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Hey, Welcome to! This is my web page, which is mainly a place where I will post my comics, posted as frequent as I make them. I would like to thank my friends for allowing me to use their characters in my comics. Well, enjoy the site, and if you have any comments, post them in the NightmareMMZero Comics threads of either Z-Kat's Domain, Zero Virus, or Cursed Bloodlines-The Comic.I would also like to thank my friends Vilex and Netzuko for helping me with the comics special effects here and there.

Comic is updted. Lots of information.Maybe too much to take in all in one sitting. Oh well. Quizes are still offline though, I'll get to that soon.

View the very first comic in the series.

View the latest comic in the series.

Select any comic from the anywhere in the series from a list.

Test your knowledge! By completing a quiz with a score over 50%, you can see special comics not shown on the site. (offline)

Visit Z-Kat's Domain and discuss the comic, show off sprites, grab the nice downloads, or even just chat.

Note: The server the quizes are on is kinda random, so if it doesn't show, not my fault, just try again later.

To view my comics elsewhere, go to the forum, Zero Virus, or Cursed Bloodlines.

Contact me is necessary at:

I also have MSN Messenger.