gay gay gay gay

to view this site all nice and good, we use the "comix (heavy)" font.
download it to your "/windows/fonts/" folder, and restart for it to work. menu in progress...

don't look. i'm naked.

03.16.03 - new layout

well hey! you know that new layout we've been talking about for a while... well, it is now done and ready to go! check it out HERE!

sadly i must say, this could be the very last update on this site ever... but, look for even greater things on our new home. all the fresh shit here will be transfered over there before this bitch is shut down..but we will be keeping this up as a memorial so people can still come and look around at what this site once was. that's all for now mf-ers. peep our new home and enjoy. ya heard?! eh?

03.02.03 - the devil

the devil has made a home on
i wish i knew why.

see! i told you.
it's in the 3rd category of the pictures section
and there's another in the fifth section.
greg must have been bad.

i think i should take the RJ turkey back out.

- Knick

02.28.03 - new menu

i really am working on a new nice flash menu similiar to what we have now but more extensive, in attempt to save our current layout.

i look forward to turning the page into a spring theme, once it stops snowing so much...

look below this news box, you can see a preview of the menu i'm building so you know i'm doin it.

- Knick

02.11.03 - Farewell To One Of Our Greats

On monday morning, Curt "Mr. Perfect" Hennig was found dead in his hotel room just hours before a wrestling match in florida. Curt, you're a great and will be in our thoughts and prayers always. *spits out gum and catches it* You will be missed brother!

02.05.03 - update

hey, just dropping by to let you know that there is a slight update on the o's official page. not much of one, just mentioning us and how damned cool were are *hulk hogan pose* yea, so that was nice of them. tank you. hopefully i'll be back with some real news soon. look for the new layout around march 3rd. ya heard?

01.29.03 - i'm alive

i'm still here, the reason i haven't posted anything in a while is cuz i ran out of things to give and show. but i'm still here.

i like our current layout, but that's me.

- Knick

01.22.03 - New Layout News

Hey, just wanted to come and let everyone know what bryan and i have been up to lately. it may seem like nothing, but in all actuality, we've been working on a brand new layout for the site. the skin and bones is all done with and right now we're working on the finishing touches and misc. ideas and neat sections we can add to it. bryan came up with the layout and right now fun is just being had with it. we'll keep you updated about what's goin on and when it'll go up.

hey nick, where are you?

01.17.03 - Email is the perferred form of communication of terrorists worldwide

Hey doods and doodettes, I got some news for y'all. Well not really but I have a new email address, whereas the three of us used to just have or seperate addresses for you to send us shit now we have one universal address. You can still email us personally however, with this new address we here the opocalypse will be able get to you mail faster an more efficientley (but still wont be able to spell). the new address is later i will fish through the other pages an change the old links.

01.13.03 - Site Updatin' Is better then not...Site Updatin'

I got 2 things for all y'all motherfucka's out there this evening. I know there hasnt been an update in a while, but alas I have been working diligently on this piece of work so as to not dissapoint (although it needs a lil clean up)! Now this is a work in progress as there are many UK dates I will need to hunt down. I know, while in England they did a tour with "The Crocketts" and played a few shows with the band FAT. I am searching fansites of each band hoping to find some info regarding these dates. But as you all know, I will keep you posted.

ALSO for those of you kids out there who like a variety of music, I have a very special link for you all. I originally heard of this man through the old .TV site. His name is Paul Barman an he is actually very similar to The O. This man can rhyme anything, which leads me to the conclusion the remaining members of The O should contact him and collaborate old school 80's rap showdown style. Maybe I should throw a lil site together for him...
- MC Paul Barman

Now I must go try and find more tour dates. I know Nepo an G read this, so im callin on you guys to help me out anyway you can! THANKS!

01.12.03 - Site Updatin'

i suppose there has been a little bit of fighting going on the site lately.... as funny as it was to me, i think it's about done with now. bryan's last update gave you an idea of what it was about, but in my section i wrote out a little thingy about it.. but enough with that..

bryan has been hard at work on a past tour dates section, which is shapping up very very nicely.. that should be up in the next couple days if all goes to plan. it won't be complete..seeing it's near impossible to find complete tour dates from back in the uk days. but it should have most all tour dates from the passed couple years. if you see any holes or missing dates, let him know...

unimportant news.... i'm still keeping up to speed with my weekly top ten if that interests anyone. with the lack of actual news to update on, we've been trying to think of some neat things to do to the site, so if you have any ideas, please contact me. well, that's about all for now... looking forward to any neat ideas from you kids. ta.

01.05.03 - I <3 BRYAN

**I think bryan looks like a sexy leprechaun pirate.**

12.21.02 - sticks

in the pictures section i've put up some fairly cool released date stickers and information stickers that were on the back of some promo releases.
notice the spelling of "nightmarica"

thank yous to MeMessiah for those, and several other scans in our disco section.

go to, G's put up a mini announcement, as well as eliminated Greg and RJ's name from the front page.

- Knick

12.21.02 - bleep bleep honk

Well hey, sorry for the lack of updates going on, but there hasn't been a whole lot to update about... but for now, here's something to keep you bored kids busy.. if you ever feel like it, go to some message boards of different bands you dig and post a link to a song on our site and say how mega fresh it is... maybe we can stir some shit up a little and get some new fans up in here.

on other non-important news. if you're in search of some new music, i'm posting my 10 favorite albums of the week in my section... just something i thought was fun to do.. i'll say what genre it is next to it just so you don't go nab something you think blows, but has a cool name.. bryan should have his section up sometime in the near future too... well, that's about all for now. adios.

12.15.02 - dinger dabber

Since we've been able to track down Anthony Chapman,
with the big help of our buddy Virtual Josh

we've got some new pictures of The O!

they are chillin' at some sort of party in the UK
maybe even a party for The O, noting the O poster in the background.

i'm not sure who all the chaps are,
but you'll recoganize faces.

you may remember Anthony Chapman for his work on The Fuzz singles.

- Knick

12.13.02 - Hard Rock Cafe (part 2)

remember how i said there may be more pics to come...
from the hard rock cafe show?
i just put up another. a big and clear one.

and also here's a mini concert review thing,
on the site i got the pics from.

- Knick

12.12.02 - Hard Rock Cafe

i've found a pic from The O's show with Janet Vodka (a group whom RJ Rabin also played drums for) at the Hard Rock Cafe on November 10, 2001.

you'll have to go to the pictures section to see that, i don't want to make this page take anymore loading time than it does already.

i've also put the link to the fan pictures section in there.

and that is that.

- Knick



if you can dance put your hands down my pants