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Hey handsome, you are getting older!!! Age, however, is a refining factor. I just wanted to take the time to say to someone special to me Happy Birthday.

Well like my video ,that you should have watched first said, I was wracking my brain as to what to get. I wanted to give you something that was going to last in some way, that would be special, that would make you smile, that would show you just how wrong it would be for me to just get you some generic present! I hope I have succeeded in that endeavor.

Stephen, I have known you only for a short while. For say about four months? Yet I find it so amazing how much you have touched and blessed my life in such a short time. My gift to you comes from the heart and comes from a friend. Not someone who is only interested in you in a romantic way. The reason being that it is always easy to find someone to be romantic with, however, an honest friend is really hard to find. As a smart young woman, I know once found I should hold on.

So with a new year, a new month, a new week, a new day, hour and minute although we get older we get better. And to be honest as each minute passes that I know you my life is more enriched.

Know that when ever you need me I will be there and there is nothing that will stop me from being there. Even if you need a hand with that couch! You will get it when you read your card. LOL

Just know that you are a very special person to me. Stay real and have a wonderful birthday. So sit back relax and enjoy the rest of your present.