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Write On

Anorexia is a mental state in which the victim shows their inner pain or need of attention through starving their body. As a part of the on going process of recovery, many patients, including myself, are often asked to write out or draw their feelings about anorexia and how it has changed them. In doing this activity, the sufferers learn a new and more helpful way of expressing their emotions. I encourage each and every person who is venturing onto the road of recovery to write out a poem, story, or song, or draw a picture of how they feel about themselves and their disorder. You may be surprised as to what you come up with. Thoughts that you never knew you had will become present on the paper because you know that the paper will not judge you. Be free to express yourself in a healthy way. Below are the writings of victims who have taken their first steps into recovery.

The Show Must Go On

Though your head starts to spin,
And your strength is running thin,
The show must go on.
Smile & wave and maybe the crowd will stay,
For they don't know that you are dying away,
The show must go on.
Sit pretty through all the torture and pain,
Don't let the world know that your pride is stained,
The show must go on.
What would they do if they knew?
To show them that true perfection is not really you,
The show must go on.
Your whole life is made up of a stage and lights,
But if only your smile was really that happy & bright,
The show must go on.
You have always lived as the star of the show,
They all said "Only in perfection will you grow"
The show must go on.
Your audience applauds, wanting another presentation,
But maybe they wouldn't have pushed you so hard,
Had they known you were dying of starvation.
-Cera, Web Site Master


My self worth is none,
My confidence gone.
The torturing thoughts that run through my mind,
A way to escape is what I must find.
A self created hell,
I built it up and into it I fell.
If anyone has a caring heart,
Please help me out before I fall apart.
Wanting to run and needing to hide,
I just can't escape this demon inside.
If only I didn't give myself so much stress,
Maybe I wouldn't be such a mess.
-Cera, Web Site Master

If you would like to contribute your own poem, story, or song to the site, click here to e-mail me.

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