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Lost count..July 5th- WELL WELL WELL, look who randomly lost her two main E-mail accounts... ME my AOL account was deleted so now i'm stuck with using my alternate AOL screen-name, which I am not telling anyone. Also my Yahoo! acount was also deleted, I have my suspicions, but it could all be a lucky coincidence. Nothing new on the site today. Message Board coming soon.

26 Days- Everquest Account went kapoots, still listenin to my Simon and Garfunkel CD since it's the only thing that keeps me sane. YES Heath laugh at the fact that I like a folk song duo from the 60's. That ends that.

29 Days till eviction- Hey everyone...again, a friend of mine is "outraged" that I did not mention him on this website. His name is Geoff Spector and he reffs soccer games. I tried to get a job but I realized that I didn't have enough money. Umm yeah and he talks to me online. Thats is all I have to say about that.

Good Ol' Friends.................

Sometime in June- Hey folks I have some really bad news, for the people I know at MHS it is most likely I will not be returning next year. The famiy has received an eviction notice from our landlord and we now have 29 days to pack everything and look for a home. No nu updates other than that, well my shaman got to lvl37 today but no one really cares.

My Friends Things

Dave K.
My Incomplete Tour of the School
Random Art by People