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Saturday, March 8
7:51 PM


pam bows down before goddess spam who is more british than you

Wednesday, March 5
10:00 PM

AHH! I just had to post so that there was at least one thing said in the month of March!

pam bought some lingerie that is more british than you

Friday, December 6
8:21 PM

moo! moo! moo!

give me money so I can buy clothes then I'll go shopping with you.

pam is broke and is more british than you

Saturday, November 30
5:06 PM

heya chica!
happy PamnSpam'sSuperSpecialQuiteExclusionaryHolidayWitchIsNotReligiousExceptSortOfInADifferentWay!
Ugh, fermented oil. Fermented oil i tell you!
lets go shopping soon, none of my winter clothes fit. and all the ones that i wish didnt do.
spam and snuglles the laundry bear is more british than you

Friday, November 22
5:22 PM

oh ali ali ali!
lets go jump into a pool of mush

mush is much more british than you

Thursday, November 7
12:16 PM

*pokes spam with a fortune cookie*

my fortune is more british than you

Tuesday, October 29
7:09 PM

Happy Halloween. I'm telling you this now cos I'll forget to tell you on Thursday.

I can't come to your house, though. But I'll throw toothpaste at the stupid trick-or-treaters to get in the spirit of the holiday.

Pam is sick of seeing all the Harry Potters who aren't more british than you

Sunday, October 27
8:09 PM

New underwear?!?!?!?!?
oh.... you are so lucky.

ick. homecoming was so bad. everyone left for the afterparties when i got there!
& i couldnt go.

i need new PJs.
maybe i could get PJs that matched your underwear.
green sequin!

*peer pressure*

Spam is shopping for green sequin PJs and is still more british than you

12:01 PM

Pam has forgotten to blog! Pam still loves Spam!

Pam bought some new underwear that is more british than you

Sunday, October 20
2:47 PM

Spam misses Pam more british than you