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My Livejournal
heheheheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee one of our tank battles... not the best but still amusing... thanks to brother problems you only get to see the second half... oh well... and my tank...

Nifty Links

because drunken exploits are funny

Harry Potter a fraud?

Got Napalm?



Cool Caffeine related stuff...

Coffee break arcade.... you HAVE to play insane aquarium... all of you... especially Hannah :-)

This is so cool....look for the ghost around the window... after a while you can see it....

My Favourite Cars


Games Workshop


Webcomics some great stuff here

just my music page...

Government grade evidence to show that I am not in any way shape or form able to be likened to Shaggy

Ahh The Power Of Cheese

My Poll/Quiz/Thing (TRY IT)


The White Stripes

Well I couldn't think of anywhere to put this.... and i'm too lazy to make a new page... so yeah... Never say these to a cop:

  • 1. I can't reach my license unless you hold my beer. (OK in Texas)
  • 2. Sorry, Officer, I didn't realize my radar detector wasn't plugged in.
  • 3.Aren't you the guy from the Village People?
  • 4. Hey, you must've been doin' about 125 mph to keep up with me. Good job!
  • 5. Are You Andy or Barney?
  • 6. I thought you had to be in relatively good physical condition to be a police officer.
  • 7. You're not gonna check the trunk, are you?
  • 8. I pay your salary!
  • 9. Gee, Officer! That's terrific. The last officer only gave me a warning, too!
  • 10. Do you know why you pulled me over? Okay, just so one of us does.
  • 11. I was trying to keep up with traffic. Yes, I know there are no other cars around. That's how far ahead of me they are.
  • 12. When the Officer says "Gee Son....Your eyes look red, have you been drinking?" You probably shouldn't respond with,"Gee Officer your eyes look glazed, have you been eating doughnuts?"

    Wow quite a few people have visited... cool... hi to y'all and such... yeah... hope my site works... EMAIL ME WITH SUGGESTIONS