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Welcome to the World of Dilys

On the following pages I will give you the oppurtunity to I hope you will discover more about me, an Oxford born and bred student in Birmingham..I hope to show you all aspects of my world, family, student life and friends included.

My family originate from St. Vincent in the West Indies, with our national flag below. Look out for my family page coming soon to meet the members of family and to see more of my home life.
Studying in Birmingham has changed my appreciation of all that is's often I can sit on the top deck of a bus without getting passively lean. Keep your eyes open for my friends pages to keep up with our nightime outings in and around Birmingham.

Some Words of Wisdom

  • Do not shut love out of your life by saying it is impossible to find.
  • Do not undermine your worth by comparing yourself with others.
  • Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.
  • I believe that nothing in life is free, the cost will always sneak up on you at one point down the road.
  • To be without dreams is to be without hope.

Watch these Spaces

Every afro-american should visit here once
Music Lovers See Here
Free Money!!
Me and the family
