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Whats up everyone? 1 day of school left!the kool aid guy would say- OOHH YEAH! lol. Summer is the shit man, Annie, tans, vacations, sleeping for 2 days straight, PS2, Annie, Chillin in My Hood like last year Nate haha firecrackers! and did I mention Annie? Plus I might get a pass for PKI, and swimming is always fun.

HAHA me and alex have been waving to each other and flipping each other off in school. Yesterday he waved and talked to me but today, well read below to find out why Alex still is mad at me :(
TheXBeast06: *waves*
TheXBeast06: Hi Alex
ILIKETHECHEESE: *gives the finger*
TheXBeast06: damn it, u can be so mean :-(
TheXBeast06: please dont beat me up
TheXBeast06: Im scared now. So cold and alone

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