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Movie of the Moment - Blow with Johnny Depp

Soundtrack of the Moment - Two Towers Soundtrack, Live Aus Berlin CD by Rammstein

Song of the Moment - "Ich Will" - Rammstein

Movie-Music of the Moment - Any of the instrumentals on Two Towers

Book of the Moment - "The Silmarallion" by Tolkien

Actor-Obsession of the Moment - Orlando Bloom

Character-Obsession of the Moment - Will Turner from the Pirates of the Caribbean movie that's coming out in July.

Video-Game Obsession of the Moment - Final Fantasy 7 - having big urges to play it again.

Anime-Obsession of the Moment - None that I can think of right now...

TV-Obsession of the Moment - Buffy the Vampire Slayer (7th season! Whoohoo!)

Saying of the Moment - *incoherant grumble*

Self-Art of the Moment -I'm happy with the way my big painting is going ^.^

Thought that comes to me right at this moment - "Hungry... amused... hungry... must do work..."

I'm pretty simple. ^.^

Me obsessed with: Ewan McGregor, Joaquin Phoenix, Owen Wilson, Orlando Bloom, Viggo Mortensen, Johnny Depp, James Marsters, James Marsden, Heath Ledger, Final Fantasies 7 through 10, Moulin Rouge, Lord of the Rings, LoTR Design, Quenya, various other movies, too many fictional characters to count, art, internet, my livejournal,

My biggest wonder at the moment is when I will get to write down the next amusing quote by a friend.

Full Name: Steph Geeves
Nicknames: Steph, Stephie, Bean,
Beanage, Beanaji, Beag, Be, Bean Monster, BJ Bean, BG, Terrance, Steph the Ref (yeah, thanks D, LOL), That Loner In The Corner, Pastelky
Sex: Female
Birthday: 24 February 1987
Screen Name: Steph Teltoli,
or The Bean Monstah
Screen Name Meaning: Well... it doesn't really have a meaning. It's the name of
on of my characters that I use for RPG's. The Bean Monstah - well, obviously...
6, or Year 12
Live: New Zealand
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
163.5 cm
Hair colour:
More red than brown
Eye colour:
Favourite Numbers:24

Left or right handed?: Right
Have taken a vow of now dating.

-.-;; No.
Dream Guy:
Mmm... mix all of my favourite actors together and there you go.
Ideal Guy:I just summed that up in the last question ^.^;;
Flowers or Chocolates: Chocolate.
Favourite Actor:
Ewan McGregor, Joaquin Phoenix, Owen Wilson, Orlando Bloom, Viggo Mortensen, James Marsters, James Marsden, Heath Ledger
Dream Job: Set Designer
Dream Car:
Lancer Evo 8 - Dark Red

Food: Cold pizza - its better cold.
TV Show: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Movie: Moulin Rouge, Blow, Lord of the Rings, and many, many others.
Dark red
Day of the Week: I'd have to say Friday - close to the weekends.
Book:"The Silmarillion" at the mo - thanx Qua! ^.^
Favourite Ice Cream: Cookie
s and Cream
Flavour: Caramel...
Drink: V, Coke, Lion Red, Champagne... mm
Lotr, Moulin Rouge, Rammstein
Slept Naked?: Not that I can remember...
Sleep with a stuffed animal?: Yep, my little stegosaurus that I named Joaquin.
Is 2Pac Alive?:
Most certainly.



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All images drawn by Steph "Bean" Geeves and Sarah "Cheese" Procter
are copyright by their respective owners. Please do not use them, or change them for
your own purpose in anyway unless you have permission from us.
"Bean and Cheese's Site" © 2001.