093-1094 20. DONALD III "BANE", 1st time

1094 21. DUNCAN II

1094-1097 (20) DONALD III "BANE", 2nd time, deposed, d c 1100

1097-1107 22. EDGAR

1107-1124 23. ALEXANDER I "THE FIERCE"

1124-1153 24. DAVID I "THE SAINT"

1153-1165 25. MALCOLM IV "THE CHASTE"

1165-1214 26. WILLIAM "THE LION"

1214-1249 27. ALEXANDER II


1286-1290 29. MARGARET, "MAID OF NORWAY", girl-queen, died young

1290-1292 interregnum

1292-1296 30. JOHN BALLIOL, dep, d1313

1296-1306 31. EDWARD [I] "LONG-SHANKS" [I/or IV of England]

1306-1328 interregnum

1328-1329 32. ROBERT BRUCE, anti-king 1306-1328

1329-1332 33. DAVID II, 1st time

1332 34. EDWARD [II] BALLIOL, 1st time

1332-1333 (33) DAVID II, 2nd time

1333-1334 (34) EDWARD [II], 2nd time

1334-1335 interregnum

1335-1336 (34) EDWARD [II], 3rd time, deposed, renounced rights 1356, d1363

1336-1371 (33) DAVID II, 3rd time

1371-1390 35. ROBERT II

1390-1406 36. ROBERT III JOHN

1406-1437 37. JAMES I

1437-1460 38. JAMES II

1460-1488 39. JAMES III

1488-1513 40. JAMES IV

1513-1542 41. JAMES V

1542-1567 42. MARY, Queen, deposed, imprisoned & executed 1587

1567-1625 43. JAMES VI, became JAMES I OF ENGLAND in 1603

1625 for continuation see British Monarchs, List "J"



396-423 01. NIALL "MOR" ["THE GREAT"] or "NOIGIALLACH" ["OF THE NINE HOSTAGES"], reckoned "first" King of Ireland

423-428 02. DATHI (NATH-I)

428-463 03. LOEGAIRE

463-482 04. AILILL "MOLT"

482-507 05. LUGAIDH

507-512 interim: under direct rule of King ARTHUR of Britain


534-544 07. TUATHAL "MAELGARB"

544-565 08. DIARMAIT I (DERMOT)

565-566 9A. FORGGUS (FERGUS), co-king

565-566 9B. DOMNALL I "ILCHELGACH" (DONALD), co-king

566-569 10. AINMERE

569-572 11A. BAETAN I, co-king

569-572 11B. EOCHAID, co-king

572-581 12. BAETAN II [son of Cairill], sometimes 12 & 13 are combined into one

581-586 13. BAETAN III [son of Ninnid]

586-592 interim

592-598 14. AEDH I

598-604 15A. COLMAN "RIMID", co-king

598-604 15B. AEDH II "SLAINE", co-king

604-612 16. AEDH III "UARIDNACH"

612-615 17. MAEL COBO

615-628 18. SUIBNE "MENN"

628-642 19. DOMNALL II (DONALD)

642-654 20A. CONALL "CAEL", co-king

642-654 20B. CELLACH (KELLY), co-king, abd, d658

654-665 21A. DIARMAIT II, co-king

654-665 21B. BLATHMAC, co-king, d670

665-671 22. SECHNUSSACH

671-675 23. CENN "FAELAD"

675-695 24. FINSNECHTA "FLEDACH", id. with St. Finniety "The Festive"

695-704 25. LOINGSECH


710-722 27. FERGAL


724-728 29. CINAED (KENNETH)

728-734 30. FLAITHBERTACH (FLAHERTY) dep, d765

734-743 31. AEDH IV "ALLAN" ["THE HANDSOME"]

743-763 32. DOMNALL III "MIDI"

763-770 33. NIALL [II] "FROSSACH" ["OF THE SHOWERS"], abd, d778

770-797 34. DONCHAD I "MIDI"


819-833 36. CONCHOBAR

833-838 37. NIALL III "CAILLE", dep, d846

838-846 X. TURGEIS [THORGEST] "THE VIKING", conqueror



879-916 40. FLANN "SINNA" ["THE FOX"]


919-944 42. DONCHAD II "DONN"

944-950 43A. RUAIDRI I



980-1002 45. MAEL SECHNAIL II [a.k.a. MALACHY II "THE GREAT"], 1st time

1002-1014 46. BRIAN "BORU" of Munster

1014-1022 (45) MAEL SECHNAILL II, 2nd time

1022-1063 47. DONCHAD III of Munster, dep, d1064

1063-1072 48. DIARMAIT III "MAC MAEL" ["THE IMPETUOUS"] of Leinster

1072-1086 49. TURLOGH I (TOIRDELBACH; TIRDELVAGH) of Munster

1086-1119 50. MURTOUGH II (MUIRCHERTACH) of Munster

1119-1121 51. DOMNALL V [Donald O’Loughlin]

1121-1156 52. TURLOGH II of Connacht, dep, d1156


1166-1186 54. RUAIDRI II, a.k.a. RORY O'CONNOR, of Connacht, deposed, last native king, d1198


1171-1542 the English kings held the title "Lord of Ireland"


1542-1949 the English kings held the title "King of Ireland"


1171-1921 direct rule by English governors


1922-1949 the Irish Free State


1949-? the Irish republic




(440) 02. FERGUS I "FODHAE"

(445) 03. GUAIRE


(460) 05. SARAN


479-507 07. EOCHAID I

507-526 08. CAIRELL I (CAIRIOLL)

526-547 09. EOCHAID II

547-551 10. FERGNAE

551-558 11. EATHACH

558-565 12. DEMAN

565-568 13. AEDH I "DUBH", 1st time

(568) 14. DAIGH

568-585 15. BAETAN (BAODAN)

585-592 (13) AEDH I "DUBH", 2nd time

592-597 16. FIACHNI I

597-622 17. FIACHNI II "LURGAN" or "CRAICH"


625-634 19. CONGAL II "CLAEN", dep, d ---

634-643 20. DUNCHAD I


647-670 22. BLATHMAC


674-691 24. FERGUS II

691-704 25. BECC I "BOIRCHE", abd, d718

704-706 26. CU I "CHUARAN" (CUCUARAIN)

706-732 27. AEDH II "ROIN"

732-733 28. BRESSAIL (BREASAL)




790-810 32. EOCHAID III

810-819 33. CAIRELL II

819-825 34. MAOL II BRESSAIL


839-857 36. MATUDAN I (MADUDHAN)

857-873 37A. LETHLOBAR

857-871 37B. CATHALAN

873-882 38. AINBITH (AINBHITH)

882-883 39. EOCHOGAN

883-886 40. AIREMON (EREAMHON)

886 41. FIACHNI V

886-893 42. BECC II

893-895 43. MUIREDACH III (MOREADY), dep, d897

895-896 44. MAOL III "MOCHEIRGE"

896-898 45. AITITH (AIDIDH)

898-904 46. CENN "EITIGH" (CEINN "EIDIGH")

904-919 47. AEDH III

908-913 48. CUMUSCACH, rival-king

(910) 49. MAOL IV "MORDHA", rival-king




932-937 53. EOCHAID IV

937-950 54. MATUDAN II

950-957 55. ARDGAL (ARTGHAL)

957-971 56. NIALL I

971-972 57. AEDH IV

972-1004 58. EOCHAID V

1004-1006 59. GILLE-COMGAILL

1006-1007 60. MAOL V "RUANAIDH"

1007 61. MATUDAN III



1007-1008 64. MUIREDACH IV

1008-1016 65. NIALL II

1016-1062 66. NIALL III

1062-1063 67. EOCHAID VI

1063-1065 68. DUNCHAD II

1065-1071 69. CU II "ULAID" (CUULADH) (CULAO), dep, d1072

1071-1074 70. AEDH V "MERANACH"

(1074) 71. MATHGAMNA

1074-1094 72. DONN I "SLEIBE" [DUNSLEIVE]

(1081) 73. GOLL-NA-GORTA

(1094) 74. LOCHAINN

1094-1101 75. DUNCHAD III, 1st time

1101-1104 76. AEDH VI, 1st time



1107-1113 (75) DUNCHAD III, 2nd time


?-1122 (76) AEDH VI, 2nd time

1122-1127 80. NIALL IV

(1127) 81. AEDH VII

1127-1128 82. CENNEDIG II (KENNEDY)


1131-1148 84. CU III "ULAID", 1st time

(1136) 85. CONCHOBAR II, rival-king

1148-1149 86. DUNCHAD IV

1149-1157 (84) CU III "ULAID", 2nd time

1157-1158 87. CONCHOBAR III


1158-1166 89. EOCHAID IX, dep, d1172

(1160) X. AEDH [IX], rival-king

(1164) X. DAVID, rival-king

1166-1171 90. MAGNUS I


1172-1176 92. CU IV "ULAID" [COOLEY MAC DONSLEVY], dep, d1178



1181-1188 95. DOMNALL II

1188-1196 96. MUIRCHERTACH

1196 97. MAGNUS II

1196-1197 98. FLATHERY UA MAOLORAIDH, usurper

1197-1201 99. RUAIDRI, a.k.a. RORY MAC DONLEVY

1201-1230 100. AEDH X "METH" or "DUBH" or "THE FAT"

XXXX 1230 101. NIALL V "RUADH" ["THE RED"]

1230-1231 102. DOMNALL III MACLOCHLAINN, 1st time

1231-1234 103. DOMNALL IV "OG"

1234-1241 (102) DOMNALL III MACLOCHLAINN, 2nd time

1241-1260 104. BRIAN I "CATHA AN DUIN"

1260-1261 105. AEDH XI "BUIDHE", 1st time

1261-1263 106. NIALL VI "CULANAGH", 1st time

1263-1283 (105) AEDH XI "BUIDHE", 2nd time

1283-1286 107. DOMNALL V, 1st time

1286-1290 (106) NIALL VI "CULANAGH", 2nd time

1290-1291 (107) DOMNALL V, 2nd time

1291 (107) NIALL VI "CULANAGH", 3rd time

1291-1295 108. BRIAN II

1295-1325 (107) DOMNALL V, 3rd time

1325-1344 109. HENRY I (EINRI; ENRI), dep, d1347

1344-1364 110. AEDH XII "REAMHAR"

1364-1394 111. NIALL VII "BOG" ["THE BIG"], abd, d1397

1394-1403 112. NIALL VIII "OGE", "LE GRAND O'NEILL"

1403 113. BRIAN III "OG"

1403-1410 114. DOMNALL VI, 1st time

1410-1414 115. EOGAN, 1st time

1414-1419 (114) DOMNALL VI, 2nd time

1419-1421 (115) EOGAN, 2nd time

1421-1432 (114) DOMNALL VI, 3rd time

1432-1455 (115) EOGAN, 3rd time, abd, d1456

1455-1483 116. HENRY II, abd, d1489

1483-1493 117. CONN I "BOG" ["THE BIG"]

1493-1498 118. HENRY III "OGE"

1498-1509 119. DOMNALL VII "CLARACH"

1509-1514 120. AIRT I

1514-1519 121. AIRT II "OGE"

1519-1542 122. CONN II "BACCAGH", resigned rights to HENRY VIII of England in 1542, 1st Earl of Tyrone 1542-1559 in THE BRITISH PEERAGE

1559-1567 123. SHANE "THE PROUD", Prince of Ulster

1567-1593 124. TERENCE "LEYNAGH" (TURLOUGH "LYNAGH"), Prince, abd, d1595

1593-1603 125. AEDH XIII [HUGH "THE RED"], "THE GREAT O'NEILL", Prince/King;

reckoned the last native King of Ulster; 2nd Earl of Tyrone 1562/1585; resigned the title "king" in deference to King JAMES I of Britain in 1603; the Kingdom of Ulster became the Earldom of Tyrone and was incorporated into the [then] "English" Kingdom of Ireland [the only period in Ulster’s history when it was united with Ireland]; anticipating arrest for treasonable activities, fled Ireland with all the other Irish earls, which is called "The Flight of The Earls", 1607, thus, forfeiting his title and estate, 1608; died in exile in Rome 1616; left issue

1603 for continuation see British Monarchs, List "J"



475/500 01. MANAN "MAC LEIRR" [id. with Manan, son of Llyr [III] "Llediaith"], the legendary founder of the Manx kingdom

500/525 02. IMONGAN, kld vs Malgo of Gwynedd, in 543

525/550 03. DALBOTH, kld vs Elidur of Lancaster, in c 550

550/575 04. ELATHAN, kld vs Baetan Mac Cairill of Ireland, in 577

575/600 05. MENDH, contemporary of St. Columba, kld vs Aedan Mac Gabhran of Dalriada, in 582

600/625 06. [name], son, kld vs Edwin of Northumbria

625/650 07. [name], son

650/675 08. [name], son, father of a daughter, [name], the wife of

(710) 09. ANARAWD "GALLGRWN" ["WALLTGRWN"], an exile, son of Merfyn "Mawr", last King of Galloway (d683), escaped to the Isle of Man, and, = the Manx heiress, only child & daughter of # 8

(740) 10. TUTGUAL [TUTWAL]

?-787 11. IUDGUAL [IDWAL], killed vs Vikings

XXX 12. SANDDE, husband of Celenion, the sister & heiress of # 11

(790) 13. ELIDUR

(800) 14. GWRIAD

(825) 15. MERFYN "FRYCH", succeeded to the Welsh kingdom of Gwynedd through his mother, its heiress; and, lost the Isle of Man to:

836-853 16. GODRED [I] MAC FERGUS, Lord of Oriel, referred to as "toiseach Innsi Gall", i.e., "the leader of the Gaelic islanders", Lord of the Isles [Hebridies], or, the Sudreys

853 17. OLAF "THE WHITE", Norse King of Dublin

853-866 18. KETIL "FLATNEB" [the Irish CAITILL "THE FAIR"], Earl of Man & The Isles

866-870 19. [name]

(870) X. HARALD I "FAIR-HAIR", K of Norway, conqueror

(870) 20. [name], Earl/Jarl

(875) 21. TRYGGVE, Earl/Jarl

(885) 22. OSBJORN "SKERJABLESI", Earl, killed 899 versus the sons of Ketil "Flatneb" # 18 above

----------- interim: the Isle of Man disputed by rivaling Viking groups

(900) 23. GODRED [II], id. with King GORREE [ORRYE], d934

914-921 24. RAGNALD [I], King of York 919-921, won naval battle off IoM in 913

921-927 25. SIHTRIC "CAECH", King of Dublin

927-937 26. GIBHLEACHAN [GEBEACHAN], kld in the Battle of Brunanburh

937-939 27. GODRED [GUTHFRITH], King of Dublin

939-940 28. X "MAC RAGNALL", captured & ex by Matudan II, K of Ulster, ff a pirate raid

940-941 29. OLAF [ANLAF] GUTHFRITHSON, King of Dublin

942-972 30. OLAF [ANLAF] SIHTRICSON, King of Dublin, exercised authority over IoM


977-989 32. GODRED [III] [GUTHRED; GODFRED], kld in a raid in Scotland in 989

985 X. OLAF TRYGGVASON, King of Norway, re-established Norwegian suzerainty over the Isle of Man

989-999 33. HAROLD I

989-1014 X. SIGURD "THE STOUT", Earl of The Orkneys, or The Nordreys, exercised authority over The Sudreys & the Isle of Man

999-1000 34. GODRED [IV]

1000-1005 35. RAGNALD [II] GODREDSON

1005-1014 36. KENNETH

1014-1034 37. SWEYN

note: the Irish, Orcadians, & Norse struggle over the Isle of Man 1014-1137

1034-1052 38. HAROLD [II] "SVARTE", submitted to Thorfinn “The Mighty”, Earl of The Orkneys, 1038; kld vs Diarmait MacMail, K of Leinster, 1052

1052-1061 39. MARGADR "MAC RAGNALL", dep, d1065, K of Dublin 1035-8, 1046-52; IoM & Galloway 1052-1061; Galloway [only] 1061-4 [erroneously called Godred by some writers]

1061-1066 40. MURCHADH MAC DIARMAIT, formerly K of Dublin


1070-1079 42. FINGAL GODREDSON, ejected by:

1079-1095 43. GODRED I [VI] "CROVAN", sometimes confused with GORREE (above)

1095-1096 44. LAGMAN, abd, d1111

1096-1098 45. DOMNALL MAC TEIGE, regent, sent by MURCHADH O’BRIEN, 1st time

1098-1099 X. MAGNUS [III] "BAREFOOT", King of Norway, who re-establishes Norwegian suzerainty over the IoM

1099-1102 46. INGEMUND, deputy, appointed by the Norwegian king

1102-1103 47. SIGURD [later Sigurd II "Jorsalafari", K of Norway]

1103-1114 (45) DOMNALL MAC TEIGE, 2nd time, expelled by local rebellion, d1115

1114-1137 48. MURCHAD O’BRIEN

1137-1153 49. OLAF IV/I "BITLING" ["THE RED"]

1153 50. RAGNALD [III] HARODSON, usurper, dep & ex

1153-1158 51. GODRED II, 1st time, lost “The Isles” [“Sudreys“] 1156

1158-1164 52. SOMERLED, earlier, in 1156, led rebellion & broke The Isles, i.e., The Sudreys, from the Isle of Man

1164 53. RAGNALD [III] OLAFSON, usurper [4 days], ex 1210

1164-1187 (51) GODRED II, 2nd time

1187-1226 54. RAGNALD III GODREDSON, dep, kld 1229

1226-1237 55. OLAF II "ODHAR" or "THE BLACK"

1230 56. GODRED III "DONN", co-ruler

1237-1248 57. HAROLD I [III]

1249 58. RAGNALD IV (6-30 May)

1249-1250 59. HAROLD II [IV], dep by the Norwegian king

1250-1252 60. IVAR, usurper

1252-1265 61. MAGNUS II, entrapped in conflict between England, Scotland, & Norway

1265-1275 governed by Scottish bailiffs

1275 62. GODRED III [IX], claimant, led failed uprising

1275-1290 governed by Scottish bailiffs

1290 63. RICHARD DE BURGH, Earl of Ulster

1290-1293 64. WALTER DE HUNTRECUMBE, custodian

1293 65. "Lady" AUFRICA, the Manx heiress, appealed to King Edward I of England over her ancestral claim to the Isle of Man

1293-1296 66. JOHN BALLIOL, claimant

1298-1310 67. ANTHONY BECK, Bishop of Durham, custodian

1310 68. HENRY BEAUMONT, 1st time

1310 69A. GILBERT MAKASKYL, co-ruler

1310 69B. ROBERT LEIBURN, co-ruler

1311 70. PETER GAVESTON, English governor

1312 (68) HENRY BEAUMONT, 2nd time

1313-1315 71. THOMAS RANDOLF, Scottish governor

1315-1317 72. EOIN [IAIN; JOHN] of The Isles

1317-1328 under English rule

1328-1333 under Scottish rule

1333-1341 under English rule

1341-1344 73. WILLIAM I, Lord Montague, Earl of Salisbury (1337)

1344-1392 74. WILLIAM II (d1397), an absentee king, sold rights to:

1393-1399 75. WILLIAM III LE SCROPE, Earl of Wiltshire (1397), ex

1399-1405 76. HENRY I, LORD PERCY, Earl of Northumberland (1399), deprived 1405, d1408

1405-1414 77. JOHN I, LORD STANLEY, an absentee king, was Governor of Ireland

1414-1437 78. JOHN II

1437-1459 79. THOMAS I, an absentee king, governed IoM through administrators

1459-1504 80. THOMAS II, Earl of Derby (1485)

1504-1521 81. THOMAS III, dropped title "King" in deference to Henry VIII of England and took the title "Lord" on succession

1521-1572 82. EDWARD

1572-1593 83. HENRY II, Lord Strange

1593-1594 84. FERNANDO

1594-1609 interim: succession in dispute between the three daughters of Fernando (above) and their uncle, William (below), meantime, the IoM was administered by governors

1609 85. HENRY [III], Earl of Northampton, administrator

1609 86. ROBERT, Earl of Leicester, administrator

1609-1642 87. WILLIAM IV, purchased title from his three nieces, an absentee ruler, left governorship to wife & then to son

1621-1627 88. ELIZABETH, Lady, governed during husband’s absence

1627-1651 90. CHARLOTTE [wife], deposed by Cromwell’s supporters led by Illiam Dhone

1651-1660 X. THOMAS FAIRFAX, republican governor

1660-1672 91. CHARLES STANLEY

1672-1702 92.WILLIAM/V
1702-1736 93. JAMES II

1736-1764 94. JAMES III, LORD MURRAY, Duke of Athole

1764-1765 95. JOHN III, resigned title to British Crown, 1765, d1774

1765 for continuation see British Monarchs, List "J"



383-421 01. CONAN "MERIADOC", reckoned “first” King of Armorica [Brittany; Bretagne], a Roman province, given to him as his family’s estate by the Roman Emperor MAXIMUS

421-434 02. SALOMON I [SELYFAN]

434-437 X. TIBATTO, usurper

437-445 04. GRADLON I "MUR"

445-464 05. ANDREW [AUDREN], who is often misidentified with Aldrien [Aldroenus], Prefect of Armorica 401-407

464 06. DEROCH I

464-470 07. JOHN "LEX" &/or "REGULA", called "RIOTHAM/RIATHAM", not to be confused with the British "RIOTHAMUS"

470-? 08. EUSEBIUS

?-478 09. ARCH [ERICH] [EREK]

478-490 10. DANIEL I "DREMRUD" ["DREM-RUTZ"], abd, d?

490-501 11A. BUDIC I [BODICUS], id. with Bieda in the A-S Chr, co-ruler

490-501 11B. MAGLO [MAGLAURUS]

490-500 X. THEODORIC "THE ELDER", military-governor, with

490-500 X. MARCELLUS, id. with MARCHIL "CHILLON" who besieged Nantes (497)

501-? 12A. BUDIC II, d556

501-? 12B. MAXENTIUS

501-513 12C. RIWAL [I] "MUR-MAC-CON"

513-544 13. HOEL I "MAWR" or "THE GREAT", also called Hovelius "Magnus"

(537) 14. MELIAU I

(544) 15. MELOR

(545) 16. RIVOLD I

545-547 17. HOEL II

(550) 18. WITHUR


(559) 20. IONAS

560 21. CONOMOR, id. with CYNFAWR II of Cornwall

560 22. TREMEUR

560 23. CANAO I

(560) 24. DEROCH II

(565) 25. IUDWAL

XXX 26. THEODORIC I [TEWDWR] "THE YOUNGER", 1st time, dates uncertain

(570) 27. AUSOCH

560-570 X. THEODORIC [II] [TEWDWR "MAWR"] "THE GREAT", was a Breton hero

570-574 28. ALAIN I [ALAN]

574-577 29. MACLIAU, dep

577-? 30. IAKOB

XXX (26) THEODORIC I [TEWDWR] "THE YOUNGER", 2nd time, dates uncertain, died in battle in Britain 584 versus King Ceawlin of Wessex

?-594 31. WAROC I [WAROK]

594-? 32. CANAO II

?-612 33. HOEL III

612-621 34. GILQUALLUS

621-632 35. SALOMON II

632-640 36. IUDICAEL, abd, d658

640-690 37. ALAIN II "LE LONG"

690 38. CUNOBERT, ? usurper

690-? 39. GRADLON II

?-703 40. DANIEL II "UNUA"

(720) 41. THEODORIC II



(762) 44. FROAMID[US]


(780) 46. AREGSTAN



?-792 49. MELIAU II

792 50. RIVOD II

792-799 48. BERDIC "THE GREAT"

799-814 49. FRODALD[US]

814-818 50. RIWALLON I



818-824 53. [G]WYOMARCH

824-826 54. BUDIC IV

826-837 55. LOWENEN I

837-? 56. MORVARS


?-845 58. RIWALLON II

845-851 57. NOMINOE

851-857 58. ERISPOE

857-874 59. SALOMON III

874 60. LOWENEN II

874-877 61A. PASQUITE I, rival-king

874-877 61B. GURVAND, rival king

877 62. IUDICAEL [II], rival king, d888

877-907 63A. ALAIN III/I "THE GREAT"

877-889 63B. BERENGAR, rival-king, dep, d890

907-919 64. [G]WRAMAELON, 1st time


919-922 (64)[G]WRAMAELON, 2nd time

922-923 66. RAOUL OF FRANCE

923-936 67. PASQUITE II



952-958 70. DROGO

958-970 71. HOEL IV

970-976 72. JUHEL-BERENGAR

976 73. BUDIC V "BERHUC"

976-987 74. WAROC II

987-990 75. ALAIN V



990-992 01. CONAN [II/I] "LE TORT", changed title from “king” to “duke” in deference to the King of France, reckoned “first” Duke of Bretagne

992-1008 02. GEOFFREY I

1008-1040 03. ALAN V/III

1040-1066 04. CONAN II

1066-1084 05. HOEL V/III

1084-1122 06. ALAN VI/IV "FERGANT", abd, d1129

1122-1148 07. CONAN III "LE GROS"

1148 08. HOEL VI/IV, expelled

1148-1156 09. EUDES de Porhoet, dep, d1179

1156-1169 10. CONAN IV "LE BREF", abd, d1171

1169/86-1196 11A CONSTANCE, duchess, d1201

1182-1186 11B GEOFFREY II

1186/96-1203 12. ARTHUR I, heir to the English throne

1203-1221 13A ALICE, duchess

1203-1206/13 13B GUIDO de Thouars, regent, d1213

1213-1221 13C/14B PIERRE I "MAUCLERC" de Dreux, abd, regent 1221-1237, d1250

1221/37-1286 14A JOHN I "THE RED"

1286-1305 15. JOHN II

1305-1312 16. ARTHUR II

1312-1341 17. JOHN III "THE GOOD"

1341-1364 18A JEANNE, duchess, dep, d1384

1341-1364 18B CHARLES de Blois

1341-1345 18C JOHN [IV] of Montfort, claimant, d1345

1364-1399 19. JOHN IV/V "THE VALIANT"

1399-1442 20. JOHN V/VI "THE SAGE"

1442-1450 21. FRANCIS I

1450-1457 22. PIERRE II

1457-1458 23. ARTHUR III

1458-1488 24. FRANCIS II

1488-1514 25. ANNE, duchess

annexed by France


                                            BRITISH MONARCHS

the book "British Chronicles"/or "British Monarchs" by David Hughes has been published by Heritage Books, Westminster, Maryland, USA, which is very likely the best book ever written about British kings & queens. it is that special book that any Anglophile would buy despite its high price. the book is in two volumes, one is the book [ten chapters] [about 400 pages]; and, the other, volume two, are all genealogical charts [about 300 pages]. it is available directly from the publisher, Heritage Books, and soon will be available from, and other booksellers. the Heritage Books URL is

ISBN 978-0-7884-3301-6 [set]



Chapter One, "Ancient Britain and Early Kings", is based on a variety of sources, such as the references to Britain in classical writings; legends, mythology, and folklore; oral tradition that was committed to writing in early British literature [e.g. "The Triads"]; studies in antiquities by modern scholars; and on findings of archaeologists.

Chapter Two, "Celtic Brehins and The Old British Royal House", gives an account of the legendary history of Britain and traces the royal line from Brutus, an Etruscan prince of Trojan ancestry descended from ancient Minoan royalty, who, an exile from Greece originally from Alba Longa in Italy [the mother-city of Rome], according to legend, came to Britain as the leader of a colony of the Albanese, usually identified with the Britanni [Brigantes], who were later successively Celticized, Romanized, and Anglicized, by later invaders and settlers. Brutus fought and drove out the island’s aborigines [the Picts] and slew their king, Ogmios [chapter one], ending the Bronze Age in Britain and introducing the Iron Age. Brutus, or Prytos, or Britto, whom Roman Mythology reckons as Britain’s first king, the ancestor of the British Iron Age Royal House, founded a new monarchy in Britain, the Iron Age British Monarchy, and was the first "Bre[n]hin" ["King of Britain"], circa 1100BC, whose successors, the Celtic Brehins, the Iron Age British High-Kings, that is, the Old British Royal House, flourished throughout the Iron Age to the end of the first-quarter of the Roman Era, to Lucius, the last client-king of Roman Britain before the "hundred-year interregnum", who died in AD180/1 survived by an only child, a baby-daughter.

Chapter Three, "Roman Britain", covers the Roman occupation of the country when Britain was a province of the Roman Empire under the overlordship of the Roman Emperors, who were represented locally in Britain by the Roman Governors. The chapter gives a brief history of Britain's "Roman Era", and accounts for the descendants of the Old British Royal House, that is, the heirs of the old pre-Roman British kings who held the title "[g]wledic" ["prince"] as native rulers of Britain in Roman service during the period of the republic in the second-quarter of the Roman Era, from Casnar "Wledic", the first one (AD184), to Carawn "Wledic", who restored monarchy in Britain (AD286).

Chapter Four, "The British Emperors", records the fortunes of the British Emperors, from Carausius [Carawn "Wledic" of ancient Welsh annals], called variously a Roman, British, or Dutch prince, who, the Roman Governor of Britain, married to Oriuna [sister of St. Helena], one of the three daughters of the British "wledic" [later king] Cole [II] [not to be confused with Old King Cole, an earlier king], revived the British Monarchy in Year 286 after a hundred-year interregnum, or rather founded a new British kingdom modeled on the Roman imperial system, and later united the British crown to the imperial crown of the Roman Empire at the time of his election to the consulate in Year 289/292 when the empire was decentralized into thirds with three co-emperors, of whom Carausius was one, whose successors reigned in Britain during the last half of the Roman Era, to Empress Marcia [GM’s Queen Marcia], the last of the British imperial line, whose position dissolved in the midst of civil wars in Britain following the [third] evacuation of the Roman Army in Year 418.

Chapter Five, "Rulers, Tyrants, and Kings of Dark Age Britain", chronicles British History during the fifth century, the so-called "lost century", and gives a record of the post-Roman British rulers, from Gorboduc, whose death was followed by a civil war, from which emerged Dunvallo "Molmutius", called "restorer of the British kingdom", who, a British prince, revived the British Monarchy on the model of the old pre-Roman British kingdom in the country’s nationalist tradition, whose successors, the Dark Age kings, held sway in Britain during the sub-Roman period or the pre-English era of the Early Middle Ages, to Anblaud "The Great", who fell in battle fighting invading Saxons.

Chapter Six, "The Age of Arthur", sets the legendary King Arthur into his historically accurate milieu. The chapter gives a chronological compilation of Arthuriana from many sources and recounts the legend of King Arthur, who, the posthumous illegitimate son of a Dark Age British king, descended from the earlier British emperors, recovered the old Roman province of Britain from conquering Saxons in the years following the episode of "The Sword In The Stone" (495), for which he was recognized as "King of Britain" (504), and revived the British Monarchy after an interregnum during a vacancy of the throne (507), and founded a new kingdom in Britain, Year 519 (28 March), that is, the "United Kingdom", the union of Britain, Ireland, and France, which is sometimes considered as the starting-point for Modern British History. The chapter continues with the story of Arthur’s successors during the Arthurian Age, through succeeding generations, who tried and failed to turn back the Anglo-Saxon advance, and were pushed into Wales where they established themselves, to Queen Galaes [the Queen Meliadice of medieval romance], the last of the senior-line of Arthur’s House, who, according to one account, was murdered along with her only child, a nine-year old son, Year 735, in a conspiracy among rivaling political parties in the royal court which supported various male-heirs of secondary-lines of Arthur’s descendants that sparked civil wars to breakout among the Britons, after which conquering barbarian-kings sat on the British Throne.

Chapter Seven, "Anglo-Saxon Bretwaldas", gives a record taken from old Saxon chronicles of the Anglo-Saxon Bretwaldas [High-Kings], from Aella of Sussex, who, a Saxon [or Hunnish] chieftain, descended from ancient Teutonic [or Hunnish] tribal chiefs, led the migration of the Saxons [and other "barbarian" tribes] to England from Germany in the great Anglo-Saxon invasion, which took place at the time of the general collapse of the Roman Empire (476/477ff), and conquered England within three years, and became the first Bretwalda, Year 479, whose successors flourished during the Anglo-Saxon Era, to Egbert of Wessex, the last Bretwalda, Year 829, after whose death the country was overrun by invading Vikings who conquered England and introduced the Viking Age.

Chapter Eight, "The Viking Age", unfolds the saga of the Viking Kings of England, from Ogier "The Dane" [Holger "Danske"], who, a scion of the Scyldings of Denmark, attacked the British Isles with his war-band of seafaring marauders from his pirate fort in the Orkney Islands, occupied parts of England in 796 and founded a viking-state called the "Danelaw" [territory of the Danes, or Vikings], and, called "King of all Normans" ["North-Men" = Vikings] in the British Isles, was traditionally a "King of England", whose successors held sway in England during the Viking Age, to Oeric "Blood-Axe", the last Viking-King of England or the "Danelaw", who was killed following a battle he lost in 954 fighting the native English who retook their country.

Chapter Nine, "The Old English Royal House", sets forth a narrative, taken from historical records, of England’s kings, from Alfred "The Great", who, generally reckoned as the first "King of England", led the native English resistance against the Viking conquerors and eventually liberated the country from its foreign occupiers and won the allegiance of his fellow countrymen who acclaimed him as their king Year 886, whose successors, the heirs of the old Anglo-Saxon bretwaldas, namely, the [new] Kings of England, that is, the Old English Royal House, flourished during the High Middle Ages, to Harold II, who fell fighting the Normans [descendants of Vikings who had settled in France] under William "The Conqueror" Year 1066.

Chapter Ten, "The Conqueror and His Successors", takes a brief look at England’s monarchs and the highlights of each reign, from William “The Conqueror”, through the houses of Normandy, Blois, and Anjou [called "Plantagenet", which divided into the two great branches of York and Lancaster], in the Late Middle Ages, the House of Tudor during The Renaissance, and, the houses of Stuart, Orange, Hanover, Saxe-Coburg, and/or Windsor, in our Modern Era, to H.M. Queen Elizabeth II.

The text of the book is followed by an appendix which gives genealogical charts of the great dynasties that have established themselves in Britain over the course of time, which are: (1) the Bronze Age Sacral-Kings; (2) the Celtic Brehins [Iron Age High-Kings]; (3) the Roman Governors of Britain [who represented the Roman Emperors]; (4) the British Emperors; (5) the Dark Age Kings; (6) Arthur and His Successors; (7) the Anglo-Saxon Bretwaldas [High-Kings]; (8) the Viking Age Kings; (9) the Old English Royal House; and, (10) "'The Conqueror' and His Successors" [to the royal family today]; and, which shows genealogical-links via royal marriages between the British Royal House and other royal houses worldwide.


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