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Apolo Anton Ohno-Leading Away From

Site Closed!

I'm very sorry....but I've decided that it is best for the website and for me to close this site. Frankly, I don't have enough time to update two webpages at the same time and not to count homework and other stuff. Also, I have lost interest in Apolo, although I still think that he is a talented athlete and I hope that he'll win the gold in 2006 and look forward to seeing him on T.V. This website started out as something just for my friends to look at 'cause they like Apolo too and I never meant for it to be a fansite and to maintain it full-time...if you know what I mean. There are many other great Apolo fansites and I've posted some of them below for you to check them out. Happy Holidays. Take care.

P.S.-If you want to, you can drop by my Harry Potter website It is very much appreciated. Thanks.


Apolo Sites:
*Apolo Ohno-A Fansite
*A2O: Apolo Online: Apolo Anton Ohno
*Apolo Anton Ohno Portal

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