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Here are some problems I have completed at the Valladolid Programming Contest Problem Set. I was rather surprised to find that information about these problems is quite hard to find. So I am starting a collection of solutions here. I hope these solutions help some people out there who are struggling. I don't have the best solutions, but something is better than nothing! -PR

So here they are:

101.c by yatsen
102.cpp by PR - They call this a challenge.
103.cpp by PR
106.cpp by PR
107.cpp by PR - Using my number theory.
108.cpp by PR - Don't ask. My code for this problem is incomprehensible.
110.cpp by PR - Please be aware this is a multiple input problem and so don't waste two hours like I did and read how you're supposed to do multiple inputs.
111.cpp by PR
113.cpp by PR
118.cpp by PR
119.cpp by PR
120.cpp by PR
126.cpp by PR
127.cpp by PR
131.cpp by PR
133.cpp by PR
136.cpp by PR
137.cpp by PR
138.c by yatsen (P.E. corrected by PR)
139.cpp by PR (Accepted P.E., can anybody help?) - This problem is wierd, and I still don't get it.
142.cpp by PR
143.cpp by PR - This problem is the devil.
144.cpp by PR
147.cpp by PR - This is the easiest problem ever but watch out for rounding.
149.cpp by PR
150.cpp by PR
151.cpp by PR
153.cpp by PR
154.cpp by PR
155.cpp by PR
156.cpp by PR
160.c by Alex Lee
161.cpp by PR
171.cpp by PR
173.cpp by PR - Quite tricky.
180.cpp by PR
181.cpp by PR
187.cpp by PR
189.cpp by PR
190.cpp by PR
195.cpp by PR - Another easy one people often have trouble with.
197.cpp by PR - Devilishly difficult.

In fact, if you have problems on any Volume I problem, just ask me.

Mail me at if you have any comments or suggestions or especially if you want to add on to the collection. Unless you want to be anonymous, I will list your name here if you submit a solution. Also, tell me if any of these do not work. To the best of my knowledge, they all should work.