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You know I was sitting back in my locker room a few days ago thinking about what it's like to be called a legend. I was thinking of all the times that I've been called that and all the times I've been called a fake. I've thought about the feuds I've had with guys like Masta Disasta, Sean Graves, Barty B Bad, Phantom, Kid Galahad, Necron, Kilo, Ghost, Dick Gazinya, Triple X, all though that match never took place...I've feuded with JTB, Kyle Cartier, Arnold Layne, Ryan Dice, Jugernaut and many more. I've thought about the times when even hating me my opponent had to give me props, had to give me the respect that I deserve to get each and every time I step a foot in that ring and give my life for the fans, whether I like them, or not. I give my life for the game and what I get in return is a paycheck, something in the mail that makes me live, and yet some of these people that I face, some of these people that I don't face have the nerves to say that I'm not a legend in this sport, and that I'm "over rated" as a wrestler. How can you say that when I've done what I've done? When I've accomplished things in my short career that people only hope to do in their entire career. Even Jugernaut will be the first to say that he looked at me as a rookie, as an inexperienced kid who won't get the job done, but you ask him what happened when he said that. But anyways the point of all this is women. (Funny how they revolve around everything isn't it?) When people, especially not wrestlers, but critics, dish out the insults to me saying that I'm nothing, overrated and exaggerated...there was always one person I could turn to. Not Ghuita, not Ashton, not anyone else but one person...and that one person is going to give me the strength that I need to win the Undisputed World Championship, or at least kill Jugernaut trying...

The scene opens up in a very unusual place, somewhere that you wouldn't normally see a promo being cut, or is there one being cut at all? The scene opens up in the blue skies above Seattle, Washington. The air is cold and you can see raindrops falling as the camera pans into a window seat where WuW superstar Brian Graves is seen sitting watching the rain bead off against the wings of the plane. Brian is listening to his headphones and nodding his head up and down to the beat of one of the songs as the stewardess walks slowly up to him and reaches over the man sleeping in front of him and taps Brian on the shoulder. Brian glances up and smiles and slides his headphones down by his neck...

Hey what's up?

Hello Mr. Graves, we're going to be landing right now, you are listening to your head phones so I'm not sure if you heard the captain

Oh my fault, how much longer?

We're pulling down now so about five minutes or less

Awesome thanks

Brian takes his headphones off and places them in his backpack which is stored in front of him under a seat. He reaches inside and grabs a stick of gum and unwraps it sticking it in his mouth trying to get his ears to pop, stupid elevation. He then gets his chair upright and they begin to land...a few minutes pass as they finally hit the ground as Brian sits back gripping the handle of the seat...the man next to him slowly starts to wake up and looks over at Brian

Scared of flying are we?

Brian glances at the man like he's insane and doesn't loosen his grip

Scared? That's an understatement, I hate flying, I hate landing and I hate taking off, I hate the damn sky in general

Well, I'm sorry to here that. Are you from the UK or here?

Brian smirks

Here of course...there is no way in the name of anything good and decent that I would ever say that I'm from UK. I mean honestly, even if I was born in the UK, I'd deny my very birthplace in front of my own mother...that place is a hell hole...

Then what were you doing there?

Wrestling of course. I'm Brian Graves, The Extreme Legend, and ECWL World Champion. But when ECWL shut down, I was forced to fly over to that place and start my career over there, might as well become internationally known...

Well that's nice


Brian can tell that he has no clue who he is, so he reaches into his backpack and pulls out a piece of scratch paper that had something else written on it from a long time ago. He takes out a pen and sketches his name down and folds it handing it to the man

Why do I want your name on a piece of paper?

Trust me man, this is worth a lot of money...

I'm sure

Brian laughs

Trust me, go ask the stewardess who I am and then re-think your judgment okay? But until then...

Brian steps over the man and gets out into the aisle way and heads towards the door...

I'll see you around old timer, you keep a hold of that

The man gives a fake corny smile as he takes the paper and sees a kid walk by.

Here you go kid, some guy gave it to me...

The kid looks genuinely confused but then puts the paper in his pocket and walks off...all though still curious but sure it's nothing, the old man before exiting the plane, walks over to the stewardess and places his hand on her shoulder...she turns around and smiles

Excuse me, but who was that man sitting next to me?

The lady smiles

Brian Graves of course, ECWL World Champion

Yeah he said that, but what's ECWL?

The most popular wrestling federation in the United States! It shut down awhile back but that man was the last World Champion, he then went to UK and dominated there and they are unifying the WuW and ECWL World Titles, that is one rich man you sat next to, consider yourself lucky! If I were you, I'd have gotten his autograph!

The man sits there almost in shock as his eyes drop down and his jaw smacks the floor, his body turns pale as he stumbles out of the plane and catches his breath and walks out to the terminal and runs to the crowd and looks around but he's not to be seen...the old man puts his head down as the scene fades out to Brian Graves down by the luggage pick up sitting on a bench waiting for his luggage to get there. Suddenly the bags start pouring out of the machine as Brian stands up and waits in line, he's very impatient as he's getting bumped around by little kids and eager businessmen trying to get their suitcases. Brian finally reaches over some little baseball player and grabs his bag and whirls it around and walks towards the double doors of SeaTac International Airport. He walks through the door into the covered parking area and looks around finally seeing a Blue Honda Civic parked in spot 420...Brian smiles shaking his head as he walks to the car as SSb steps out shaking his head...

So dude, how long did it take you to wait for this spot?

You know me man, I would have postponed picking you up to make sure I got this shit

Figures, you ready?

As much as I'm gonna be

Brian gets inside the car as they slowly pull out of the parking spot and drive down the exit and onto the main-road. After passing a Jack in the Box, they turn onto I5 and SSb hits cruise control...

So what in the hell have you been up to?

Chillen man of course, how'd XWD go for you?

Well obviously you know the answer to that since it's combining with WuW, it seems as though whenever Blake screws up, he tries to fix it by combining with someone else to make things look less "pathetic" than they already are.

I don't know about that, Blake is a total moron, and he's not as smart as he makes himself out to be, but nonetheless, I think that he's making a very wise business move in this situation man. I mean think about it, you have two of the most successful presidents around, two guys that have dominated the industry and you put them together what do you get?

Good call, I'm just worried this is going to work like the last XWD/WuW venture that turned up backfiring against everyone and ruining tons of peoples futures and probably caused ECWL to crash

Yeah, but don't tell Damo that, he's trying to give himself false credit as if he were the one to take down ECWL, but I just let him get his licks in, it's all going to hit him hard in the end, because who knew that one day the World Champion from ECWL would actually step foot inside a WuW arena, take what is rightfully theirs and unify it to be one true champion, it's a great thing you know? And the best part is the fact that I get to spite Damo and Blake, that's like the icing on the cake.

Always thinking positive aren't you?

Of course man if I didn't think positive I wouldn't be thinking, but you know man speaking of positive, you check out Jugs in his latest promo? Talk about a turnaround man

He's still the same big ugly hardcore jackass that he was a year ago, what do you mean turnaround?

Didn't you notice his tactics? I mean he didn't spend, as much time talking the shit like he always used to you know? He spent more time thinking about what he was going to say, a slightly, yes keep in mind I did say slightly more educated Jugernaut

SSb smiles and laughs and switches lanes to the carpool lane

Yeah but I hate to say it for good old Jugs, but it's not going to make much of a difference...

You know I almost feel sorry for the guy, I mean he comes from a wrestling history right? I mean back in the day in ECWL he was King Shit, I mean everything he did would strike fear in people's eyes. I mean hell he was in The Deadly F'n Duo with Ghost right? I mean the guy was on top of the world and on top of his game but then what happened? I am not sure exactly how the story goes, that was before my time but if I could place my money down on the table I would say that Jugernaut flashed his cocky attitude like he's done as of late and tried to out due people like Ghost and Phantom who in deed put him to an utter shame. He thinks he's too good for his own good and it's going to come back and screw him over. And the sick and twisted part of this whole situation is the simple fact that Jugernaut thinks this is a year ago, he still thinks that I'm the underdog in this match, who in gods name is saying that? Damo Chasez? Blake Armstrong? The two guys whom are everyday of their pathetic lives trying to find someone who can beat me? Someone who can take me off of the throne that I've set up for myself up at the top of Mount Graves? Okay I'm sorry to say but the underdog in this match-up is definitely Jugs and I will be the first person to say that, and you can mark my words on that to use against me if you feel necessary, but as far as skill is involved, we all know who the better man is, and we all know who likes to come up just a little bit short okay?

Trust me dude I know, I watched the last time you faced Jugs inside that steel cage, and I know how he is still trying to use that as an excuse of why he lost

But a loss is a loss and he's going to have to come to the realization that when you lose a match, it doesn't matter if you get pinned, forced to tap out or what not, the fact is that he lost the match to the better man, plain and simple there is nothing else that one can really say about this to make it more understandable. I mean when you get into a match, you sign your life away and if that means you sign it into a hell in the cell that's what you are getting yourself into okay? Everyone knows what the situation is when they decide to take it or leave it, and it's his fault that he was stupid enough to get inside a cage match with one of the fastest men in sports entertainments history. Jugernaut is signing his life away again though, but that's something that can be looked at in a few different ways you know, I mean Jugs can say that this is just another match right? That he signs the contract to wrestle, and he wrestles, how is this any different? How is this signing his life away right?

SSb sees where this is going and laughs

But then again look at the last time that Jugernaut faced me okay? Think about that match long and hard and you think about what it did for his career

Oh I already know

I mean Jugernaut was the man in WXW. He was THE man. He thought that because he held the hardcore championship around his waist that it meant he was the biggest, the meanest and the baddest sun of a gun that had ever graced a wrestling ring, and especially better than anyone in the WXW at the time, but what does that say to me? What does that say to a man who gave up his life for wrestling and for the World Title to have him come in, carrying around a strap that says you can get the shit kicked out of you and keep walking, no offense

None taken

And say that you are the best wrestler in the business? Who was he to say I was the underdog in that match, because he was bigger than me? Because he was a little bit stronger than me? Simply because the guy is 6'10 300 some odd pounds and I'm simply 6'4 245 right? Well does that mean that I can't Special Delivery your ass to the mat and give you your first pin-fall since ECWL1? No that doesn't mean a damn thing, when I whip his ass on Sunday, he better hope and pray that Damo comes down to ring and makes it so I can't pin or make him submit, otherwise his worthless slogan is just that, worthless.

Well look on the bright side, he's showing up more than your last opponents, and he's going to give you more of a match than Owens did...

Hey Owens did a very good job in our match, a lot better actually than I had expected, I mean to be quite honest I figured that I'd have walked all over him and destroyed him and made him look ridiculous, not that I would have wanted to, but that's what I tend to do, ask Jugs. I mean he talks about in his promo how he said I over looked him last time, well look what happened if I did overlook him, I got the victory didn't I? So if I kicked his ass by overlooking him, imagine what I'm going to do when I don't overlook him and treat him like I have to treat him, and that is like the punk bitch that he is, and that I know if I don't defeat him this Sunday, that I don't have a shot at being the Undisputed Champion, and we all know what a fed is like without BG as the champion, it's not a fed, it's a disgrace.

I just find it funny how he blames his loss on the cage...

Especially when that was the type of match that was signed. If the match was a "Pin Only" match I would have pinned his ass after The Shocker and gotten the victory, but the match was a cage match, and the key way to win a cage match is to ESCAPE the cage, what the hell else did he expect me to do? I hit him with my finisher, I had his ass down there was about fifteen things I could have done, so what did I do, I climbed the cage and out I went, and I got the victory like I had promised, I got over yet another hurdle that stood in my way of immortality. So what do you expect me to do this week Scott, should I promise another victory like I always do? Should I come right out and say that I'm going to walk all over Jugernaut and whoop his ass again? Because we all know that the stipulation is No DQ, and we can tell who Damo is trying to screw over with this because it is in fact a match that Jugglenuts excels at, I mean he's "The One True Hardcore Rip-off" if you know what I mean

Yeah, I'd like to get a shot at his ass...

There is no point man, after I get done whipping his big fat frumpy ass, I'm going to make sure that the only thing he'll be able to do is drop lower in rankings than he already is. Think about what I said earlier, when I faced him last in WXW it ruined his career. He went from being the top shit to the bottom of the barrel everyday loser like DJ Hype and Mr. Sensation, so what happens? He wants another shot at me and this time for the strap of gold that makes BG who BG is, the strap of gold that is legendary all it's own. I mean come on, who is the only person to ever hold the ECWL, WXW and XWD World Championships?

SSb laughs

That's right buddy that would be all me, and since WXW is gone, no one except Sean Graves will ever be able to repeat that...

Except one other man...

Brian stops and looks at Scott confused but then realizes what he's talking about...

Good point, there is always Ryan Dice. I mean he defeated Genocide at the very end of WXW and won the World Title in which some people called a complete fluke. But then again, he still won and became World Champion. So Ryan has a few things that he could do if he defeats Barty B Bad this week, he can defeat me and only need the XWD Championship to be the second person to ever do the impossible, or he can get beat by me since I'm going to walk over Jugglenuts and I can become the second person ever to become WXW and WuW World Champions...even though it'll be my fourth World Title within the four joint feds if you know what I'm talking about

No doubt

But for this to happen Ryan would have to win and by all means I'm cheering him on man, that's my boy right there how in gods name am I supposed to thrash on him? I mean I've faced him once before and let's just say that the match itself could have possibly been the most brutal and ugly thing that you had ever seen. I mean it ended with me beating him in the center of the ring and moving on to face Shitty Smitty in the finals and whooping his ass like the mid carder that he is, but Ryan laid a beating on me that I wouldn't soon forget and he called it. He told me that he would put a beating on me the likes I had never seen before and I laughed, just like I laughed at the fact that Jugglenuts wanted another piece of me after getting pounded in WXW. But Ryan showed why he deserves to be in the main-event level winning World Champions, but I hate to tell him that all good things come to an end you know?

Yeah no doubt

I mean he has been World Champion for what? 3-4 months? No one has even posed a threat to him, he's kicked the asses of HCK, Prime Time, Barty B Bad and everyone else he's faced, but then he can always say that the only person he's really gotten beat by would be Brian Graves since leaving XWD for WuW. I was the last person to really lay a beating on Ryan Dice and he knows this. He knows that at this point I'm the only person stopping him from having the longest WuW Title Reign of all time, being the best damn champion that this place has ever seen. But that's all part of the game and Ryan will get no "let the better man win" bullshit from me, I'm not like that and neither is Ryan. He knows this match is all about business and I'm sure he's going to look at it the exact same way as I am, with fire in his eyes and an open fist...we're both ready to fight and I'm sure it'll be one to remember if that happens...

What about Barty?

SSb then switches lanes and then takes exit 6 towards Kent, Washington...

Well Barty is a great wrestler, no doubt about it, I mean the guy has done everything possible to do in his fifteen some odd years of wrestling

Brian laughs

But to be honest, the washed up never was is to hell bent on getting ass from Mrs. Bigguns Ikea or whatever the hell she changed her name to. I mean until he gets his pussy whipped ass out of the damn basement he's not going to know his left from his right and it's going to come back to bite him in the ass at the end. He's gonna be stuck looking the fool as I'm stuck shoving my boot up his ass like the last few times that we've met. I mean I've done it all against Barty. I've beaten his ass in a ladder match, and I've kicked his ass on top of a roof. I've beaten him in tournaments and I've beaten him with Ryan Dice, I've done it all and I've laughed about every minute of it knowing the fact that when the final bell sounded I was the better man. So let's take this into consideration, if I am the better man in all those what makes you think that Barty would pose any of a threat to me when all that's happened in the past couple of years is me kicking his ass and getting just THAT much better. Barty's been sitting on the shelf, coming out for the occasional ass beating by Ryan Dice and anyone else who feels the need, I'm sure that he won't be much of a problem if he does somehow pull off the upset against Ryan Dice...

SSb nods and turns onto a main-road and they pull to SSb's house, which was BG's when he lived in the states. They park their car and step out and enter through the front door when SSb's cell phone rings...

Hello? Okay Cool...Yeah no problem that should work...see you in a few minutes

Who was that?

An old friend

Okay cool...anyways this match with Jugs has more at stake then I thought

What do you mean?

It has the legacy of ECWL at hand here. I mean this is a belt that shouldn't be taken lightly or be in the hands of undeserving punks with no life like Jugernaut. He is just sitting in his hotel room in London hovering over the TV to WuW's 24 hour TV station waiting for me to cut a promo or have it aired for everyone of those idiot British fans back in the UK to see, I mean it's pathetic how bad he wants this title, but he doesn't deserve to be a part of the legacy that is ECWL. I mean I defended this title that is around my shoulders to this day against Kilo in a Tower of Terror match. Three stories of pure hell and beatings. I mean this match was something that no one has ever seen the likes of again, and will never be repeated, I don't care how much money you want to put into it. Think about whose held onto this title in the past. Johnny Toscano, Ghost, Phantom, Sean Graves, I mean the list goes on and on of the great men and fighters that held this gold simply because of pride and dignity, that is what ECWL stood for. When it fell I was certain that I would fall, but oh no ECWL taught me to stay strong and when Damo told me that the title would soon be defended in the WuW and be unified with their World Title, I knew there was a purpose after all, and I knew that when the titles would be unified that I would be the one man to stand tall, the one man who would dominate the rest...I am that man...and I am that damn good...

Suddenly the door opens and a beautiful girl walks inside and everyone knows who it is. Brian stands up almost in a state of shock...he can't believe what he's seeing. He rubs his eyes and pinches his arms right quick as the girl starts laughing and walks closer to Brian...


The girl quickly comes closer and kisses Brian as he is still in a state of shock...the scene slowly fades to black...