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        What are the theories brought forward for the disappearances? The most common one is of course bad weather.

        The Bermuda Triangle is an area where the cold wind from north and warm wind from the south meets. This causes a lot of storms and electrical disturbances to occur in this area. Miami has been hit by storms and hurricanes from time to time. This storm can come as often and abrupt as they disappear. This can cause ships and even aircrafts that stumbled into such freak weather might be sunk or downed.

        Another aspect is the presence of vortexes. Vortexes suck things deep into the water like a whirlpool. Could this be the reason why no survivor or wreckage be found?

        Most people believe that the disappearances were caused by human error. Instruments may have misguided pilots or navigation errors could cause them to report that they are in a certain area when they are not. An example would be the Flight 19 incident. Electrical disturbances can also caused reading to be faulty. This can caused search efforts to produce no wreckage at all. Error in navigation, piloting and even mechanical breakdowns are put forward.

        Pirates and drug smuggling are the main culprits says some people. Pirates have been the legends in the Caribbean’s since long ago. People have suggested that many of the ships were hijacked and brought to different places and dismantled so that their parts could be sold. That would explain the disappearance of ships in clear weather. These modern day pirates would be equipped with the most modern of equipments and weapons to have very successful operations. This is illustrated in the case of Kalia III which was found with the body of the owner that later went missing and the ship full of bullet holes.

        Other more extreme theories include curses and UFOs. Some people believe that the Triangle is cursed by the many sailors who lost their lives there. Any intruders will meet their fate in the cursed place.

        UFOs and Time Holes are other extreme theories. This is the area where UFOs appear and abduct ships, aircrafts and even people.

        Are all these true?



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