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Well. I guess Buffy The Vampier Slayer has finally come to an end folks. After 7 great seasons we have to say good-bye. Though the show Angel will contuine into a new season..and shhhh... but I hear some of the cast from Buffy will be joining Angel...(Though I don't know for sure) 9/27/02
I'm Back! Since the new season has finally started I am back and hoping to get things up and running with some new updates so hang with me.

Ok, I know it's been a few months since I have updated, but then again, not much going on in the ways of Buffy once the season is over. Though as a new season dawns there will be more updates.

Look! We have a banner! Thanks to my little sister.
Preview next weeks episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer (You need to have Windows Media Player)

Right now I am looking for Fan Art or FanFic. If you have made any Fan Art of FanFic please send it to me.

Upcoming episodes:
10.01 - "Beneath You" (NEW)
10.08 - "Same Time, Same Place" (NEW)

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