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Here is my updated page. I will try to put new pictures up weekly!!

Recent picture of me playing volleyball at North Beach Ave in Chicago. Got some nice ups for an Asian guy!!!

That's Paul, Me, LA, Jason, and Julie chilling at the new Club Mystique. I thought this club would be a lot better but it is rather small. No one ever goes into the room with the futons because you just don't know what's on those sheets!!!

My friend Phil had just a little too much to drink and couldn't stay up at the club. I wish I had a marker to write all over his past out butt!!

Here's LA, Jason, Jennifer, and Me at 720's. This is a place where all the salsa, and Latino's hang out. They have 4 floors and have all the Latin and salsa music you can handle. Then in the basement they have old school hip hop. It's kind of a new experience and everyone should check out this club.

That's Me, Paul, Tuan, and LA getting our pre drink on before we head out to White Star. White Star use to be the happening spot but now, not a lot of people are going there anymore.

Here's Jason, Me, and my buddy Tuan from Cali. We took a break from all the dancing on one of Envy's nice sofa's. Cali was such a great time and I miss all my friends there.

That's Paul, Tuan, Jason, Me, and LA celebrating Jason's birthday. Jason puked all over the floor at the club that we were at and then managed to drink some more. Not bad considering that he is a lightweight.

Here's Paul pointing out some new fasion highlights that the ladies are wearing out to the clubs. The funny thing is that these are two different girls and two different nights. But I guess if you like to have a wedgy and show the guys your dental floss then so be it.

That's Sean, LA, Me, Jason, and Paul chilling at Kustoms night club. They had a fashion show that night and it wasn't even all that. The models were strutting like they were the bomb and stuff. It was more of a comedy show rather than a fashion show. The clothes were ridiculous and no one in their right mind would buy any of those clothes.

Martini's will be the new Volt Crew's favorite drink behind Colt 45. That's Jason, Tuan, Paul, Me, and LA all having a chilled melon martini to celebrate my birthday. Jason made them so damn strong that we couldn't even finish one!! They were so strong that Paul was looking somewhere in the distance when the photo was taken. Everyone else was looking at the camera but him. Hmmm, it must be the green coloring.

We had to take a picture at the club for my birthday and this is what happens to you when you drink one too many martini and beer. First, LA has his hand on Tuan's boob, then Tommy next to Tuan is making some face like if Paul was sticking something up somewhere. Paul, where are your hands? Then Jason thinks he is in the middle east right now and wants peace with his gesture and his big ass smile. Can that smile get any bigger folks?? Then you have Sean in the back getting ready to explode because his face is so red. What a night it was!! What drama there is in this world.

Here we are at a Ginseng Event at Transit. It was a wild and goofy night. We took over 120 pictures that night and had a great time!!!

That's Me, Paul, and Sean at Riv Gauche!! I guess that when Hugh Hefner is in town, he brings all the playmates here to this club. We were disappointed because we didn't get to see any playmates.

We did get the chance to take a quick picture with our lovely waitress. She was kind enough to hang out with us and hook us up with some nice drinks.

Wow, look at what happens when we had a little too much to drink. It's Volt gone wild!!! Don't ask, I don't know what happened here.

Then Me and Paul had to sit down and contimplate what the heck just happened. Maybe we were just wondering where all the playmates were.. So end another chapter at a Volt event.

For Paul's birthday, we went back to Transit and had a great time. The import models were there showing us that they still do not wear any underwear at all!!! Paul just couldn't stop drinking his Corona for a second so that we can take a picture, so he just went ahead and left it in his mouth. How funny!!!!

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