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Angibola, are you catching the fever?

Ahoy hoy! C'est moi! Angela Knowlton!

Me and my best posing for a family photo, aren't we cuties?

Hey there folks. It looks like yet another over funded, under achieving university student has decided it would be a better use of time and energy to compile yet another personal afront to the internet. So hello there. Just a brief intro to whet your appetite for the tasty main course that is my life. I've been known to frequent such locals as Trent University and the local boozatoriums. For those in the know I hail from the great metropolitan city of Midland Ontario. For those wishing to become my loyal and devote stalkers don't even think about it, because Nick Holmes already has that position filled. Anyone planning a vacation to central Ontario should consider stopping in at a great little tourist/historical attraction I like to call Sainte-Marie among the Hurons. Now, I'm not saying that I work there or anything, but wink wink nudge nudge. What is sainte-marie, do you ask? (known to people in the know as SMATH) well its a recreation of a 17th centuaray Jesuit missionary community. Need I say more? No.

Penguinmania:a thoery on love
My stupid stories
It's me Nick Holmes!
Date my friend! Matchmaking at its best!
My trip to Cuba!
Sidekicks "Gabby Hayes" Style

This is me gazing thoughtfuly into the abyss

My Favorite Web sites

Nick's House of Smut

Sherry's little place

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