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BG & Cobra

Re: IM Question About Zaza

Re: IM Question About Zaza
by: badgirlso (41/F/Baltimore)

03/07/04 08:49 am
Msg: 3063 of 3582

That's right Mother Fucker!!
Your closely guarded network..ROTFLMAO!!!!
(the <ZƑ>fag next door) (the GA IT worker) Fuck you!!!
Now your gonna meet my guarded network!!!!!

You pathetic little black man....your a liar and a cheater!!!!
Your worse the anyone else on this board.
You want the truth...YOU CAN"T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!

Now lets take a slow walk down the cobra walk of shame!!


Re: Sit back and enjoy the show!!!
by: badgirlso (41/F/Baltimore)

03/07/04 09:11 am
Msg: 3064 of 3582

Yah that's right you have fucked with enough people on here and it's payback day!!!

First lets here about my short comings from ME!
You're all gonna love this but hey rather you here the truth from me than cobra and friend's twisted version.

Yes I was married to a man that was killed in 9-11 Truth is we were having a lot of problems and he left home to go to his family in New York...I never saw him again. He was killed.

Truth #2
6 month later I was dateing a guy that was very cruel and so I turned to the world of the internet. On 2-14 I went into my first chat room and came out of it with Chris W.

Truth #3
I fell in love and we met in San Diego,
we exchanged rings

Truth #4
I told him I was pregnant

Truth #5
I told him it didn't make it

Now....Chris You've got NOTHING NOTHING on me you lying son of a bitch!!

Time to fill in the rest of the TRUTHS with you!!!

 Posted as a reply to: Msg 3063 by badgirlso  




Re: Sit back and enjoy the show!!!
by: badgirlso (41/F/Baltimore)

03/07/04 09:29 am
Msg: 3067 of 3582

I met Chris on Valentines day after being stood up, I was feeling sorry for myself and found my way into a chat room. Cvex22 was his ID we got into a hot and steamy cyber sex chat (my first) And the next day I IM'd him a hello..
He had the nerve to IM me back asking if we had ever met...I told him "thanks a lot" He stated his younger brother who was 16 was using his PC when he wasn't home.
Of course I was totally embarrassed and told him I was sorry and I was never going to bother him again. He started saying I was nice and maybe we could be friends. The more I thought about it, the more I thought NO way was that a 16 yr old kid I was talking to the night before. So I kept after him, he than told me he had cyber sex SCRIPTS saved in his PC from an EX-girlfriend of his..
Which by the way was stupid because I wasn't following a script, I was writing it.
So to make this 1st day experience short. He finally admitted it was him. Oh and he doesn't have a younger brother at all.
Oh and to Dave...I'm much older than Chris so his comment to you the about chasing women was so hypocritical!!

(this is day one of the lies this snake told and its mild compared to what you will all read to come)

Stay tuned folks this is really gonna get good!!

 Posted as a reply to: Msg 3064 by badgirlso  



Re: Sit back and enjoy the show!!!
by: badgirlso (41/F/Baltimore)

03/07/04 09:41 am
Msg: 3072 of 3582

We began chatting everyday, I couldn't wait to get home each day to escape into his warm words. We talked for hours into the early morning every day.
Then things just started happening the closer we got. We started calling eachother on the phone. He always called from a cell phone outside..weird but not so weird.. Till one day we played a truth game. We gave eachother one night to spill out all the untruths we had told eachother.
And Here was Chris's...He didn't live alone, he lived with his Mommy and Daddy, they wouldn't approve of a white girl so he kept me a secret.
Ok I thought well at least he came clean and he did have a get out of jail card so I forgave him for the 2nd lie. 16yr brother
No apartment of his own
lives with parents who are gonna hate me because Im white.

Just wait there's more to come!!

 Posted as a reply to: Msg 3069 by badgirlso  



Re: Sit back and enjoy the show!!!
by: badgirlso (41/F/Baltimore)

03/07/04 09:56 am
Msg: 3076 of 3583

We admitted to eachother that we were falling in love and wanted to meet.
We met the end of may in San Diego Cali. We spent three days in a room and had a blast. He didn't look the same as I thought but by this time I had fallen for the guy who wrote to me all those nights and I didn't care.
We decided we were going to be together and that I was going to be the one to move, since he had this great job and all.
I only had my own MRI business and was making 30.000 a year. So I was going to give up my apartment in Cali and move my youngest dauther to Mississippi, while my oldest stayed in College.
Chris and I talked about it and he was going to get an apartment from his sister. He told me it was fully furnished and I didn't need to bring anything.
So I GAVE away ALL my belongings, furniture and things like that and gave notice to my job and apartment manager.

I never asked him how much he made because he never mentioned it. I assummed he made enough because of the work he did and where he worked.

Three days before I was to move out....THE TRUTH HIT.

Now I had given up my job, my apartment, rented a moving truck and guess what the guy only made $11. an hour, the apartment we were going to move into Never was going to happen because his sister "changed her mind"

Oh still more to come!!

 Posted as a reply to: Msg 3072 by badgirlso  





Re: Sit back and enjoy the show!!!
by: badgirlso (41/F/Baltimore)

03/07/04 10:08 am
Msg: 3077 of 3583

So I go banana's on him, he has to tell his family about the white girl and now has to scamble to get an apartment.
Meanwhile I was insane, no job, no apartment and what the hell am I gonna do now..The son of a bitch as lied so much I don't know what the hell to think.
That's when my sister, sweet mms1stcandy...takes me in. Thank God for my sister. I then beg and plead and get my job back.
I decided I was going to put the snake on hold and see what he comes up with next. Meanwhile (got to love the internet) I have all his personal info and do a credit check.....OH my...Scandal scandal scandel.....

Seems old snake boy had a gambling problem and was stealing from the old shoe store he worked at.....FIRED!!!!! (isn't there some jail time due??) Oh well he got out of that with fines and moved in with mommy and daddy and they paid for there grown boy to live!!! for 4yrs...till he met me....

Oh wait there's more!!!

 Posted as a reply to: Msg 3076 by badgirlso  







Re: Sit back and enjoy the show!!!
by: badgirlso (41/F/Baltimore)

03/07/04 10:23 am
Msg: 3080 of 3583

Ok this is when badgirlso was born...I found my way here.
I met lots of great people and yes Mike!!
Old Achi was who I got all my anger out on when I first came here and he let me go on. Gave me some posting tips and pretty much was a real cool guy to me.

Anyways, I started to get sick and caught Chris lying and cheating all over the internet. name it. see he did find an apartment and was flat broke!!!
All he had was his internet whore's ..oh he said he was posting on this aol sports board and thats how he met his buddy Amy...
"they were just friends"
Till one night I busted him royal...lets see ...engaged to BG but cheating with how many was it cobra?????
And you have the nerve to throw mud around here...don't make me laugh wormboy!!!!!

This is far from over cause there's lots more...
Maybe I should let the truth sink in to old spiten cobra...oh wait thats not him....I mean xspiten cobra

I'll be back to finish this me you're gonna love it!!!

 Posted as a reply to: Msg 3077 by badgirlso  




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Re: Sit back and enjoy the show!!!
by: badgirlso (41/F/Baltimore)

03/07/04 10:40 am
Msg: 3082 of 3583

Oh and by the way...anyone that IM's the little prick...beware he has a friend that will hack you in a minute!!
(that's why the paranoid freak saves his IM's)

What's that guy next doors name, Chris...hmmmm

Me..looks like I have nothing more to hide shithead so have at it!!

Oh wait but I do......

 Posted as a reply to: Msg 3080 by badgirlso  



Re: Sit back and enjoy the show!!!
by: badgirlso (41/F/Baltimore)

03/07/04 11:07 am
Msg: 3085 of 3583

why am I telling my sorry little story to all of you????


These boards that we all play on and these words that we write cane be more powerful than we want to admit.
Many people have asked can you find love on the internet...?
Well think about it, of course you can.
Our inner thoughts and emotions can come screaming out without holding back. We can hide our phyical beings and let out some pretty revealing emotions. We can throw ourselfs into a fairy tale world that because it's written we want it to be true.
Facts maybe harsh but the emotions that are masking them can be so very real. Here in the snake pit...prince cobra can't even be honest with his own life let alone any emotion!

Snake boy here, was so wrapped up in proving everyone else out to be a fraud that he forgot to check his own coat in at the door..

Chris I didn't loose did!!
And one day when it comes knocking at your door...all your lies and selfish truths you made up in that sick head of yours will slap you so fricken hard!!
Your little network of friends can't help you then!
Sleep well at night snake boy.....

I do...I may have been a fool but now at least I'm an honest one!!!
I can't change my past or hide from I'm gonna deal with it and be the best I can be....

I've said enough on cobra...any questions feel free to ask....but don't trip over his skin on the floor..

 Posted as a reply to: Msg 3082 by badgirlso  




 Posted as a reply to: Msg 3059 by xspiten_cobra