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Quests in the Twighlight Universe

Quests for Godhood (max of 15 gods and egods dont count against the limit for gods and titans can not be gods):
Drink from the Chalice of Tyr.

The first to win 3 tournies.

The first to obtain the Dark Wing armor

The first to obtain the Armor of Death

The first to obtain the Armor of Life

The first to obtain the Legacy Armor

The first to get 300 losses

The first to get 400 battles total

Gods so far:
Seemless (was the first to beat Gott)
Pesmerga (was the first to get 200 wins)
Grey Buu (found the ring of Tyr)

Quests for Demon Lordhood (max of 10 dlords:
The first demon with 250 wins

The fist demon with 150 wins with less than 50 losses

The first demon with 75 wins with no losses (and can not refuse to fight of 2/8/04)

The first demon with 500 battles total

The first demon to obtain any demonlord armor (must be the first to get that particular armor).

Demonlords so far:

Morning Star



Quests for Eldergodhood:
The first person to defeat DF in battle (can't be a forfeit situation and must be 1 on 1 fight).

The first person (doesn't have to be a god) to find Odin's Blade and defeat it's champion and escape with it.

Survive the Chamber of Antiquity 3x.

The first to complete the Weapon Quest

The first god to drink from the chalice of Tyr

The first to obtain one of the new eldergod armors

Eldergods so far (max of 10 eldergods):
DF (Odin's Armor)
ZT (Starlight Armor)

Quests to become a Titan:
Obtain the Glove of the Zealot (works only during rebirth)

Obtain the Glove of Xrax (works after so many wins)

Obtain the Glove of Titan (instant transformation with current stats added into titan start off stats)

Current Titans:

This list does not include the many special training quests!

4)Dragonballs (earth, namek, platinum, dark star)...see rules page for more info.

5)Weaponlord Quest - after powering up a creature (saibamen.....rox hunters....etc), and taking it into a creature tourny, some of the top prizes are special and rare metals. 10 of these metals can be taken to the planet Forje to create an awesome living weapon. This weapon will gain in power as you do. The weapon upon creation will have the opposite personality of you, so you will need to subject the weapon. After doing so you must name the weapon. Once created it will be listed in the item shop as your weapon, it can not be sold, or owned or used by anyone but you.

6)Creature Quests - power up the low level creatures to make them more useful in battle (they could make powerful allies in battle). When doing this quest it lasts for 1 week each time, number of fights a day is determined by how many other people are doing this quests and by how many hostile creatur are already on Railworld. You do not earn money for these fights, only rpp.....many rare prizes are awared when you reach certain levels and number of wins with your creature. When your creature becomes powerful enough, enter it into the creature earn items that can't be found anywhere else in dbt.

7)Android Type Quest (for Cells only) - On the planet Mui Theta, the evil scientist Dr. Mui has a lab deep below the surface. There he creates super powered artificial androids, that he will someday let loose to take vengance on the entire saiyin race for the destruction of his race! Cells can go there and sneak into the underground chamber and challenge this anroid types, and if they absorb 1 they will gain the imperfect cell transformation, if they challenge 2 and absorb them both they gain the perfect cell transformation (if you challenge 2 you must fight them at the same time, and you can only make 1 challenge month, and can't longer than it takes to get your fight....also the the cell transformation list to see what else you need to qualify for the transformation).

8)Ajen (evil people only) - become charmed by the evil wizard babadi and power up, but lose your will in the process.....just know ahead of time if you do you will be helping to bring about the resurrection of Majin Buu. Also here you can train with the Arch Demon Darbura, and learn many new abilities and skills.

9)Kai Prime (good people only) - join the fight against the evil ones and prepare for the coming of Majin Buu. Here you can train with Kabito, or the Supreme Kai himself. Learn many skills that can't be learned anywhere else.

10)War Planet Quest - after conquering 3 war planets and holding them for 1 month, recieve an large rpp bonus. (can only be done 1x)

11)Empire War Quest - there are 4 rival empires in dbt......the saiyins, the chills, the esperians, the krells. Each of them wishes to expand their dominance in the twighlight universe. From time to time they will post a cash fee on the request board if you conquer the planet they wish to annex. Before doing this you must agree on that board, and as soon as you conquer it, hand the planet over to that empire and collect your fee.

12)Universal Raiders - there are 5 powerhouses that rank among the elite in the entire universe. These powerful beings are looking to form teams/squads. Each of them may have a certain set of challenges in order to join their team. So if you complete the challenges they set forth, not only will you be on a team with an elite warrior, you will earn rpp for this also.

13)Planet's End Quest - the most powerful non-battle move in 2 universes is very hard to obtain. Shadows and Gods start with it, and all others must undergo this quest to be able to select and use it.

  • step 1 - must have conquered at least 2 war planets.
  • step 2 - must have blown up at least 1 war planet with a regular planet buster.
  • step 3 - must get at least 150 wins.
  • step 4 - must travel to the homeworld of the shadows (Zuir) and train on it's surface for 45 days.

    After you have done these things you will have earned the right to select and use this move.....make sure to see the move explaination on the arts of war move list before you use it.

    14)DBZ/GT Warrior Quests - when you do this quests you will need to travel to (planet name will be given when you take the quest), and once there you will fight warriors from the anime with their stats intact. The prizes for defeating opponent's here vary depending on how many you defeat.

    15)Hel's Fire - this is mystical energy that only demons and demonlords may train in or use in combat. The fire itself is located on the planet Hel...the homeword of the demons. On the far side of the planet is the Red Tower. There, the Hel Fire burns constantly, but only those that show themselves to be worthy to the Demonlord Master "Hel Lord". After getting his approval you will meditate in the tower and be engulfed by the flames, this is a ritual that lasts 45 days. After completing this quests you will have 1 of the 3 requirements for the Endless Scourge tranformation if your a demonlord, and also this training will allow you to do a special mystical powerup in battle, that will add 100,000,000 on all stats on top of your transformation, and will last for 5 turns [special self status]

    16)Chalice of Evil - this hidden chalice is another mystical item that is so powerful that any demonlord who drinks from this will instantly be able to do their 3rd transformation, but your inv had better be over 4,000,000 or you will not be able to survive. Good luck with finding it.

    17)Divine Flames - on the birthplace of the gods.......Dr'ell, there is an immense palace called the Eternal Fortress. Deep inside this place there are 7 guardians that protect a chamber that is saturated with flames that burned from the dawn of creation. These flames are so powerful that any god that so much as touches these flames will be able to use their 3rd transformation Alpha and Omega. When in battle the flames can be called forth to give the user infinite hp for 5 turns, 1x a a battle.....[special self status]. When attempting this quest your inv must be over 5,000,000, or the guardians will not even bother to hear your challenge. You can only challenge 1 guardian a week (if you use a time crystal you may fight 4 in 1 day and 3 in another, no more than 2 days are needed with the time crystal), any day not spent fighting must be spent in meditation. Meditation in the Eternal Fortress will give you 5000 to pl, sp, ki, hp, inv, and spr.

    18)Trail of Buju (good people only) - Buju......the current elder namek who leads his people in a life of peace and harmony. He has the power to bring out the hiddent potential in those he feels are worthy. The amount of power unknown, and if you undergo this trail you won't know until you have been touched by the hand of Buju. This quest can only be done once. You may not attempt this quest until you have at least 50 losses, and be aware it takes 14 days to find Buju's hut, no matter who you are. And if you need more incentive, you have to do this trail in order get the Super Namek 4 transformation.

    19)Chamber of Antiquity - this is actually a large planet that shifts back and forth through time due to the immensely powerful energy released from "The Godwar"....that took place in the dbx universe. When you attempt this quest just no all hell will break out around you, you will be smack dab in the middle of gods, dark bosses, and all other kinds of powerful people that are aligned with these forces. This quest can be done 3x and no more. Each person you defeat here is worth 200,000rpp (you gain no other stats) and if you survive 3 times (meaning 3 seperate quests) you will attain eldergodhood. You only need defeat a single foe, than concentrate and use your mind to send the chamber back to the present time, if you are too greedy it is possible you will die and be lost forever!

    This quests is a massive free for all and it involves Godhand, Evilmoon, Demonfist, Judgment, and Godhand's Dark Bosses. You will be in the middle of the biggest fallout in history......your chances of surviving all the fighters are very slim

    20)Hidden Quest - on certain planets there are unnamed items rare and common that can be found with a hunting glove after you defeat that planets guardian. You won't be able to tell what the item is until you beat him, and disable the nul field around the item (ask what it is on the special request board). To view all the items hidden on dbt, please view the artifacts page.

    21)7 Evil Dragons Quest - once earths dballs have been corrupted by greed, the dballs will turn dark blue and crack, thus releasing 7 evil dragons. When this happens earth will be made into a graveyard for 7 billion humans and all their dreams. The inbalance in this cosmic magical energy might distablize the other dballs as well so do not ignore it. These 7 dragons must all be challenged, 1 on 1 or team/squad vs 1. If you can defeat them the dballs will heal, change back to it's normal color and order will be restored. Each fight you win against a dragon is worth 200,000rpp and if you defeat them all you will get 2,000,000 on all stats. This quest will guarantee your number 1 rank on all rankings for 30 days!!!!!!!!

    22)Squad Quest #1 (Sqad Quest for Power) - On the planet Kugoran in the ???? galaxy there is a massive arena where a squad may battle a powerful warrior. The quest consists of 3 parts. Part 1: the entire squad must face this warrior and must kill him as many times as there are members in the for ex, a squad of 3 will have to kill this warrior 3 times in battle. Upon successful completion of part 1 all members get 4,000,000rpp and credits, and 2,000,000 boost to all stats. Part 2: Assuming you survived part 1, you will then be transported to the dead realm of the South Shadow Kai to do battle with him, once again you will fight as a squad but this time no items of any kind are allowed with the exception of living weapons. The south shadow kai can not be killed, in order to advance you need to survive 50 turns (be warned his moves are not listed anywhere on the site, you will only see them when you face him in battle, but what is known is that the majority of his moves can damage through just about any defense, and he can disable certain race moves for the entire battle. Upon successful completion of part 2 all members will get 3,000,000rpp and credits and 2,000,000 boost to any 1 stat. Part 3: In the highly unlikely event you make it this far, after part 2 concludes you are returned to the realm of the living on Kugoran. Once there you will face 3 clones of each member of the squad at once, the major difference is they do not have your items, but can use your rapture moves and when they do, it counts against the times per battle that you can use them. Each one acts independently and may choose to attack on their turn or not, but in order to complete this level you need to kill them all, if you fail to do so, the energy from this planet will kill all members instantly and the entire squad will but stuck in the dead realms for 30 days. Upon successful completion of this quest all members will earn $3,000,000 and 5,000,000rpp and the stats for 200 wins minus cash, rpp, and record gains. The squad will also decide on 1 member to gain Titanhood or Eldergodhood, or Demonlordhood. In order to undergo this trial the squad record must have at least 1500 wins with less than 300 losses. This quest can only be done 1x per era. If you fail at any part the quest ends and you can not return to do this quest!

    23)Team Quest #1 (Quest for Rpp) - on Kugoran there is a wealth of rpp. So much so, that any team can travel there to fight in the rpp arena. In this arena the top prie is 20,000,000rpp but in order to get it, you need to get 20 wins. You must fight as a team in this arena, at the same time vs single or multiple opponents. If you defeat 20 challenges the team will earn 20 mill rpp however they must decide how to break the rpp up, so get your plan together before you come. In addition to the rpp prize, each win on this planet will count as 20x normal win on stats except for the record, does not count on the record!

    24)Squad Quest #2 (Quest for Knowledge) - Deep in a hidden valley on the planet Dzetre is the Master of Fate who knows all things related to hidden items. If you challenge him toa battle he will fight the entire squad, if you win you may ask him any 1 thing related to his knowledge and you may come away with the location of said item! If you do get the location please keep in mind that the info does not guarantee you will be able to go there and get the item, just gives you one serious advantage....knowing where to look!

    25)Team Quest #2 (Quest for a Living Weapon) - On the planet Dzetre buried withing an underwater canyon lies dormant a powerful living weapon, it's master long dead, for at least 2 million yrs. This weapon is very powerful, and may be 1 of THE most powerful weapons on the site. This weapon is unlike the ones vuls have when they join the site, it is from a time when vuls ruled many galaxies, and it's power is unfettered. It will take a powerful team to try this quest. This weapon will require the entire team fight it, and the one who lands the winning blow will be the only one to claim it. The blade will be of the same alignment as the one who claims it. The Burning Soul is it's name, you need only speak aloud when you reach the underwater canyon and it will teleport you inside for the fight of your life!