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Reasons why aol sucks:

Connection stability. I don't even have to go there.
Idle Policy. Ever been kicked off for being idle for a few minutes?
Rate Limit. Ever send instant messages so fast you get kicked off? (like on every 20 seconds)
Billing. Not only is AOL one of the most expensive, they also have severe problems with billing people who have disconnected the service.
Poor Tech Support. There's some prank calls out there... you can check them out and see what i mean.
Poor chat capabilities. Anyone who enjoys aol chatrooms needs a foot up their ass right now.
Connection Speed.
Hogs computer resources.
Spam. I have about 12 email accounts and one (unfortunately) with AOL. The 12 accounts which are mostly hotmail... etc.. all get spam, but i still get more crap on one AOL account than the rest combined.
Advertisement. Ever notice all those free CD's at a local store? If AOL supposedly comes pre-installed in every new computer, why waste money on CD's? Just think how much money could be saved and used on making the actual service better...
Gay Restrictions in profiles. Haha i just found this out.. you can't have "bad" words in your aol profile because it violates their TOS.

These are just a few reasons, i'll add more as i think of them.




"I don't need cyber sex, AOL goes down on me all the time."

"AOL sucks major ass! It kicks me off constantly. My lil bro left it on
for 5 hours and it didn't kick him off,yet i'm on for 2 mintues and it kicks me
off!!! Fuck AOL!!!!!"

"One time i was downloading porn and aol just kicked me off for no reason"

"aol always just kicks you off for no reason"


"Aol is just stupid man! AOL=Lag=BAN!! ONLINE PLAY RULES BY ME!!! Play me on and you better not have AOHeLL!!!"

" Tony laughs at me because of my AOL restrictions. *sniffle* =(

But I would laugh at me too..."

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