blurred clarity

Wouldn't a picture look nice here?


Last Update: October 2nd, 2002

Greetings, web traveler, aka some friend of mine who had the unfortunate luck to click the linky link here. My name is Jamie, and by that mistaken click of your mouse you have landed at blurred clarity, my cleverly titled website. Why blurred clarity do you ask, and why those silly lowercase letters? Simple. Most people with decent websites tend to have a clever, or interesting name for them. In order to create the facade that I AM interesting (heaven forbid), I came up with some oxymoronic or whatever name for this place. Yeah, it's like a tourist trap, but it's online, and there aren't any pickpockets, so how can you lose? Anyhow, back to lowercase letters. e.e. cummings did it and I just think his poetry is plain awesome. I'd love to receive worldwide fame for confusing the hell out of high school poetry students. Wouldn't we all?

Well, blurred clarity hopefully shall evolve into a representative view into my naive teenage mind, with an occasional witty comment interspersed here and there. Please come along for the ride, and I promise to stop at the drive through on the way home.

*What's New at BC?*
Yeah, so I'm bad at updating. Really, I can't ever commit myself to updating with something important. Oh well. I have one of those online journal things now, so if you want to check it out, go to
Have a peachy keen day.

*Coming Soon*
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