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05/03/03 - Update - Post #12 by Helix
 JeeZe!!! Allday today, I redid the whole music page, so now you have to download the song before you can listen to it and all the songs you download have to be put in the folder:  C:\My Music\   if you don't have it; then create the folder and make sure it's in that directory.  The song is being played off your computer, but it's displayed in the Music Box on the nav 1 bar.  Also, I've added 7 more songs to the list: The Ends Of Tragedy, Gotta Keep Them Separated, Original Prankster, Blue Monday, Prison Sex, Sober, Resistance.
I also did the About Us page.
  hf w/ the music!   : )

05/02/03 - Update - Post #11 by Helix
 WHoA! I did a lot of stuff on the site today, you might notice the difference.  
Here are the adds/changes:
-changed the layout as said
-I'm scraping the idea of making the site viewable in all screen resolutions, it's too hard
-added an elastic mouse tail (this thing was hard to get/make, but its fun to play with, hehe..)
-added a giraffe
-added the current time in nav 2
-added the bot commands for the Clan Bot, Overmind-
-I'm changing the music so you have to download the mp3 before you can play it in the music box. so people with dial-up and slower connections can still use the music box for playing music.
---thanks   : )

04/28/03 - Update - Post #10 by Helix
 Hey! Ok I am changing the layout now, because there will now be more information on the site; so I need another navigation bar. Soon you will be able to view the site in any screen resolution.  ;x

04/24/03 - Update - Post #9 by Helix
 Alright, today I tried to fix the music so it will work on most computers now. Before it would not work on some computers(Krip's). So test it out to see if it works now; for the ones which the music would not work. HF! GL!  =)

04/19/03 - Update - Post #8 by Helix
 Ok ok. I deleted the code so your CD-ROM won't open anymore. It was getting pretty anoying to me, cause I pretty much have to look at the site everyday to try to make it better, and some of the members were complaining too. So, its gone.

04/18/03 - Update - Post #7 by Helix
 Hello again, today I added:
 -some links for the future pages which will be up
 -I got two more songs up (godsmack and stone sour), very good songs
 -fixed the You Are An Idiot link so now it works =) its pretty funny what happens, hehe
 -the game Checkers (that little board game you used to play when you were younger..); by the way, I've been playing the checkers game a little.. and it is pretty impossible to beat, or atleast I haven't beaten it yet..

04/07/03 - Update - Post #6 by Helix
 By the way, I wasn't working on the site cause i was playing Counter-Strike. It's a really fun game, but I'll be working on the site now till it gets pretty much finished. I might even start a section with a few Counter-Strike things...
Anyway, I put up four more songs on the music page (raped and beaten, prayer, toughtless, californication), and I fixed the music frame on the navigation bar; so now the little music box fits perfect  =).

04/05/03 - Update - Post #5 by Helix
 Hey everyone! Sorry for the lack of updates, and not working on the site so much. But I'll be working on it more now. =) There's a few things I changed on the site to give it some "Pizazz"!
-When first viewing the page your CD-Rom drive(s) should open, lol (it's to get your attention).
-The scroll bar is pretty cool now, it changes colors as you scroll down.
-I put the music frame in the navigation bar so now you can view the pages and listen to music, hehe, well viewing the pages that will be up soon. I'll get 'em up soon I hope =).

03/15/03 - Update - Post #4 by Helix
 I got the date and time above up, so now you dont have to look at your task bar for the time.  =D
Also, i got As Ashes Fall songs up cus their so awesome! They're in the music page.

03/11/03 - Update - Post #3 by Helix
 I got the music section of the site up, it's under the links. =)

03/09/03 - Update - Post #2 by Helix
 I finally got the main table to work with IFrame so now the pages will load faster. =)

03/05/03 - Site is up - Post #1 by Helix
 Best kinda life is rockin' out with metal music, and burnin up servers!
Check out this maggot! This drum set owns! Burn up the servers!