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Wraith Training Academy

Do you know a thing or two about a thing or two? Then the (WTA) is for YOU!!! JOIN NOW!!!

The Wraith Training Academy or (WTA) will be responsible for training all new coming members to Wraith Squadron in things as simple as everyday Ausgate game play all the way to training a new CO or XO for the member selected field. (WTA) will have a CO and a XO however, unlike other departments all faction Admin, Managers, and Trade personel are the teachers. OJT is acceptable training for new members in any department. However, training for a CO or XO position must be administered by a member of The Council of Eight.

(WTA) will also be responcible for collecting and diseminating to the rest of the faction membership any and all tips, hints, and legal "cheats", etc. That they can muster together. These will help us speed along and grow into a strong and very wise faction.

If you are interested in joining this team, please contact ARISK(FXDBS)(WTA-CO) or kysharia (WTA-XO)


XO: kysharia (WTA-XO)

Team Members: Anarah McKay

Wraith Training Academy
Wraith Squadron Communications

Wraith Squadron Communications

Are you PROUD of the fact that you're a CLEANING MACHINE? Can you SPELL every word in the dictionary frontwards and backwards? Then (WCOM) is the team for YOU!!! JOIN NOW!!!

Using a converted Atlantean satellite for communications purposes, the Wraith now have the most powerful communications satellite in the Multiverse. The Wraith Squadron Communications Department or (WCOM) will be responcible for maintaining the faction Message Boards and faction Library. This means deleting old and unwanted messages from the boards, and correcting mispelled words anywhere they may be found. These positions require someone who is really bored and has nothing better to do. The one plus for the position is an abundance of endless pages to review, thus increasing your chances for inventory finds.

There are openings in this department If interested in filling these postitions please contact CKO (WCOM-CO)



Team Members:

Wraith Diplomatic Corp

Are You the diplomatic type? Love polotics or working out a good trade bargin? The (WDC) is the place for you! Join now!!!

This team will be responsible with communication outside our little faction, Trade negotiations and communication, keeping us informed about which people taste best. That sort of thing.

There are currently several vacancies in this department. If you are interested, contact HoneyInTheSunshine.

CO: HoneyInTheSunshine


Team Members:

Wraith Diplomatic Corp

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