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This _is_ a vote for beauty

Greetings, fellow lovers of artistic beauty! Alright, so maybe some of what you may find here isn’t conventionally beautiful. And sure, there will be the occasional novelty piece that really pushes even the bounds of unconventional beauty (Terry Jones singing about a ferret up his nose, anyone?). But there’s beauty to be found in the absurd, too. You just have to look harder for it.

Anyway, here’s what we have on the menu this week:

"Camisado" – Panic! at the Disco
I have no idea how they chose this title, or why it's not 25 words long like most of their titles, but whatever. Maybe it's the fact that it sounds like a quietish song, but then it gets really loud really quickly? But that's not really a surprise, since almost all of their songs are ridiculously loud and bombastic... Ah well, whatever. It's a neat sounding song.

"Diva's Lament (Whatever Happened to My Part?)" – Sara Ramirez
HAhaha! I love this woman, and I love this song. Amazing. Just amazing.

"The Humor of the Situation" – Barenaked Ladies
Not the best BNL song, but still very good and with plenty of energy. And still quite clever, since it's, y'know, BNL. Kevin's got a rather catchy organ part, and the vocoder stuff is kinda neat, in a bizarre sort of way.

"Baby Seat" – Barenaked Ladies
And I think it's time to step up my efforts in getting you BNL songs, so here's the next song on Maroon. It's one of the Page/Duffy ones, and I think of it every time I hear about Jack Kerouac...which, for a while there, was fairly often, because Gesture spent a year or so obsessed with On the Road. Anyway, lots of good pithy lines in this one.

"I Knew the Bride When She Used to Rock and Roll" – Nick Lowe
This is one of the ones that Neil Gaiman mentioned in his short story that basically convinced me to buy the Nick Lowe album in the first place. It's pretty standard half new wave, half southern rock Nick Lowe song. So, good times all around.

Full playlist (Updated September 2, 2005)