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Heya, welcome to my profile page

This is me!
I'm a student Psychology at the University of Utrecht. Before I began my study, I've tried Molecular Sciences and Artificial Intelligence, former studies I've followed in respectively Wageningen and here in Utrecht. I've always been fascinated by the unique way people think, so I think I'm now following the right study to find out more about that;) During this first year I've become active in a commission of the SGS, I've always liked to travel and meet foreign people. During my travels I've encountered many different cultures, and many different ways of how people handle everyday life.
This year I've come up with a poem, very representative for what my perspective of existence was.


Matter, nothing more than the

sollidification of energy?

It's mere tendency to cluster, to the fringe

of instability.

Has it memory of what it was before, does it

long for independency?

Discourse, between cohesion and dissociation

marking it's inconsistency.

Conflict, the primairy form of excistence,

could our ending be in harmony?

Herbert Van der Elburg

Copyright ©2002 Herbert Van der Elburg

Well, hope you've enjoyed this reflection upon existence...
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