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confessions of a smart whore
fiction based on fact by Ego Diabolus

First, let me explain that prostitution and Satanism have in no way an exclusive relationship. Satanists who happen to be female are not necessarily prostitutes, and prostitutes are not necessarily Satanists or female. You will find that the majority of prostitutes are either atheist, or Christian. In fact, Catholic nunneries have a history of harlotry. Prostitution is a means of securing ones finances in a quasi-legal manner, and has next to nothing to do with ones religious or philosophical bias.

However, in a forward thinking, Satanic society, one would imagine that the reprisals for prostitution, both legal and social, would be stripped away, or, at least we would be more honest about the true nature of those chance encounters we have with one another that seem to run along the lines of an exchange of attention and pampering for a sexual encounter. This got me thinking about both what would be required to make prostitution socially feasible, and what a working girl who had it together might be doing in today’s current environment.

The following is fiction, for the most part. "Cindy" may or may not be a real person, who I questioned at length about her choice of career. Furthermore, this should be in no way taken as a guide to other young woman on how to use their looks, youth, and lack of inhibitions to secure power and wealth through the exploration of the inherent weaknesses of a male driven society. This story is for entertainment only. Enjoy.

Catholic nuns helped increase the affluence of their nunneries with the oldest of businesses...

Cindy told me that she started "working" when she was 16, and a sophomore in High school. Now, at an incredibly attractive 26, she is thinking seriously about retirement from the "business".

"I started when I was 16, but I remember using it well before then. Of course, then it was a game that all the girls were learning to play, using a look and a smile to get your way. But, 16 is when I took the plunge, and gave a guy head for $20. It was on a dare, at a party, and thinking back, it was pretty stupid. I mean, I should have gotten way more than $20. Anyway, the guy got a hold of me later on, and wanted to know what it would cost to get more. I told him $200, thinking he would back down. A week later, he had the money. After a little more than a half-an-hour, I was $200 wealthier for something I probably would have done for free. I was hooked."

I brought up the concerns about social backlash. I figured a 16 year old would have to be very conscious of their peer-groups opinion. "I was really frightened the next day at school.", Cindy said. "The guy didn't go to my school, but his friends did. I wasn't so much worried about him telling his buddies at first. That day, I felt like everyone else could see it, that I had crossed some imagined line, and that a scarlet "A" was branded on my forehead. No one knew, though. No one even was all in my head. The next day, I didn't even think about it. It didn't come up again until a week later, at another party, when a guy was really coming on to me, flashing his cash and talking about getting a room, etc. He was a dick, but I figured what the hell, and laid it on the line. Instead of shelling out the cash for a hotel, I told him we could go for it here for $100. The guy was floored at first, but, when I started feeling him out, he was more than willing to make the purchase. It dawned on me just before we finished, that I could make more money with some help. So, when we were putting ourselves back together, I hinted that he would get a cut, if he knew other guys who would be interested. The one rule, no one from my high school."

There were, of course, more rules to follow. "I began working out a strategy. I was reading about prostitution, and didn't like most of the stories I heard. I made up my mind that I was not going to go down that road. There were a few happy endings...girls who stripped to pay their way through college, or the occasional woman who catches the eye of some oil-baron, and gets paid a million dollars to live in Saudi Arabia for a year...the major differences between the one group and the other was perspective and self-respect. The burned out whores working the street hate what they do, and are strung out on something, so they cannot hold down a normal job and have to whore themselves just to get their fix. The real money comes from keeping things high-class; charging a high price, making sure you would like to do it anyway, avoiding all the shit that can get you hooked, and running your own business. That is what it is, by the way, a business. You have expenses, employees, insurance, etc, just like any other business that sells a product or service."

Obviously, the most important thing was the product. I keep myself in top condition, not only through exercise and diet, but through careful healthcare. I get myself checked about once a month, and I am careful about my clients. I always use condoms, I take the pill daily, I shower before and after having sex, and I am at a doctors office at the slightest tingle. Ten years at this, and I have yet to catch anything."

Of course, with any good product, the proper presentation is required. Back in high school, I could show up in jeans and a t-shirt and the guy would be right there with the cash. It occurred to me that the real money was with older men, and the older men that I wanted typically wanted more than a girl in tight jeans. That was always a red-flag to me, a guy that just wanted to meet in a hotel and fuck. The clientele I attracted wanted a lovely young lady to look at and be seen with, which required the right mix of sophistication and recklessness. My high school clients quickly paid for the wardrobe that would increase my desirability with older men."

"Networking was key to my business. Here's is how that works. I tell a guy that he will get a discount for every guy he introduces my service to. The deal was that they had to know the guy well enough to know he wasn't a cop, and that sex is never promised outright. He would arrange for me to meet the next guy, and, if the guy was to my standards, I would explain that I escort for whatever fee I felt appropriate. When they ask flat out about sex, I usually put my hand on their crotch and explain to them that I am paid for a date, but what I do when I am off the clock is my business."

"Soon, it became easier just to have a few "employees" who scouted for me. Its the opposite of being a pimp. I paid them to find guys for me. My first few employees were college guys that I really liked, who thought it was all cool. They would hit the bars with their friends, and set me up. It wasn't just sex, either. Anything "adult", I started getting into; private shows, selling photos of me stripping or posed they way some one wanted, videos of me masturbating or having sex with another guy or girl, eventually the internet. I had to wait until I was 18 to really start pushing myself on the 'net. I advertised and sold everything on the 'net but the escort service, that stayed local and by word-of-mouth."

"Things became really kinky in college, and I was discovering myself in all the right ways, and documenting it all for sale. I got into bondage and domination, and never really got out of it, even when I wasn't working. It was all fun, and I stuck to my rules. I even had a normal social life, dating a few guys, one I nearly married. None of them ever suspected. Then, there was my one scary experience. This guy had seemed high-class, a typical middle-aged guy on a business trip with money to burn and my card in his pocket. Nothing weird at all, until we were actually having sex. He had me tied up, and I had just started to get into it, when he put his hands around my throat and started to squeeze a little too hard. Then he told me that he, 'could kill me right now, and no one would know'. That killed the moment for me, and as soon as he was done, I was out of there. Needless to say, one of my employees has been close by ever since, ready with a gun as soon as I hit my panic button. I started taking karate, which served both to keep me in shape and to be prepared to handle the next freak."

I noted that Cindy lived in a really nice house that was beautifully furnished. Did this come from her business? She laughed, "My parents think I got all of this from day-trading! They have no idea, and it will stay that way. Yes, all of this came from the business. I am very careful with my money. There are strippers here in town who make about $500 a week just from stripping, and who knows how much from their extra-curricular activities. They start out smart, but getting a boob job tends to be the only investment most of them make in themselves. I know some girls that smoke so much pot, you think the shit would be growing out their asses by now. I mean, they just blow their money and stay high. They aren't thinking about the future, when they hit their 30's and their bodies start to loose that youthful 'ooomph!'. What then? They will have nothing to show for the things they have put themselves through, and have no job experience to boot! I graduate this year with a BA in business management!" (laughs).

And the cost? "Well, I have had to live a double life, but I cannot say which I have enjoyed more. Morally, I haven't done anything that I have been paid for that I probably would have done for free. I mean, by this time in my life, I am sure that there would be several dozen pictures and a video or two of me making their way about the 'net courtesy of one pissed-off boyfriend or another, and I wouldn't see a dime for it. I see it now as having a head start on real life...I am a bit jaded for a 26 year old, maybe, but I am financially independent, college educated, and I have a good grasp on who I am. Hell, I might just be ready to settle down and have a baby in a few years, with hubby being none-the-wiser about my less-than-savory past. I mean, honestly, how many men really know all about their wives past lays, or even want to know? My guy will, just be blissfully ignorant with a woman who is uninhibited and incredible in bed!"