It's funny, we go through life with only one thing on our minds. Well ok two things, sex, and money. Two sins that every human is guilty of, lust, and greed. I'm not ashamed of my sins, of course I got more sins then those two so who am I to judge? The moment that seperates humanity against inhuman is the very thin thread of murder. I broke, burnt, and pissed on that thread a long time ago, but am I ashamed? Why would I be ashamed? I've commited the acts, I ask god for no redemption, I ask nothing from him. Everything a man does, comes back on him? Fuck that, you got something against me bitch bring it to the table, fuck the henchmen, fuck the threats, bring it to me!

So many cowards have attacked me from behind, want to side swipe me. Grow some fucking nuts, and face me like a man! Of course, there's always the chance that I assume you're not worth my time. That's a risk worth taking isn't it though? Through this business you learn a few ends and outs of everything. Business is like politics, the more you bring to the table the better off you are. Then when someone new moves in on your territory you take the offense and you eliminate the mother fucker as quick as possible. It happens all the time in my business, some hot shot little shit thinks he has what it takes to face me and take over. Half of the New Yorks cemeteries are mostly filled with these morons and I put most of them there. Here lets take a walk down memory lane.

:Jared: Boss, you read the newspaper lately?

:Jesse: Should I?

:Jared: You might find it interesting enough.

:Jesse: Just save me the trouble and read it to me!

:Jared: Ok boss, it seems as if we have some competition. A local street gang is trying to push our men back. They've shot Antonio, and killed Franky, what do you think we should do?

:Jesse: Retaliate you fucking idiot! Get the boys together, and show these sons of bitch's who owns these goddamn streets. There isn't nothing that goes down in this neighborhood without my premission or my fucking hand in it!

:Jared: I'll take care of it boss.

Now you see, that's how shit should be handled. No waiting, no debating, I tell you what the fuck you do and you do it! Now they all want to second guess your actions, asking me if it doesn't put me in jeopardy! I know how to conduct my business and I know when to strike. I don't need no second rate wise guys to try and tell me where I need to go. Although I consider that I might be losing my mind, so fucking what I've done that before. My business is MY business, and I'm fully capable of running it. Insane or sane, I've been in this business for so long I could run it with no brain functions. Yet then I would be Silvio wouldn't I? Nah I'll never be like Silvio, he couldn't even be manager at the local fucking burger king.

He might have the sense to become a wrestler, because like I said earlier money is the fruit of all evil. Silvio knows what everyone knows, that becoming a wrestler rakes in more money then it should. Yet making money, and taking money is two different things. Unfortunatly I'm not one to make money, I perfer the money comes to me! I draw money like pussy draws dicks! There is a series of events, a person must take before he can truly draw money. To make money you simply work, I'm not no goddamn burger flipping acne infested teenager ok. To draw money you use your head, you scope out your territory. You learn whats in highest demand and you profit. In my case it's drugs and whores, although I don't personally dip my hand in either, the money lands right where it needs to. It's called a business agreement, they want to work in my territory they pay the fuck up. Silvio your crossing in my territory, when the hell you going to pay the fuck up?


A cigarette filling my lungs, the smoke escaping my lips. Sometimes there is nothing better then this feelings, unless I got Kathryn around and she's yelling at me. Of course, even then the cigarette is sweet because with her constant bitching I need a cigarette. The smoke is entrancing, like a haze of mystery floating in front of your face. Yet this day couldn't be any better, I have nothing weighing down my mind, except for the fact of that odd dream with the little girl. Yet I try not to think of that to much, just a dream and nothing else. Although I can still feel the same rage I felt before inside of me, I still rather try and ignore it.

While I'm getting a little more comfortable Kathryn comes in and catchs me with the cigarette. I quickly blow out the last bit of smoke I had in my mouth. I put the cigarette out as Kathryn just shakes her head. I smile as innocently as possible, but she isn't buying it. Suddenly behind her I see one of my most trusted men Antonio come out behind her. I look at Kathryn and she smiles as gently as she can manage but it's a forced smile. I try to pay it as little attention as possible, but I knew something was going on. Based on Kathryns reactions I knew it was something I wouldn't like.

:Antonio: Jesse, my friend, we need to talk.


:Jesse: What's going on Antonio?

:Antonio: It seems as if our local drug runners have some competition and they've been coming to me and the boys. They want these people taken care of and they want them gone immediatly.

All these people bitching, why is it that it seems that is all people can do anymore? They whine, they cry, they bitch and complain but they want me to take care of there problems. These fucking people need to grow some balls and handle this shit themselves. Yet I'm getting most of the money they make, so I guess I shouldn't complain. An eighty and twenty percentage is much to good for me not to listen to the little cronies. This time though, I had a feeling it wasn't to big of a deal. Just the local drug runners afraid of some minor competition.

:Jesse: Where are they located?

:Antonio: Well so far they've only been selling at 609 Athens Ave.

:Jesse: How big of a profit are we losing?

:Antonio: They're small time, they only got about two percent of the product we got no big deal.

:Jesse: What are they calling themselves?

:Antonio: It's a group of maybe ten or more jamaicans, and that's what they go by The Jamaicans.

:Jesse: They're small time, they're out of my territory, and they've made no advances to do anything to disrespect me or my dealers? Why should I take offense or even acknowledge these jamaicans existance?

This was pointless, I knew there was no sense in rushing into a gang war. They weren't hurting my profits, there supply wasn't nowhere near mine and they made no advances towards me. There was no logical reason for me to even bother going after these people. There was no sense in me even going towards there direction and telling them to find some place else. Hell let them make a little money, every one needs a little bit. This was just there way of making a little progress, if they get out of hand I'll handle them accordingly. Intill then though they were just trying to live what Royce called "The American Dream."

:Antonio: We need to handle this now before it gets out of hand Jesse! We let them build to long, they'll only get more members, more supplys, more surplus, and more drugs to sell. If we take them out now we eliminate the process before it starts building!

:Jesse: Antonio, do you know how many fucking feds are out there just waiting to bring me down? Don't you think they know that my name is marked on any goddamn crime that happens out there? Do you think they don't know, that when a drug dealer gets busted and wont say where the drugs came from they know it's me! When a whore gets arrested and asked where the money she earns goes, they don't know it goes to me? Do you think they don't know that when a business gets "moved" or "relocated" that it was a business I made leave this fucking town! There waiting for me to fuck up Antonio, and if I make a move like this, such a drastic move that they wont swarm on me like flys on shit!

I could tell I was making a point to Antonio but yet he still saw a threat to his wallet. Which is understandable, he has lived in leisure so much that of course he wouldn't consider the fact that I wouldn't do anything against these jamaicans. These negro's who claim to be for the benefit of there people, yeah making them crackheads is a great benefit. Although Kathryn has remained unusually silent through this whole ordeal and I can't imagine why. Normally she is littered with conversation, and her own thoughts of the conversation yet this time she remains unusually silent. Something has her attention I'm just not sure as to what yet.

Antonio is damn near hysterical, pacing back and forth in my office and trying to recollect his thoughts. I knew he wasn't doing anything that I would disagree with but in his head he was doing everything but plotting to kill me. The cursing that would escape his lips, if I had been any other person in the world he just swallows down into his gut. He knows he can't confront me, he knows that he'll never be capable of stopping me. Which I find ironic because he is trying so damn hard for me to press against these jamaicans and for what porpuse? Just because he fears it'll cut into his income? He should have plenty of fucking money, this pompuse son of a bitch.

Here he is a man I alone gave a hundred thousand to last month and he's going to complain because MY profit is being stripped? I should smack this mother fucker and get it out of my fucking system right now. Yet this is one of my most trusted men, and I know he means no disrespect so I'll leave the issue alone for right now. This isn't a matter we need to be discussing as of right now anyway. The only thing important is that he thought it was in the best interest of mine to know this information. I'm glad he did bring it to my intention, and I'm pretty sure it'll be in my attention in the future aswell. Infact I know it will be but if it is we can always send the message to these jamaican fuckers that this is my goddamn territory!

:Antonio: I can understand your situation Jesse, but who says you even have to be connected? I can gather men up that have no ties to you what so ever and they can take this task on.

:Jesse: There's a goddamn brilliant idea Antonio, send a bunch of fucking morons out to handle one of my jobs! Do you think they wont fucking rat you out Antonio, are you this fucking incompitent? These men you "hire" get caught and they snitch on you, well you can be tied to me Antonio and that puts my ass on the line. Now before I would even let you snitch on me Antonio I would have you shot.

I could tell Antonio was running out of idea's, and every idea he came up with I was able to dismiss with my own reasoning. He knows better then to think that I'm going to put my ass out on the line. He also knows that I'm not lying about the fact that he'd be killed before I let him snitch on me. Yet I know he is still trying to plot a way for me to take care of this minor issue. Which is what it was, a minor issue nothing but minor. Why anything this minor would be blown out of proportion as he trying to. Goddamn I should just shoot him and put his ass out of my misery.

:Antonio: Jesse, I know this is going to end up bad.

:Kathryn: Antonio please, a few jamaicans move into town and you are afraid of losing what little income you got coming in. If you're that afraid then I'm sure my father wont deny you acting on your own, but if you do then you seperate yourself from this family. The moment you do this, you can not be tied to my father, and I will even have you write down on a piece of paper that you did this act with no knowledge of Jesse Denitalo.

I could see Antonio was hearing Kathryn loud and clear. I knew Antonio wouldn't seperate himself from me, I should've thought of that earlier. Antonio finally gets pissed off and leaves the room. I wait intill he's gone and I start laughing, it doesn't take long before Kathryn does the same. I'm practicly hitting the ground I'm laughing so hard, his reaction was about the funniest damn thing I've seen in a long fucking time ok. What a great note to end on huh? Nothing but good times, and a handful of fucking jamaicans.

:Jesse:Silvio, Silvio, Silvio... Goddamn that does sound like a queer name. You must've been adopted because no woman could've named you that. Let me guess two fathers, and you always wondered why they slept in the same bed? From Kasas City, what the fuck is in Kansas City anyway? I've never heard of anyone particularly important coming from Kansas City. Guess that leaves you fucked and sucked, with out a dick to grow on. I got the "intelligent" opponent, who considers me to not be a stepping stone? I guess your a little smarter then I thought, because your right I'm not a stepping stone for you. I'm the fucking brick wall in front of your climb to fame. You might've had fifteen minutes, but mother fucker I've had almost three years. Three years of wrestling knowledge, three years of ass kicking, and three years of stringing queers like you on a string to hang from the dildo's that are shoved up there ass!

:Jesse: You got friends who make about as much sense as a dog raising it's leg to take a shit. Hell I'm glad my name didn't appear that much in your promo Silvio, because if it did that'd be like trying to stock more ammo into an already stocked arsenal wouldn't it? To use the old cliche "Lock and Loaded" but you've already been loaded a few to many times. Not that I'm racist against queers, just particular ones I dislike. Those particular ones just happens to be all of them, and you seem to fit directly into that category. You not only ask "politely" for a rematch with Vern, but you damn near do everything but suck Madrids dick to get it. Then Madrid says no and I was just expecting you to cry and run away like a little bitch.

:Jesse: Now see in the dictionary it defines bitch as a female dog. To Denitalo terms bitch is nothing more then a fucking faggot with tempermental issues, aka Silvio. Now lets wait and get back to the faggot issue in a moment. Here's something I find interesting is the fact that I have three years of wrestling experience. It takes to the count of three to win a match. It takes three seconds to perform my finisher. It takes a matter of three minutes to beat your punk ass. Then within this three minutes, it takes but three moves from you to attempt a pin. Before the count of three my arm rises and I proceed to kick your ass times three. You see a fucking pattern here, or is it just me?

:Jesse: Now I'm sure you wont have much of a retaliation, I've expected this from you. Your more of a chicken shit then Hen behind a fox's den. Hell your like frosty the happy fucking snow man when the sunshine shines on his happy go lucky fucking self. Your worse then a man in the shadows, waiting for the bitch to turn her back before he stabs her and rapes her. Most people run the opposite direction when they hear my name, but your about just retarded enough to run directly towards me. You think winning a match against some dumb fuck last week impressed me? I've seen people have there hands chopped off and not scream. I've seen people get there nuts kicked in like a fucking mule and still walk away without a tear. It takes a lot more to impress me then some fucking rookie getting lucky like his first time on prom night.

:Jesse: Are you much of a gambling man Silvio? Of course not, if you were then you would probably need to be a little luckier then you are at this moment. You see your luck failed you the moment you got placed in this match. Somewhere along the lines you must've pissed off Madrid, probably when you tried to suck his dick. Anyway, you see gambling has it's own genetic science to it. Gambling is a game of cheaters, and the way you beat the cheater is to cheat the cheater. Fix the dice, play the cards for your advantage, a match is the same way and bubba boy your facing the best in this business. You're just learning the game, I've fucking made this business.

:Jesse: My "legendary" status is nothing but legendary any more. You see I'm setting new limits every time I come onto the screen......duh....oh sorry...played a Silvio there didn't I? You see Silvio theres Three basic fundamentals of wrestling. See there's the fucking three pattern again! Anyway, the first one is, learn who you are fucking with. The second is if you know your opponent is superior trust in yourself. Third is if you know your facing me, get the fuck out of my way! Three elements in this business you should learn and learn quickly, now as for this promo it isn't worth much more of my time. I appreciate your "effort" in trying to be competition for me but I'm just not seeing it kid.