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My Fanfiction
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Miscellaneous Fanfiction


This page is run and maintained by:
Fort Max


Welcome to the articles section! This section will serve as a posting to various TF related writings of mine that are not fanfics.

US Transformer Television Continuity
My explaination for Beast Machines and RiD in relation to the other TF series.

RiD Autobot Rank and Functions (Created on: 6/4/02, Last Revise: 6/4/02)
RiD Autobot Rank and Functions

Continuity Reason for the G1 Animation Errors?
Not really an article, but I need filler space here.

A Modest Review: Transformers Armada
My thoughts on the premiere of Transformers Armada.

More Articles Coming Soon!

This is not a page officially created and is not run by Hasbro, Kenner, Marvel, Mainframe Entertainment, Claster Entertainment, Alliance, Fox Kids, Saban, Toei or Dreamwave Productions. Transformers, Beast Wars, Beast Machines, Robots in Disguise and all likeness are trademarks of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved, Manufactured under license from Takara Co., Ltd. Happy Meals, McDonald's and the Golden Arches logo are trademarks owned by McDonald's Corporation. Playstation and its insignia are a trademark of Sony. Nintendo 64 and its insignia are a trademark of Nintendo. Fox Kids, Saban, and Fox Kids Magazine are trademarks of Fox and ABC Family. This website was created purely for recreational uses.