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She calls me White Face


The one i live in..

Oh.. where to begin... so many paths, so little time. *Smirks..* Unfortunately, i'm not as complicated as my host, Kitten.. Blue.. whatever you wish to call the slut. She plays games, shes a homewrecker.. well, I actually like that aspect of her. *Cackles softly under her breath..* Well, all the innocense that Blue shows off, which is a rather corrupted innocent-way, but innocent none the less, however you look at it. She keeps alot bottled up, her child-like mind. Yet.. when the swell of reality is too much for her tiny head to comprehend, and she can't help but scream and damning those who "don't play nice".. and the small child can't take it any more.. I, her beloved friend, take the stand. Now, all these games Blue plays.. fun to watch, rather sexual games. Yet.. I don't care for all of that.. I never get satisfaction from it. I find.. taking ones life, seeing that shocked fear striken look upon their face as their gasping for their last breath is far more orgasmic then what any man can bring me. I take care of Blue's problems.. all those people she wishes to play with.. and don't want to play. I always want to play.. and they seem more then willing to play when I step foward. Strange.. what people will do to save their own lives. I like to goto the alley ways off of Richfrost Ave. and Hikeway St.. and creep into the sewers there.. its fun. Plenty of fun down there.. when I play with people, their screams echo. Its such a pretty sound.. heh. I wish Blue would let me play more often.. but she doesn't get mad very easily, so its hard to play. *Giggles at the very thought of what will slip from her lips next, the back of her throat watering, as her lips purse behind the fragile china-mask* But when she gets mad.. I get to play with and in the shadows. Mess with the minds of all my new playmates. *Sighs, in a nostaligic type of way..* Oh Blue, how I lover your pathetic little mind.. *She blinks and slowly turns her head up, smirking "Won't you play with me?" tilting her head slowly* You can call me White Face.. thats what all my playmates call me.. how I love them so.. they scream so nicely for me. Please.. *pouts softly as she slithered back a bit* Play nice... *She soon giggled maniacly, and stepped back, soon being engulfed by the shadows.. her little giggles echoing, and a soft hollow dripping sound was left in her wake.*