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Hello! I'm Dixie, if you ignore Lestat, you'll have a great time here! You know what I like? I like fan mail, why don't you move your little mouse over to the "email msk" button and send me some!

Welcome to Moonlight Sonata, I am your host Dixie, and to my right is Lestat.
              Yes, we're back now, after a few months or so of being a mess. And as you can plainly see, we've made some layout changes. But that's not all is it Dixie?
Nope, we've also added a few things, redone a few things, and have done away with
       others. We'll soon have several breed extensions up for you to visit, with breeds such as Borzoi, and Orange Shorthair to name very few.
Until we have those up, enjoy this main portion of Moonlight Sonata, and don't forget to adopt someone.
Hmm...Has this put you in a good mood? You're actually not jumping off from the introduction plan.
We had a plan for this? It's just an introduction, there isn't a plan...
Nevermind, we're straying...
How do you know that wasn't my plan Dixie Cup?
Oh, I'm sure...I'll bet you were up all night thinking of it too weren't you? Anyway...enjoy MSK.


*All things within this website were designed or created by Shayla and Brandi. If you'd like to use an idea, theme, hex a pet to resemble ours, etc ask consent first.