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[::..other crap..::]
::Home ::
::The artist::
::The writer ::
::The Cast::
::The history::
[::..Zip's P.O.T.M..::]
Angst Technology
Bigger Than Cheeses
Checkerboard Nightmare
Decorative Edison
No Fourth Wall To Break
Penny Arcade!
Residence Life
Scary Go Round
Shaw Island
Something Positive
Link to me or I'll kill your family



This is me...

Im 18, at college in England doing Graphics & photography.And spend far to much time drawing...

Thats about it really, Im quite boring really, and spend most of my time reading or drawing. I don't really play many computer games due to the fact I get so bored so quick.

Why a comic?

I like to draw but being asked to draw thing that I havn't drawn before is a good way to get better fast. That and it puts a bit of time mangment in my life.

Also my spelling and grammer sucks.



This website 0wned by Beerman, ©2003 . Artwork owned by Zipperhead, ©2003.