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Ducky's Pond

I wish I had a pond like that in my yard, but alas, I do not so I'll have to make do with a picture.  Guess that's life:  making do with what you got.  I put this page in the ego section because that is what this page was supposed to be all about.... ME.   However, pretty much, this is where I stick my Everquest and D&D stuff and any pictures I need to host.  Ah well, maybe someday it will include more interesting things.

1)   D&D--page is empty/under construction

I'm lucky enough to have 5 great friends that can get together every Monday (usually) to play D&D (3.5ed).  We love gaming and it's one of the best days of the week.


2)    World of Warcraft -- Which I play way more than I should


3)    Everquest -- Which I am mostly retired from