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BiGrEd's KiCkAsS WeBpAgE

Party Room    Counter-Strike    Pics of the week    Message Forum    Vacations    First Avenue

Compass Management Images



Best Club EVER!


Update June 29th, 2001

Well here it is my first day of this webpage. There isnt jack shit on this page yet, but I hope to have several pics and more things to come real soon. Im trying out these links for the first time so I hope they work. There will be a new update whenever I can.


Update July 1st, 2001

I added some more images to this page. The Party Room is open...but not with much images yet. If the quality is low its because its late as hell and I'm tired so I didnt have time to scan high quality. Mostly just pictures from a recent wedding I attended, but there are much more to come.

Also the First Avenue room is open...many cool links there if your into good music and awesome DJ's. I hope to have some good links to upcoming concerts and popular DJ's that will be there...but thats something I will have in the future weeks. Hope you like it.


Update July 1st, 2001

I changed the look of the page.  I got rid of some lame links and added some new ones.  I also added some clan updates to the counter-strike section, go and check it out.  Also I made thumbnails instead of full images to make the page load quicker, you can choose which pictures to view.  There will be more updates available when I get the chance.


Copyright by |Gen|Grant
Last revised: July 18, 2001.