Take your pick / movies   music    pointless programs    girly stuff
Welcome to www.awos.cjb.net, how would one best describe AWOS errrrmmmm...Fu** knows. Please feel free to go around the site and have a laugh. The main sections are movies / music and the forum.
New this week:
29/11/01 - The Love section has officialy started production (about F***ING time) & looks to be a cool addition to the site(check it out).

Time to find out girls!
This is delightful quiz that can tell you in minuets if your gay (cool)!.
! DISCLAIMER ! We are not responsable for the out come. Blame your god damn parents!
The hottest MP3's ever
In this section you will find the coolest and freshest MP3's around on the net...
So go in this section to download what we think are the coolest FREE MP3's on the net    get me there!

Stuff writen by "Team AWOS"
  • Men are better than women
  • The Internet's Demise
  • Stepping outside the box
  • What War?
    We should all by now have got the general idea that America has things under control (yeah right).
    But when will it all end?
    What do you assholes think?
    That's right people we couldn't give a shit what you think but our...
    e-mail accounts are a little empty so we thought we would ask for your opinions on the site. (ohh go on!)